Command Sergeant Major
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- Nov 2, 2010
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...I have now completed the two volume "The War of the Revolution" by Christopher Ward....which has been a privilege to read....fantastically well wonder it is recognised as a 'must-read' for students of the AWI....
...the style and manner in which the story of the events are described makes it easy to absorb without being absolute joy....
...the next book to be read views the AWI from a British perspective:- "Those D.amned Rebels" (Britain's American Empire in Revolt) by Michael Pearson (Hb, printed 1972)...
...what I could do with is an easy to handle (but detailed) atlas of the AWI to help assist with the text from the books.....the maps provided in the books that I have so far read have proven to be too few in number and detail....
...I already own a copy of the "Atlas of the American Revolution" by Higginbotham & Nebenzahl.....with its use of contemporary maps, wonderfully displayed in full colour and in a large 'coffee-table' format.....which makes the book a bit unwieldy for juggling whilst reading another book.... would be nice to have a modern atlas that on one page shows the location of a battle (or event) in relation to the thirteen colonies, and then the opposite page shows closer details of the battle, again done in a modern colourful format.....and keep the book no bigger than the average sized child's annual.....does such a book exist ?
....anyway, back to "Those D.amned Rebels" !
I started reading Ward's book after your and others' recommendations. I'm only a few chapters in, but I am thoroughly enjoying it so far. It is almost like a The Guns of August for the American War of Independence.