What Are You Doing? (3 Viewers)

That's a good thing but I heard it benefits very few.Am I wrong here?

Depends on the tribe.
The Snoqualmies are so deep in debt that all their income goes to the loan sharks. The Puyallups are fairly skookum and somehow conned a liberal governor into allowing them to have two casinos on Interstate 5 ( one is off reservation). every Puyallup tribal member gets a $2000 per month dividend and a free college education. Heck that is a better deal than being a Division 1 football player
That's a good thing but I heard it benefits very few.Am I wrong here?

Our casino is a Indian casino under the Potawamees. The casino is huge and added over a thousand well needed jobs into the area. The people have benefits and average pay to start. The casino is called Firekeepers. The Potowamee were the Firekeepers.

Michigan has about 12-15 casinos now with more being built. The Chippawa has Soaring Eagle and Little River casino. Another new casino in the last two years is the huge Four Winds casino which is also Potowami. Detroit has Greektown, Motor City and MGM casinos which are not Indian owned. I would say people sure flock to the casinos here and not Vegas. I notice many senior citizens gaming the day away.
Currently watching the horrible weather get worse (almost whiteout conditions) and getting ready to eat my hot grits for breakfast. -- lancer
Currently watching the horrible weather get worse (almost whiteout conditions) and getting ready to eat my hot grits for breakfast. -- lancer
Snow now almost stopped. watching ST Enterprise and my son shovel snow. 21F outside, windchill around 9f. -- lancer
Checking the forum out getting ready to clean my truck off.Have to wait until 6am tomorrow to see if there is work.
Just finished shoveling out 10 inches of snow from my 90 foot long driveway, and the top already has another inch on it. I'll probably have to shovel out another 10 inches in the morning.
Just got done warming up my truck.Had a heck of a time getting into it as the doors were frozen shut.We got more snow the other day but this one's worse as it has a lot of ice in it.More brutally cold outside.Heaven above I hope this is the last of it this year.
This is that heavy wet snow, also known as "Heart Attack" snow. So happy I live in a townhouse. I can watch the the snow being shoveled from the comfort of my living room :)
All you guys need is a couple of grown sons. The Lord invented sons for shoveling snow so that the fathers wouldn't have to. The tough part is waiting for the sons to grow up. Those early years are tough on daddy. -- Al
I get someone to do it. No way I'm doing that. Shoveling snow is heart attack alley.
Just got a recorded message that Gov.Christie has declared a state of emergency and everybody is to stay off the roads until 3pm tomorrow.
Yo Troopers, some crazy weather you are having guys, must be really tough, but "Hey lets be careful out there" if you dont have to go out DONT. Floods in California, freezing in Florida, rest of you snowed in, and to rub salt in the wounds they are having to fly snow into Canada for the Winter Olympics:confused:. Feel sorry for the people with no electricity for the heating, it must be a grueller:(.
Just got my truck cleared off.My workplace opened at 10am but very few made it in.Told girl in office that the Gov declared state of emergency and told everybody to stay off roads until 3pm.
Watching Zulu, eating a couple of fried egg sandwiches and a nice hot cup of coffee. I love Saturdays :)
Enjoying a quiet morning with TCM showing Hunchback of Notre Dame and Mutiny on the Bounty. Waiting for Maryland vs. Duke at 1pm. And it is not currently snowing, for a change.:D -- lancer
Just got home from work,went to dump,washing clothes now.
Did you get the snow removed. Still got a ton up here. Car is filthy as heck.
Watching Zulu, eating a couple of fried egg sandwiches and a nice hot cup of coffee. I love Saturdays :)

Sounds like an excellent Saturday Morning, I watched March or Die.

Getting ready for the Daytona 500 tomorrow.

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