Waterloo (1 Viewer)





Massed Cuirassier's to the front,flanked by Line Lancers on the left.
Routed and destroyed as an effective unit along with the rest of the British Heavy cavalry.

troops are K/C, Frontline, Niena, a couple Del Prado and converted Plastics.

I don't know who is who or what army is what, but Fub, this is one great calvary charge. Thank you for taken these hidden treasures out for us to see. Cool pics, Mike:):):)

No one does Napoleonic scenes better than you. It's always very enjoyable looking at your dioramas. Again, what scale!


There isn't much that I can add to the above comments apart from that I download and save all your pictures for future inspiration:) They remind me of the days when I used to have large 25mm armies and the space to display them. Apart from the obvious interest in Napoleonics, this thread of yours just goes to show what can be achieved with a mixture of various painted plastics and metal products. Please continue with the great work.


Thanks everyone, I don't know why Waterloo holds such a fascination with me but it does.
British and Kings German Legion Cavalry, Hussars and Light Dragoons gallop forward in an attempt to save the survivors of the wrecked Heavy cavalry Brigadeswatbrtltcav.jpg

The French Lancers had their pound of flesh and evaded, but the Cuirassiers did not balk.Not an even match but the Lights did their best to cover the retreat of the Heavies.



Troops are mostly plastics,Timpo,Hat, Reamsa, AIP and Helmet, some conversions,in particular the { hardly visable} Dutch Artillery crew and the Timpo British Light dragoons with hands and sabres replaced{ came with ringhands for lances! No British Lancers in the Napoleonic wars Timpo}Shabraque replaced on the Hat Industries horses . the lead Hussars and Lt. Dragoons are Frontline.

I don't know much about this stuff, but it is cool to look at...Very nice..


You have set the WORLD Standard on Waterloo Dioramas - these displays should be in Belgium right now ! Wonderful stuff - great work.

Simply incredible Harold, your dioramas always inspire me. Are you going for the whole battle This time???:cool: Can we look forward to seeing some british and allied squares and some Prussains coming up in the rear soon???

How about a huge borodino diorama after you get Waterloo out of your system.
I,m slowly building up my russain army but still don,t have any cavalry. I,m hopeing that some one will make some nice russain cavalry figures soon. I,m hopeing that some one might be you???:D???
Wow! is all I can say about those buildings.

Harold: outstanding but watch out for those fur-reign invaders ;)
Hi Tim,

Thanks for the link. The model buildings are absolutely incredible! The modeler possesses an amazing amount of skill and talent. Awesome!

Warmest personal regards,

If that Hougomont was in 1/32nd scale, you'd need to live in an airplane hanger to set it up.

Scott, love those Timpo highlanders you've got mixed in, those are BY FAR the best plastic Napoleonics ever created.

You and Tim are the Napoleonic Kings, the Lt is the Zulu War King, Kevin is the WWII King and Carlos, you are the King of the forum for starting that little diddy of a thread, "bored tonight........................." we owe all of this incredible stuff to you my man................
If that Hougomont was in 1/32nd scale, you'd need to live in an airplane hanger to set it up.

George would I need to live in an airport hanger because the size of the piece being so big or becuase of the fact of my old lady throwing me out for bringing home such a large monster? :p
If it was a bit bigger it could be my new dog house when she threw me out for bringing it home!:p
That is one piece you could not "slip" by her and squirrel it away before she noticed it..............not a chance............
That is a fantastic Hougomont! Lots of patience and research went into that.
Agreed, in 1/32 it's too big for just about anyone.Building a museum at the farm has been given the heave ho at least for now.Plenty of room, lots of material but everyone thinks I'm crazy.Yeah, we all knew that so whats yer point?
I am slowly collecting 25mm figs since virtually every troops type is available and theres a wargame scenics company called Hovels that has the complete hougomont and La Hay Sainte in hard resin. Very expensive but maybe someday.

I'll plug away at more battle pix later.Hope to have some more this weekend.
Thanks for all the kind comments.Oh , yes Tim, I'll do some 1812 pix later in the Summer as well as some 1814 fall of France. I find that period very interesting.

theres a wargame scenics company called Hovels that has the complete hougomont and La Hay Sainte in hard resin. Very expensive but maybe someday.



Hovels! are they still going? I used to have a load of their stuff when I was wargaming about 25 years ago. They are expensive but you can't wear them out.

Are you going to do the big one for Monday (18th)?

Jeff, That WAS the plan but I think it's falling through.Sunday was the day but I have been summoned elsewhere.I'll just have to do what I can for now on my little table.


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