West Coaster Show - Figarti (PTA Series-USMC) (1 Viewer)


1st Lieutenant
Nov 18, 2005
I got these pictures from Figarti to post. I'll post actual pictures of the Tarawa dio I took at the show later. However, Joe posted some good ones already on the Forum.



USMC In Action B.jpg

USMC In Action A.jpg

USMC - M4A2 Sherman.jpg

USMC - 75mm HMC.jpg
USMC experts can you use Tarawa figures and vehicles for Iwo Jima?
All I can say is WOW!!!!!:cool::cool::cool::cool: I have to say that Marines in Action Set B with the "Bloody Tarawa" base could easily be the best posed figures Figarti ever made. Top marks!
These Figarti figures are improving dramatically......PTA-005....VERY VERY GOOD.....Nice job Rick......Marines in Action ....Very realistic poses
Very nice indeed! Very smart to be getting more involved in the pacific theatre with the release of "The Pacific" mini-series.
USMC experts can you use Tarawa figures and vehicles for Iwo Jima?

figs should be OK...same weapons & uniforms. Sherman is OK too, although later war Shermans have a lot of improvisation to them...wooden sides, repainting, etc. The LVT-1 wasn't well liked after Tarawa, but I don't know if they trashed them completely. However, at quick glance a LVT-1 looks like an LVT-3, which was used at Okinawa.
Here are some pictures of the Tarawa diorama made by Build-A-Rama.





Awesome pics Carlos; thanks for sharing 'em! You really have a way with that camera of yours; you really captured "the spirit" of that incredible dio. I'm already looking forward to next year! Same time, sample place! Let the fund raising begin :p. My wife and I really enjoyed meeting you. Joe

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