Waterloo (2 Viewers)


Sergeant Major
Jun 27, 2005
French Guard Artillery battery in action. " THE EMPERORS BEAUTIFUL DAUGHTERS" 12 pound cannons and howitzers on the flank pound the ridgeline at Mont St. Jean as members of the Guard infantry wait.

Metal figures from Frontline, Britains and Niena. Plastics are Armies in Plastic and Historex.Most of the cannon are AIP.Buildings are Conte from the Warlord Village.



Wow! I'm always amazed at your dioramas. The quality and the scale.

Good job,

Old Guard Horse gunners and Line foot gunners adding to the din of shot and shell smothering the ridge.watgdhs.jpg

Horse gunners are Italeri as well as the 6 ponders and Howitzer with 5 Frontline gunners in the mix.

Line Foot are AIP and Frontline.Cannons , Britians and Frontline.


1St Corps attacks next.

I like all of these huge Battles, I just wish I knew more about them. Nice Work. Alex
Hopefuly the battle of Waterloo will continue with various scenes provided by both you and Tim. It'd be nice to see how you both counter act with each other with various battle scenes from both ends. Very well done as usual Fubar and hope your truck has been mended.........The Lt.
Great pics Fubar, I know nothing about the Nap War, but I love large colorful army setups. I could never resist a good calvary charge either. I don't know who is fighting who, so blast them cannons and charge them horses, we'll figure out who won later. Awesome setups. Mike:)
Fubar as always GREAT STUFF!!!:cool:
Can,t wait to see more of your waterloo dioramas as we near the aniversary of the battle, Keep them coming!!!



1st corps 2.jpg

Wellington "They are coming on in the same old style"
Picton" Then we shall meet them, in the same old style."

1st Corps attacks. La Hay Sainte has been surrounded , Bourgeois Division has driven in the Allied skrimishers and crosses the hedges and sunken lane.
Soon to be confronted by 32nd line and 79th Cameron Highlanders.
2 more Divisions should be on the right, Donzelots and Marcognet.

Marcognets Division will confront the 42nd Blackwatch and 92 nd Gordon Highlanders .After a brief but bloody firefight in which the Highlanders unfortunately get the worst of it , the French are dealt a terrible blow by some terrifying men on gray horses.
We'll do that next.

Fubaaaaar you make my dreams come true.
Thanks again for such great Napoleonic dioramas. Keep 'em coming!




Further to the right facing the allies. French Attack along the sunken lane .Surprised by 3,000 muskets firing at a range of 40-60 yards, the French are recoiled. The British charge and clear the lane but go no further. The French reform and press the Scots very hard and a brief but terrible firefight at close range insues. Both sides are disordered but the French have the advantage of superior numbers.
I wonder what happes next?

Fubar those soldiers are incredible, did you paint all them? Are those plastics and metals combined, those are really great setups. Just keep posting, these pics are great. Mike:)
Mostly metal factory painted troops.Britains, KC,Frontline, Niena. A few metal kits I did and lots of assorted plastics too.

The French gain the crest of the ridge and are assailed by the Union Brigade.The French are disordered after their fierce uphill battle manage to fire some scattered volley's into the Dragoons before impact. The Dragoons have started their charge from the reverse side of the ridge - uphill and will sweep the French from the crest, down the hill , across the hedge .The French infantry are for the most part broken.The fleeing French infantry before them is too great a temptation for the Dragoons and they ride in amongst them merrily hacking and stabbing with their long straight swords.This Division of French is "Walked over" by the Greys and it is here where Sgt Ewart captures the 45th Line eagle.

The British Haevy cav will loose all restraint, all control lost and continue across the field and into the French Grand Battery where disaster waits.

More pix later.


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one old image and 3 new ones. The out of control charge continues into the guns next.
Does anyone else hear the war of 1812 overture playing in the background? Fubar it is brilliant!!:eek:
The Grays continue their pursuit of the Broken french infantry 600 meters and right on into the Grand Battery.Most of the gunners run away { and don't return} and some of the Cavalry manage to sabre the outriders of the limber teams" mere boys" and laim the horses, cutting the traces and doing anything possible to disrupt the artillery equipment. No attempt was made to spike any of the cannon. Perhaps there was simply no time, no one thought of it or had anything to drive into the vent.
Their wild charge has carried them right into the heart of the French position.Their ranks completely disordered , their horses blown , they are easy prey for a counterattack.Which is coming.watsg7.jpg


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