VN005-VN009 Vietnam US 25th Infantry Division! (1 Viewer)

The hunt was successful! I picked up VN001 at Sierra and again, studied it for an extended period of time. The detailing is exquisite (of special note is the helmet connected to his belt/backpack) and the pose is amazing. It is so well done that I could almost hear the jungle as I imagined what he might possibly be looking at. I know some have pointed out that FL is more expensive than most other companies, however, buy one of these, take it home, look at it and your sticker-shock will be instantly cleared up.

Sounds great, may we trouble you for some photos?:)
Sounds great, may we trouble you for some photos?:)


Sure thing I will take some pics of it tonight and post them tomorrow. It is about to be packed for its trip to my home in San Antonio, so before I wrap it up, I will take a few pics of it.

It truly is a favprite of mine.

Sure thing I will take some pics of it tonight and post them tomorrow. It is about to be packed for its trip to my home in San Antonio, so before I wrap it up, I will take a few pics of it.

It truly is a favprite of mine.

I followed your lead, and got VN-001, And Got VN-004 too( and they are both amazing!!, In the Detais, of the Helmet, Back/ And Fanny pack, Cigarretes, Uniform etc.), I can only say as far as favorites, All First legion Products, Are Amazing. So all of them are my favorites. And as soon as It becomes Available, I wIll get The RTO Piece, THe Guy that is holding the Shotgun, And The Blooper piece. I hope to see some NVA, oR Regular North Vietnamese Soon. I hope, I hope......
I followed your lead, and got VN-001, And Got VN-004 too( and they are both amazing!!, In the Detais, of the Helmet, Back/ And Fanny pack, Cigarretes, Uniform etc.), I can only say as far as favorites, All First legion Products, Are Amazing. So all of them are my favorites. And as soon as It becomes Available, I wIll get The RTO Piece, THe Guy that is holding the Shotgun, And The Blooper piece. I hope to see some NVA, oR Regular North Vietnamese Soon. I hope, I hope......

Glad you agree! I agree with you on the fact that when it comes to FL there really are no favorites, it is too tough of a call to make. Both the shotgun and blooper pieces are going to be at the top of my list. Check out the the thread listed "Delivery Day" for some amazing pics of the VN Series stuff.
Just got these fellas in the other day. Excellent figures! I'm really enjoying this line. I can't wait to see where it goes.
Just got these fellas in the other day. Excellent figures! I'm really enjoying this line. I can't wait to see where it goes.

That is a great looking shot , I reckon these figures are some the best FL has produced.
I also hope the wait is not to long before we get some additions.
This is late viewing of this section for Me. I must say being a Vietnam Veteran that these figures are very impressive. I want to thank FL for these figures that reflect that part of our history. I which other manufactures would follow suit as a tribute to these veterans. Thank You FL.{sm0}{sm0}{sm0}
Apologies if this was already asked, but has anyone heard any updates or information on the North Vietnamese Army pieces?
Not yet, after the Red Lancers. This is my most wanted to be made pieces. Hopefully Matt will have an announcement about it soon.
Not yet, after the Red Lancers. This is my most wanted to be made pieces. Hopefully Matt will have an announcement about it soon.


Thanks for the info. I saw them on FL's website under the workbench area and can't wait to see them in person. As I have said in this thread, every piece in the VN series is a must have and I am sure that the North Vietnamese Army will follow suit.

Thanks again.


Thanks for the info. I saw them on FL's website under the workbench area and can't wait to see them in person. As I have said in this thread, every piece in the VN series is a must have and I am sure that the North Vietnamese Army will follow suit.

Thanks again.


Can not wait for this to come out. I hope its soon.
I just have no desire to collect the VC. Don't get me wrong the figures look to be very well done its just that this particular conflict took its toll on my family. If my father or 2 of my uncles came over and saw those figures they might flip.
I just have no desire to collect the VC. Don't get me wrong the figures look to be very well done its just that this particular conflict took its toll on my family. If my father or 2 of my uncles came over and saw those figures they might flip.


I am with you. I have an uncle who served 2 tours in Vietnam with the second tour being cut short by a near fatal wound (if not for a quick dust off he would have certainly died). I do not like these figures for what they represent, I simply like them aesthetically. Most of all I like them because they will give my already purchased FL US forces something to shoot at!
How about one of these for the Vietnam range?
A river Sampan.
The picture shown is of a painted 1/35 scale Verlinden model.


  • Sampan.JPG
    57.6 KB · Views: 328
How about one of these for the Vietnam range?
A river Sampan.
The picture shown is of a painted 1/35 scale Verlinden model.


Something like this creates endless possibilities for dioramas. In short, I would love some "river" pieces.

PS: Verlinden makes some great stuff.
Would love to see the ubiquitous M113 APC in its many formats.
Maybe a few Village Hutches as well.

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