Oh by the way can't wait to see the Armor that acompany's these trooper's. Where their is
Waffen SS their is also armor![]()
The MG team is the best of the group{bravo}}{bravo}}....The camo is very well done.... as far as I can tell it looks very realistic and battle worn
Being the assistant gunner in a LMG crew would be hard enough. Being the assistant gunner in a LMG crew and holding the business end of a MG-42 next to your skull would have been agonizing!{eek3}
My only complaint is the soldier with the grenade. The face looks a bit strange on that one, looks like he has a huge jaw. I hope Matt makes a change on that one before it goes into production.
Does anyone else agree with me on this point?
Hi Guys ,
Just thought I'd post the two sneek peak pictures of the upcoming Waffen SS figures from First Legion just incase anyone had not seem them yet and was wondering what we were talking about . Regards Gebhard
Hi Daruss ,
I see dorky looking people everyday on the street not everyone has a perfectly proportioned face :wink2: , I guess even the Waffen SS was not immune from this ^&grin . That being said I do think First Legions WWII figures sometime suffer from a bad face sculpt here and there , I'm hoping they are working on making this a thing of the past as it does detract from what are otherwise the best looking WWII figures I have ever seen .. I'm gonna start with these two guys when they release this line who IMO are without a doubt the best looking Waffen SS figures I have ever seen at any price that Camo is spot on just incredible for a factory Painter . Gebhard
Hi Daruss ,
I see dorky looking people everyday on the street not everyone has a perfectly proportioned face :wink2: , I guess even the Waffen SS was not immune from this ^&grin . That being said I do think First Legions WWII figures sometime suffer from a bad face sculpt here and there , I'm hoping they are working on making this a thing of the past as it does detract from what are otherwise the best looking WWII figures I have ever seen .. I'm gonna start with these two guys when they release this line who IMO are without a doubt the best looking Waffen SS figures I have ever seen at any price that Camo is spot on just incredible for a factory Painter . Gebhard
Hi Gebs,
no doubt these SS are some of the best Waffen units I have ever seen, I don't know if the high end Russian sculptors design SS units but they would be hard pressed to compete with the detail in the paintings of these First legion sets, with the U.S. Paras on board now and hopefully some more SS sets to come later on comes great choices for different diorama settings for both of these new ranges...Sammy
I'd be happy with an early war Demag to start-or a Sdkz 250-but that's just me.