War Park New Release in December -- The Old Guard Grenadiers (1 Viewer)

War Park

Feb 22, 2016
Hi,Dear Collectors!
This month War Park start a new series-- Napoleonic War and release six Old Guard Grenadiers.

War Park will keep providing models which are attractive and reasonable price!
If you want more infos,you can visit www.warpark.com.
If you want more infos,you can visit the facebook of War Park.
方阵 (2)_副本.jpg
方阵 (8)_副本.jpg

For all weapons and equipments, War Park use 3D modeling to make prototypes.
For all figures,War Park use clay to carve.
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Not sure on Napoleonic's, do people think they will fit with First Legion, most likely, do not look to fit with K & C. I would have preferred to see some Germans for Normandy or the 1940 campaign.
I had hoped for the tiger in Camouflage.
Napoleon's soldiers are certainly beautiful but not my collection area at all.


They look stunning and look they will fit in with FL. I’m glad to see they’ve branches out into other historical periods, and not simply rely on WWII.
The figures look great! It's great to see the expansion into other areas. The Templar preview and now Napoleonic's really caught my eye.

Great to see another company making Napoleonic era figures.

These parade figures look very nice, but I'd love to see more poses, like what have been made fro the WW2 range such as eating, relaxing but in campaign uniforms from the Napoleonic era.

Well done,

Wow, if that's not just a direct rip off our figures i'm not sure what is. You really should try to be original rather than copying someone else. Shameful.


First Legion Old Guard
Wow, if that's not just a direct rip off our figures i'm not sure what is. You really should try to be original rather than copying someone else. Shameful.


First Legion Old Guard

Dear First legion,

First of all,War Park express our sincerest apologies to you.

At the beginning of the prototype designing, we did not consider all aspects. We contacted the lawyer as soon as we received your message.
The lawyer's opinion is that although there are some differences in details, but there is a certain degree of similarity in the overall concept.
We did make a mistake at this point.

Now these six figures are off the shelf. All money will be returned to our customers in full. All related products will not be sold. At the same time, we promise that such accidents will not happen again.

As a brand which respects intellectual property rights, we did make a mistake, for which we made a official apology to First legion and all customers.

War Park
Perhaps War Park would do better doing Regiments not already done by First Legion or others. Such as One of the Belgium units, or as John suggests something different, like Engineers maybe.

I am disappointed in this outcome. Although I would prefer that War Park produced a different Napoleonic unit for personal reasons, I really don't see how people can get upset when War Park clearly made their own original sculpts. The subject isn't anything particularly unusual (one of the reasons why I hope they do something different and new), so it's no surprise that marching Old Guard grenadiers look similar to other marching Old Guard grenadiers.

All that said, I really respect War Park for taking the high road on this.
I don't sell FL or WP and have no intentions to do so but this is an interesting thread to say the least.

I don't look at FL threads that often but I could see the similarity in this thread. Only FL uses the rectangular bases for a start and even the style of photo looked similar. However posters here who should know better than me just said hey they will work well with FL or nice figures.

Good on Matt of FL for standing up for his product. Not the first time he has had to do so. Apart from one "Wow" no word of support for his side but praise for the apology by WP.

Clearly something happened during the several hours between Matts post and WP's apology. I guess that must have been the point where they realised them posting their sculpts was not enough to cover the fact the figures are so close to FL that they had a problem. Don't tell me they didnt give the FL figures or their images to their sculptors.

Well Matt I might not stock your brand but I am on your side in this aspect.

I write as somebody who has had a product, a military print image, copied several years ago.
I am disappointed in this outcome. Although I would prefer that War Park produced a different Napoleonic unit for personal reasons, I really don't see how people can get upset when War Park clearly made their own original sculpts. The subject isn't anything particularly unusual (one of the reasons why I hope they do something different and new), so it's no surprise that marching Old Guard grenadiers look similar to other marching Old Guard grenadiers.

All that said, I really respect War Park for taking the high road on this.

Sandor, I'm really a model collector (rather than toy soldiers). Viewed through that prism, just about any model in a particular scale could be viewed as a ripoff of some other manufacturer's wares. The development in question has me concerned, in so far as its apparently being asserted that no one else can NOW do marching Old Guard Grenadiers in a particular uniform. If I'm speaking up, its because I don't want the same standard applied to models. If Jenkins announces the release of a King Tiger model, will FL show up and insist that its a copy of its own replica in the same scale? That's a real question, as the parts would likely be VERY similiar, precisely because they are scale models. Speaking in terms of both figures and models, it occurs to me that ALL these items will become more similar as rendering techniques and manufacturing methods become more sophisticated. While I find it regrettable that a public dispute has arisen around the figures, I'm frankly more wary of the precedent that's being set.

Just placed an order for 8 of these and some WW2 Germans can't wait to get them.

Gutted these have been withdrawn they looked great. So much more affordable than the First Legion ones, although they do look similar. EBay the Officer is on for over a hundred pounds.
Sandor, I'm really a model collector (rather than toy soldiers). Viewed through that prism, just about any model in a particular scale could be viewed as a ripoff of some other manufacturer's wares. The development in question has me concerned, in so far as its apparently being asserted that no one else can NOW do marching Old Guard Grenadiers in a particular uniform. If I'm speaking up, its because I don't want the same standard applied to models. If Jenkins announces the release of a King Tiger model, will FL show up and insist that its a copy of its own replica in the same scale? That's a real question, as the parts would likely be VERY similiar, precisely because they are scale models. Speaking in terms of both figures and models, it occurs to me that ALL these items will become more similar as rendering techniques and manufacturing methods become more sophisticated. While I find it regrettable that a public dispute has arisen around the figures, I'm frankly more wary of the precedent that's being set.


Actually, you couldn't be more wrong. Any company can release old guard figures marching or otherwise. What you can't do is release them EXACTLY like another company who holds the intellectual property rights to those specific designs. The precedent that is concerning is that if we don't defend our intellectual property, which we have invested in heavily in terms of time and money, is that suddenly it will just be ok for another company to copy whatever they want from whoever they want. I'm sorry, but not only is it unethical, it's illegal. So I find regrettable your laissez-faire attitude to our property essentially being stolen. We aren't talking about a few similarities here, we're talking about figures that were resculpted exactly the same as our figures, right down to the relief detail on the flag, the sapper's pose and position of his left arm on his strap, etc. etc. etc. Perhaps you need to look at these a bit more closely rather than writing it off to "well, they're old guard and old guard are old guard and muskets are the same size at this scale, etc...."

And comments by people saying they are sad that these have been withdrawn I find eye raising as well. Yes, they're cheaper, unauthorized copies of superior original products usually are. It's sad that collectors buy such products to save a few $ as it just encourages such behavior.

Perhaps for you all, this is a hobby. But understand, that's it's certainly not to me -this is my livelihood. It pays my mortgage, my kids education, etc. so we take it extremely seriously. How would any of you feel if I just went into your job and took what you did and passed it off as my own? Please view it through that prism. I have no issue with companies that view our success and try to emulate us stylistically, something many companies including War Park do. But they have to do it without violating our intellectual property rights, which in this case they clearly have. So not defending our intellectual property is the dangerous precedent.​

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