What Are You Doing? (2 Viewers)

...sighing contentedly and about to work on some other painting and sculpting projects...
My New Jersey In-Laws have been giving my kids Hess Trucks since 1989. Nicely stored but not on display.
I love Foxes,we get a lot of them round here.I used to see loads of them at 4am on the way to work,but wow do they make a terrible screeching noise.

Would like to see a wild bear though,from a safe distance of course;)

Come visit in the early Spring or late fall mate. We have one about 5 feet from the windows in the evenings on occassion when their food is scarce.;)
Watching a old History Channel tape on Roger's Rangers and trying to put together Japanese samurai figures with Japanese instructions. Looks like a challenge to paint.:eek: Why do I get involved in this aggravation?
Watching a old History Channel tape on Roger's Rangers and trying to put together Japanese samurai figures with Japanese instructions. Looks like a challenge to paint.:eek: Why do I get involved in this aggravation?
Watching a old History Channel tape on Roger's Rangers and trying to put together Japanese samurai figures with Japanese instructions. Looks like a challenge to paint.:eek: Why do I get involved in this aggravation?

i don't know why those painting instructions just don't come in english.

anyway, i just got off from school, wondering what I'm having for dinner.
Just got home from work,Now going to cook something.
Just finished reading the NFL post and its turned into a music post about has beens.......................:mad:
Just getting ready to read issue 142 of TS&MF that just arrived.
Hanging out at the new casino four miles away. Oh! not another Royal Flush:):cool: John
Anybody know how many states have casinos now.I can remember when it was only Nevada and NJ if my memory serves me (and that is in doubt:confused:).
Most western States with Indian reservations. Gambling has pulled many tribes out of poverty
Watching Lost,cussing about snow and cussing about Lost.Doesn't help cussing but does relieve stress.:D

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