What are the Forum members reading (7 Viewers)

I'm finishing "Hastings" by Bradbury , very interesting,the part of the battle is not too great (the sources are really few) but there is a huge introduction to the carachters and the story before the events,and "Messenger of Death" about Nolan by Buttery , not many news about his deeds in Crimea but many informations on his life in Italy and in Austria , and his mission to buy horses in Syria.
Just picked up "The Last Stand of Fox Company"...looking forward to that. A lot of material on Korea seems to be coming out.
I'm about to start "With Wings Like Eagles" by Michael Korda.....just have to

clean my glasses!:D
I'm finishing up Francis Parkman's "Wolfe and Montcalm." A very good book about the French-Indian war even if a very pro-British account.

Starting "Go Down Together: The True, Untold Story of Bonnie and Clyde"
by Jeff Guinn. Anyone remember the Bonnie and Clyde car they used to transport around the country selling tickets? This year is the 75th anniversary of their deaths.
I'm up to December 7th, in "Rise and Fall of the Third Reich", and started "Flying Forts" over the weekend, Boeing Model 299 has just been rolled out, and crashed during trials, but it was found to be pilot error.

I like Caidin's books, for the personal stories he captures as part of the larger stories.
I'm rereading "Cold Mountain" for the 4th or 5th time.

Have not picked it up in years, but it's just as good as last time.

I highly recommend it, better than the movie if you can believe that.

Just finished Meachem's book American Lion- Andrew Jackson in the White House.

Starting a new book. Bob Drury and Tom Clavin's Last Stand of Fox Company. Marines at the Chosin Reservoir, November 1950.
Began "The Seige of Krishnapur" by J.G. Farrell last night. But only got a few pages read so far.


Fictional account, loosely based on The Seige of Lucknow, during the Sepoy Mutiny, I thought it had been out of print for the past 30-odd years. I stumbled over it one night I was browsing though Amazon.co.uk and instantly added it to my latest order from them.


Also available from Barnes & Noble.


Highly recommended for anyone interested in The Mutiny.

Read a lot of John Ringo Military sci-fi good stuff. Andrew Greely and Kim Harrison (urban fantasy)
I'm re-reading "Galloping at Everything" by Ian Fletcher..very interesting and informative.
Is that an autobiography of life on this forum ? :)

Could be but my son is reading it for school and since I never read it, I thought this would be a good time to do so.

Trouble is when I think of McMurphy, I can only think of Jack Nicholson:eek:

Uh oh.......say is that available in audio form?:eek::D:)

It's actually available on books on tape.
Finishing the second in the Genghis Khan series by Conn Iggulden, saw at Barnes and Noble today that the third is out too. can't wait Genghis into the middle east vs. the legions of Allah! Every book I read from this guy is better than the last, great adventure, highly recommended.
I'm rereading "Cold Mountain" for the 4th or 5th time.

Have not picked it up in years, but it's just as good as last time.

I highly recommend it, better than the movie if you can believe that.

I certainly hope so Mike, the movie was one of the few I simply could not finish. I didn't more than 20 minutes into his desertion.
Just finished the "Warlord" triology by Bernard Cornwell. King Arthur and his Britain, very good read. Cornwell's best work after "Sharpe".
I certainly hope so Mike, the movie was one of the few I simply could not finish. I didn't more than 20 minutes into his desertion.

Well Spitfrnd, you might give it another shot.

The film was nominated for seven Academy Awards, including Best Actor for Jude Law, and won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress for Renée Zellweger.

Actually, it was a very good movie in my opinion, but, maybe the book is more your cup of tea. An acclaimed best seller for sure.

''Cold Mountain,'' by Charles Frazier, in November 1997 won the National Book Award, and by May of 1998, the book had spent 45 weeks on the New York Times bestseller list. That's almost a solid year on a pretty prestigous bestseller list.

But then, I liked the movie, :eek:

Just finished the "Warlord" triology by Bernard Cornwell. King Arthur and his Britain, very good read. Cornwell's best work after "Sharpe".
I went the other way and finished the Warlord triology (three times so far) some time back before turning to Sharpe. I am currently enjoying the 10th Sharpe at this point.;):cool: I simply loved the Warlord trilogy.

Mike I think it is more likely I would try the book. I simply do not think the movie deserved all its nominations and awards. Like anything, sometimes we agree with the "critics", sometimes we don't. I appreciate your recommendation however.

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