Thanks for showing the pics of the M113's. I really love them only if I had one. I bet you are a happy owner.
Thanks you bet I am, but there are still quite a few out there!
Louis knows the exact number I believe 15 resin & metal and around 30 of
the wooden keep your eye peeled!! You know I will!
This is my virgin message on this or any site.K&C do a great job on there toy soldiers.Being a South east Asian company is this the reason they have not done the Vietnam series . So much good history here on both sides.I would like to see Australian and U.S soldiers in action together as the Two countrys have shared so much blood in battlefields overs the years.I have a older brother who only started to march on ANZAC day two years ago who is now proud of what he did way back then.Is there any other collectors out there who would like to see this series.Maybe if Andy at K&C can see how many there is out there he may want to run a special edition .I would love to see Long tan & kae san as limited editions.To you K&C love you work the best . Regards Tankman1.
Hi mate I was surprised to even get one comment let alone more than Ten.I could tell you a story about Simpson & his famous donkey but lets see ! He was a medical attendent on the Gallipoli battle fields in WW1 .He saved many wounded soldiers on both sides by carrying them out of harms way on a donkey.He was famous and every Aussie kid learns about him at school.I could tell you alot more about him but in the short he was seen doing amazing things under fire to get to the wounded.He gave his life there to save others.Go and look at any Anzac site for WW1 and you should not have any trouble finding all you want to no about this man.Thankyou for asking as He is a man who should not be forgotton .My name is Chris & I own a corgi dog.P.S S.A.S trained of course.
Here's a shot with Graffiti we can all understand!
Yes, she did for going to North Vietnam and some people in the USA hate her for that while some people like her (not necessarily for that). Suffice it to say, she's still considered a divisive figure.
That is all I want to be said about her here and I don't want this to be an occasion for political discussion. Anything like that, I will pull posts.