We Snooze we Loose? (1 Viewer)


Sergeant Major
Apr 28, 2005
:) Hello Andy! I guess that HB and NMA will be making the WESPE, MARDER II/III, KETTENKRAD, 2-MAN MOTORCYCLE, for the DAK, SS, and WINTER? And GERMAN Fallschrimjager? Also, proposing in the very near Future Italian and DAK, and British Infantry for their N. Africa Release's?
I'll give you this John, your persistant!
johngambale said:
:) Hello Andy! I guess that HB and NMA will be making the WESPE, MARDER II/III, KETTENKRAD, 2-MAN MOTORCYCLE, for the DAK, SS, and WINTER? And GERMAN Fallschrimjager? Also, proposing in the very near Future Italian and DAK, and British Infantry for their N. Africa Release's?

Hi Guys,

I guess our old pal John Gambale is right! HB and NMA will be definitely making the Wespe…the Marder…the 2 man motorcycle for the DAK, SS and Winter…plus The Fallschirmjager also future Italian, DAK and more British Infantry for North Africa. Plus anything else that flashes into John’s mind.

I’m really sorry guys but I just can’t seem to get out of my bed these days and / or get round to thinking about or designing more toy soldiers.

I think I’ll just lie on my ribs…get another 6 pack out of the fridge…watch some TV…scratch my bum…pick my nose and let HB and NMA take over my business. Yup! That’s just what I’ll do…Best wishes and look out for all those great new releases from John’s wish list… Adios for now, Andy C.
King & Country said:
Hi Guys,

I guess our old pal John Gambale is right! HB and NMA will be definitely making the Wespe…the Marder…the 2 man motorcycle for the DAK, SS and Winter…plus The Fallschirmjager also future Italian, DAK and more British Infantry for North Africa. Plus anything else that flashes into John’s mind.

I’m really sorry guys but I just can’t seem to get out of my bed these days and / or get round to thinking about or designing more toy soldiers.

I think I’ll just lie on my ribs…get another 6 pack out of the fridge…watch some TV…scratch my bum…pick my nose and let HB and NMA take over my business. Yup! That’s just what I’ll do…Best wishes and look out for all those great new releases from John’s wish list… Adios for now, Andy C.

Thanks, Andy. My poor credit card could use a well earned break from all the purchasinf of recent K&C releases, not complaining mind you, just thinking out loud.:D

Your loyal subject;
Andy's post didn't include any emoticons, I was just wondering if he was being sarcastic to johngamble at any time there :)
King & Country said:
I’m really sorry guys but I just can’t seem to get out of my bed these days and / or get round to thinking about or designing more toy soldiers. I think I’ll just lie on my ribs…get another 6 pack out of the fridge…watch some TV…scratch my bum…pick my nose and let HB and NMA take over my business. Yup! That’s just what I’ll do…Best wishes and look out for all those great new releases from John’s wish list… Adios for now, Andy C.

So like ah..what's new with that, you always have been rather lazy, even for a Brit Jar Head.:eek: :D :D

If the current production of K&C is because you like to have a couple of refreshments whilst you preform personal hygene and get some rest while reposing, I can't wait to see what you will make when your going full steam ahead.
Don't worry about it Andy,you can't please all the people all the time.Come to think of it, i was a postman for many years and they can't please anyone most of the time!!!

Boy, you have that one right Rob...LOL

There's a lot of animosity out there toward King and Country for wrongs committed to a few collectors. Again, I wonder if this Forum is a valid sample of opinions representing the entire collector market including the Internet collectors. Who knows?

I guess it’s lonely at the top with all of those crabs reaching up to pull you back down the bottom.

Gees, Andy has been far more successful than his peers in quality, profit, product offering, meeting market commitments, etc. and yet he’s by far the most criticized and sometimes justifibly (e.g. tank treads). He participates on all of the Forums, more than all other manufacturers combined!

I’m surprised it took this long for Andy to blow-up. He’s calmer than me. Well you guys have found were his limit is, I wonder if this is a recreational sport for some of you (not all of you of course). Okay, okay, it’s not time to say its “poor-little-Andy-time”. I’m not saying don’t criticize KC but try to be a little more balanced with your constructive criticism, it actually may be more effective.

Besides, if his competitors are more in touch with the collector market, have the production capacity and well financed to out flank KC then they deserve your business more than KC. Money talks, words don’t.

However, has anyone notice that 1/30 prices have increased substantially in recent weeks and KC wasn’t the one who started that trend? I can’t believe I was compelled to speak in defense of KC.

I think Carlos is right here.I also think that the majority of people are really happy with k&c.I still say they are far and away the best on the market and i for one would be deeply sad if Andy packed it all in.I also don't understand why some people moan SO MUCH about k&C and CONTINUE TO BUY IT!.

If you don't like it don't buy it!

