Waterloo (2 Viewers)

Fubar its June 18, hint hint

Ragnar, Yes, I know, I'm a day late and a dollar short. Busy with other Summer fun around the farm and my own house.
Took some pix last nite of my Blackcat Prussians VS Blackcat Frenchmen.
Need to paint LOTS more Prussians.I've been painting some in the evenings, a viking here, a Zulu there, A prussian, A Russian, whatever.

Weathers too nice to play with toys in the daytime.I'll paint and set up a few more guys tonite.Until then, Bring on the Prussians!




Great display and painting Fubar. I enjoy your Waterloo pictures. See you in Chicago if you are going. John
Outstanding! I love your dios. I am a Nap collector myself, but have nothing like that.
Always great to see more Napoleonics! Well done, looking brilliant.


Fubar nice work as always
good to se you playing with your Blackcat figs
that sounds a bit like me i do a little painting each night
i might have a Napoleonic fig plus any Vikings/Norman/RevWar/Alamo/CivilWar ect' figures on the go but now i will have to cut back on a few and just focus on 54mm Napps and 25mm Dark Ages.
Have done a few Plastic Russians will take some pics :cool:
I should be finishing off the dozen or so sculpts and conversions I have on the workbench.Instead, After the suns gone down and all the nightlife is out{ Barnowls, coyotes, Racoons, Skunks} I've been finishing off 1/2 painted figs.
Added some More French Last nite, another 6. Now , I have rows of Prussians to finish. A few each evening till I cant stand it, then I'll do something else like work on the sculpts.
Heatwave coming, I can fort up in the cave { which stays very cool in 100 degree weather} and work on troops.Emerge at night like my nocturnal friends.

Here a pic of one of my Shelves with French Lancers running over broken infantry at Waterloo. All Frontline and Britians figs. Britians Guards Standing in for Hanoverians.waterloo2008 1.jpg

Very cool arrangements and photos. It would be nice to see the smaller one a bit larger though if possible.
Nice set-up Harold!!!:cool: I got the new batch of prussians you sent me assembled and primed, now to try and get some paint on them. I,m looking forward to getting them painted up and build up my own prussian army and throw together a diorama with them myself but I haven,t had much free time these days and spend the little I do have working in the yard.
I still haven,t finnished painting the half painted french grenadiers I,ve got sitting around but I think those will go on the back burner, I want to get the prussians painted first.
I,ve also got a bunch of conversions of your plastic russians primed and ready for paint also! Now to just find some free time.:rolleyes:
Fish, I know about the time constraints. I have all the time in the world now being retired, but guess what, no time! I hope you like the Prussians and cant wait to see what you did with them, and the conversions.
John, Oh John??? When are you coming to Orygun again? I guess I'll have to meet you in Chicago.I'll probably go, just to wander.
Spent most of the weekend spincasting and working around the farm.Painted very little, but I like this one.



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Harold: I don't think I can make it out there for now. I would like to make it but I hope to see you in Chicago if you go. Mike is going to Calif. to see my niece in July. I know what you mean on no time to do figures. We are decorating a bedroom, sure is time consuming. Talk later. John
John, Chicago will work.You'll have to take me back to that diner with the Italian sausages.I guess the time is there , but the steam isnt always.Just too many irons in the miniature fire and sometimes I just spin wheels.
Redecorated house last year.Oh Joy.
Someone post a waterloo pic please!


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Just a little pic of some (Airfix) Old Guard






These should have been posted in this thread.As close to a Waterloo diorama as I've done in quite a while.


so big...

so epic...

so cool...

your conversions put your work at a different level...the variety of poses makes it so realistic...:cool:

The apprentice doffs his gray kepi to the master. Utterly Incredible!:eek:

Very fine stuff Harold. I do wish you would post larger photographs so we can appreciate better the excellent detail on your impressive customized figures.

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