West Coaster Figarti Event (1 Viewer)

Me wants!! That's an awesome figure. Finally someone has the sense in this industry to make a 1:30 scale dog. If someone is willing to sell theres I'll buy it for $50. The only way that figure could be improved is if the "SS" collar patches were not blacked out.

There is a slight dimple on the right collar so it appears blacked out. The left side does have the ss insignia.
Let me post a second request, any news on upcoming Figarti releases?
Indeed, I thought this was a preview event. :) Otherwise, what did you guys talk about all lunch?
Indeed, I thought this was a preview event. :) Otherwise, what did you guys talk about all lunch?

The luncheon was very good, as for previews he did say a couple of things I do remember, He said the V-2 command vehicle is already in production and there were prototype for trailers vehicles and another. He also said there primary proto painter was going to compete in the world competion in Spain with Figarti products, a couple of years back she had won a Bronze medal for her work(2005). There was also added to the team 2 new sculptures, a bit older with more experience and he thought by Chicago there would be a vast improvement in proportion and quality. He mentioned the "Stryker"(Spelling?) for the Iraq line (1/32). As for future trends Figarti believes there lines need to "Tell a story" so the existing and new lines will be expanded.
Gees Ray,

Maybe something is wrong with my PC or something. I can't see you pictures. Here are some more pictures. Man, this gift figure seems to be very popular. As I said yesterday on a another thread, someone paid $149 for the figure. I wish I knew how to come by another set. Maybe ask Rick Wang directly.






Man, their sculpting is really coming on. Looks like a nice gift. Is this connected with a future release?
I'm a real artillery lover and Figarti hasn't disappointed me with their new Long Tom. What a beauty! I believe this and the German Pz. IV are already sold out to the dealers.

Yes, that means you better pre-order them quickly because there are only 100 of each. I've order two of each. After all you know what they say, "early bird gets the worm". Sorry about the blurriness of the photo. I need a tripod.






Here are some pictures of the Panzer IV taken at the West Coaster. Again, get them while they're available through your favorite Figarti Dealer.

I've ordered two and one I'll be repainting (Mark Vuncannon) in some kind of camo version yet to be determined.

I have no idea if Figarti will be doing it in camo so I can't wait.


IV 1B.jpg

IV 2B.jpg

IV 3B.jpg

IV 4B.jpg

IV 5B.jpg
Thanks Ray! Any chance I can persuade you to part with your doggy figure? :)

I think this ones definately a keeper! but I'm willing to bet this will come out in a different(gestapo?) version in the future, simply too good a sculpt.

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