Waterloo (2 Viewers)

Hi Fubar,

Simply stated, your stuff is amazing!

Warmest personal regards,

All I hear is snorting naying and thundering hoofbeets. Just when you think it can't get any better, it does. Great stuff Fubar. Mike:)
Wow thats some display it makes me really jealous! How many figures do you have in the display? Where do you set it up?

Amazing simply amazing!

Yes thundering hooves indeed. A quick count this morning and there are 180 Cav, metals and Plastics with another 40 in reserve on the shelves.
Maybe I'll get the British back on the table today .Squares of course. Have to put the Cav away, redo the terrain a bit.
Was hoping to have done all that, have the Prussians tangled up in Planceoit and the Imperial Guard all imaged by now but as usual I bit off more than I could chew.
Thanks for the kind remarks guys.
Happy Waterloo day!

Harold Scottttttttttt
Harold your doing more than quite well with what you've chewed off please continue with your story lines..........The Lt.
Thanks for that Link Panda, I had not seen that before and I am always looking for rules as well as images of massed Napoleonics and those were good ones.
28MM is the way to go for massed horse and musket.
I have a Divisions worth of French Infantry{ 36 fig Battalions x 16, a 1/20 figure ratio to real troops.} collected and 2 x 8 gun arty battery's collected.Now , just need to paint them. I think that will be a while!
Thanks again

Where minutes before the field was amassed with men and horses as the French 1st corps attack, the charge of the British Heavy cavalry , the field now was by comparison empty except for the casualties.
The Artillery battle continues and the Allied line recieves" A hard pounding".
Wellington orders the army to retire 100 paces to the rear, over the reverse slope.
Marshall Ney believes the British are in retreat and orders the Cavalry forward, expecting the Emperor to commit the Imperial Guard and deliver the killing blow to Wellingtons army.This had been discussed by the 2 earlier, but the Emporer was not ready, or even watching . He was still watching the dark columns moving in the East.Prussians?Marshall Grouchy with 30,000 men?
The Young Guard was dispatched to hold the flank at Plancoit.

The French cavalry expecting to pounce upon a broken line of fugitives instead is confronted by Infantry Massed in Square, the universal defense against cavalry.




As the tide of horsemen pour over the crest , many in the Allied squares hearts sank, in particular the young recruits from the Brunswickers and Belgians. Many thought they had not the slightest chance.Only hard discipline from their NCO's and Officers kept them formed.Running was certain death.
The Cavalry veered to the left and right of the squares.Looked for openings to exploit which none were found. The order in the squares had been to shoot at the horses.An unhorsed cavalryman was as good as a dead one.
The Cavalrys Pistol and carbine shots at close range had some little effect but overall the Allies squares suffered more from Artillery and Skrimishers.
After each impotent attack, the Cavalry would retire to reform and when they did the French Horse artillery { at a range of 300 yards} would fire shot and canister into the packed ranks of the squares while skrimishers fired long range at targets they could hardly miss.








The Infuriated French Cavalry charge as many as 12 times. The Allies prefer the cavalry charges since when the French were milling about between the squares the horrendous cannon fire stopped.Huge gaps were simply blown out of the ranks but the British simply closed ranks. The inside of the squares was packed with wounded and the dead were pushed outside.

So many horses had been shot down they impeded the advance of French Squadrons.Many of the final attacks were delivered at a walk because of the condtion of the ground heaped with carnage and exhausted animals .
The Guard Cavalry had been commited, The Brigade of Carabiners had been in reserve with a Horse Battery and a furious Ney ordred them into the madness.
All for naught.What little infantry Ney could assemble went in too late, after the Cavalry had been spent and was easily repulsed.
Most of the French Cavalry was out of action from casulaties or sheer exhaustion.The Allied line Hung by a thread.square14.jpg




Awsome stuff harold!!!!!!:cool:
Are you going to do the prussains also???:cool:
Just when you thought it could not have gotten any better, it did. Harold those are incredible scenes. I'm so glad you pulled these back out for us to see. Battle On, Mike:)
Awsome stuff harold!!!!!!:cool:
Are you going to do the prussains also???:cool:

Yes, Tim, As soon as you fly out to the west coast bringing your troops for a play day. I'll get roundtoit. Have to put away all the British and Cavalry 1st.I might go dig out my Conte Church tower to use for the one at Plancenoit and add some village parts.Would be more fun with some treefroggers here !

I have a few AIP plastic Prussians on the workbench, maybe I'll get a few of those done beofre the big street brawl.No Landwher either.HMMMM?
I imagine Prussian Militia is about last on plastic makers list but sure would be cool!

Yes, Tim, As soon as you fly out to the west coast bringing your troops for a play day. I'll get roundtoit. Have to put away all the British and Cavalry 1st.I might go dig out my Conte Church tower to use for the one at Plancenoit and add some village parts.Would be more fun with some treefroggers here !

I have a few AIP plastic Prussians on the workbench, maybe I'll get a few of those done beofre the big street brawl.No Landwher either.HMMMM?
I imagine Prussian Militia is about last on plastic makers list but sure would be cool!


Harold I wish you lived closer because I think I would take you up on that offer!:cool: That sounds like it would be a great time.
I don,t have enough prussains for a Fubar sized assault but I,ve got enough to beef up your troops pretty good. I,ve got about 7 sets of britains all the frontline sets with a couple of double sets a few sets of mulbury miniatures including his artillary set and also the frontline artillary set and a few painted castings. I also have a bunch of A.I.P. plastics to paint up at some point in the future.

If we could combine our forces we could make a massive prussain diorama because if I know you I,m sure you have a whole pile of prussains kicking around.:p

Like the russains, no one makes any prussian cavalry.:confused::mad:
That I would like to see. The two of you in Nap heaven setting up a whole Napoleonic display, heck I would gladly build the giant table, and help with some of the foam scenics. Mike:)
Harold looks like you've got a battle on your hands as K. V. Frnchmen join in the battle. Beware his former rival the Fish may also come to his aide. Great photos along with the story line and thanks for posting and sharing it....The Lt.

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