We from the dutch K&C club second this .
the HB and NMA are no K&C
you buy what you want and we like the K&C !!!!!!

so andy make your models and we are happy .

grettings richard ,
King & Country said:
Hi Guys,

I guess our old pal John Gambale is right! HB and NMA will be definitely making the Wespe…the Marder…the 2 man motorcycle for the DAK, SS and Winter…plus The Fallschirmjager also future Italian, DAK and more British Infantry for North Africa. Plus anything else that flashes into John’s mind.

I’m really sorry guys but I just can’t seem to get out of my bed these days and / or get round to thinking about or designing more toy soldiers.

I think I’ll just lie on my ribs…get another 6 pack out of the fridge…watch some TV…scratch my bum…pick my nose and let HB and NMA take over my business. Yup! That’s just what I’ll do…Best wishes and look out for all those great new releases from John’s wish list… Adios for now, Andy C.

I believe our Andy is just preparing a new superb range: German generals, lying on their ribs in the sun under the Eiffeltower in Paris, drinking a 6 pack
Löwenbrau, scratching the bumb of a Parisienne and debating under each other: "war could be cruel for us, the real soldiers" I see already this diorama!
I don't know about you all but this site probably wouldn't exist and most of us (myself included) wouldn't be on here if it weren't for Andy. Yes, I'm sure there are little things that we could all pick on but the things he's made, making and will make are so outstanding that all these nit picks that they're not 100% historically just seem to fade in the background. I know I'm probably seen as his spokesperson or quick to defend him against all comers and I'm glad to do so. We just don't know what a good thing we've got going here.

So instead of criticizing what we don't have, let's appreciate what we do. How can you criticize somebody who has produced sets the quality of the Eighth Army. I just got those -- all seven sets -- and they're so fantastic. If you can't appreciate those or complain that you don't have "x" or "y", well, what more is there to say.
When I stumbled onto these forums, I thought it was great to know that there was an active adult community still playing with toy soldiers. But I was quick to find out that this was not an all for one neighborhood. The collector / mercenary who see their soldiers only as a get rich scheme. The collector / stockpiler who must have 1 of everything. The nostalgic collector whose childhood memories fuel their choices for purchase. The never satisfied collector whose wish list is always unfulfilled. The beginner collector whose too young for nostalgia,but totally intimidated by the other 3. The point is how could any mfg. ever totally satisfy the gaggle of geese that we ,as a forum ,must sound like on a daily basis. I ,for one do not need Andy's talks as a daily fix for my toy soldier urges. I do not expect any owner to be as involved in any forum. I would prefer that he continues to do his best work without the added interference from us. Let the marketplace decide the success or failure of his choices and not allow himself to be distracted by the usual characters that frequent most forums....Andy ,do your thing ( I do not care how, why or when ). My wallet will say to you loudlly if you chose right...Michael
iam only new to collecting k an c ,i buy it cause i like it and if andy releases new ones that i like i will buy them, if at the present time what i would like to see is not yet available ill just wait and eventually he will most proberly make it. why complain and whine when you dont get something you want there"s a lot more things in life to worry about then "why wont king and country make what i want" i say good luck andy you are doing a great job dont worry about the people that are never satisfied,they never will be.
maddadicus said:
When I stumbled onto these forums, I thought it was great to know that there was an active adult community still playing with toy soldiers. But I was quick to find out that this was not an all for one neighborhood. The collector / mercenary who see their soldiers only as a get rich scheme. The collector / stockpiler who must have 1 of everything. The nostalgic collector whose childhood memories fuel their choices for purchase. The never satisfied collector whose wish list is always unfulfilled. The beginner collector whose too young for nostalgia,but totally intimidated by the other 3. The point is how could any mfg. ever totally satisfy the gaggle of geese that we ,as a forum ,must sound like on a daily basis. I ,for one do not need Andy's talks as a daily fix for my toy soldier urges. I do not expect any owner to be as involved in any forum. I would prefer that he continues to do his best work without the added interference from us. Let the marketplace decide the success or failure of his choices and not allow himself to be distracted by the usual characters that frequent most forums....Andy ,do your thing ( I do not care how, why or when ). My wallet will say to you loudlly if you chose right...Michael

I don't mean to speak a foreign language, but I will speak Minneeesootan... You Betcha!:)
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I'll be the next to buy a ticket for this bus.
I read once where the Vatican would come to the Cistene Chapel and hound Leonardo Di Vinci about the work he was doing and not doing.
Andy, you know what they say: "Opinions are like Aholes, everyone got one".
With every, and I mean every new edition I am Flabbergasted! Keep up the great work,
Ray :p
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OzDigger said:
Andy's post didn't include any emoticons, I was just wondering if he was being sarcastic to johngamble at any time there :)

Thats because as yet their is no icon that represents 'the glasgow kiss'';)
Man, with all the great stuff out there from K&C and its new competitors, you would think we would have more to discuss on this forum than who we are mad at for not producing what we want fast enough. I for one would much rather discuss the quality and selection of what there is available to collect than grouse about what else I want. So to K&C, Honour Bound and all the other manufacturers, keep it coming, and we'll all comment in the way that you are most assuredly going to listen: with our wallets.

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