The 4th SS "Polizei" Panzergrenadier Division? I think they wore the regular army collar insignia. -- AlWhich one was the waffen ss division, the only one not wearing the SS runes on the collar?
The 4th SS "Polizei" Panzergrenadier Division? I think they wore the regular army collar insignia. -- Al
A question with many different answers, as it turns out. There were several SS units raised from foreign levies that weren't, by regulation, allowed to wear the SS runes. Not a simple question or answer. -- AlWhich one was the waffen ss division, the only one not wearing the SS runes on the collar?
I think you are correct Lancer...although I believe other, later Waffen SS Divisions such as the Muslim division and one or two others also used other collar symbols rather than the SS runes.
And which german ww2 division wore white insignia?![]()
That's another question that needs some tweaking. Which insignia? The Litzen on their collar? Divisional or other formation signs, eg, the greyhound badge of the 116 "Windhund"Panzer Division, or the Schwedteradler cap badge, etc? And you mean an insignia and not the Waffenfarbe of white (for infantry)?
OK . What are the names of the SS participating at the Wannsee Conference ? {eek3}
Realy ! A trivia on SS ?
I vote against
Lt. Gen. Heydrich?????????????
OK . What are the names of the SS participating at the Wannsee Conference ? {eek3}
Realy ! A trivia on SS ?
I vote against
Lt. Gen. Heydrich
Maj. Gen. Hofman
Maj. Gen. Muller
Col. Schongarth
Lt. Col. Eichmann
Maj. Lange
Dear Lancer, this was a rhetorical question, and dear poppo I don't care wich uniform they wore during the cessions, they were monsters .
My mistake; I will not comment anymore on topics concerning SS, this turns always my guts out and have always epidermic reaction .
That's another question that needs some tweaking. Which insignia? The Litzen on their collar? Divisional or other formation signs, eg, the greyhound badge of the 116 "Windhund"Panzer Division, or the Schwedteradler cap badge, etc? And you mean an insignia and not the Waffenfarbe of white (for infantry)?
Which one was the waffen ss division, the only one not wearing the SS runes on the collar?
Sorry but the question is wrong. None of the Foreign Volunteer Divisions where allowed to wear the SS runes on the collar by SS regulation.
Reasons why you might find pictures proving that to be wrong is that during the war it became a habbit , at least partly to simply adopt them - regulations or not. German SS Soldiers who where drafted into these Volunteer Divisions where allowed to keep wearing the collar patches of their old units.