What do you want to see produced in 2014? (1 Viewer)

German Freikorps Troops with their counterparts - Baltic Reds or German Communists or Polish Insurgents... the time beetween the two "Greatt Wars" is verry interesting and coulourful (Russian Civil War, Polish-Russian War, the different other revolutions in Germany and the new european states.

Excellent idea for a new range. I'd like to see some freikorps AFV's - and spartacist opposition of course. This would be a good subject for thomas gunn miniatures to address.

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Excellent idea for a new range. I'd like to see some freikorps AFV's - and spartacist opposition of course. This would be a good subject for thomas gunn miniatures to address.

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Not only for Thomas Gunn (matt subjects) also made by Beau Geste in the glossy style could be nice. For example Freikorps Rossbach fighting in the Baltic States against Lithuanian "Red Army" or "Baltische Landeswehr" storming (for Riga) or Freikorps Oberland (Civilian Dress with german coal scuttle helmets) against polish insurgents (also civilian with different uniform parts of WW1) in 1923 and, and, and.....
For 2014 my fondest wish would be for Conte to produce another run of his plastic WW2 GIs. Next would be for TSSD to make more winter US WW2 troops.

It would be interesting to see K&C move into the Korean War - ROKs, NKPAs, US and other UN troops, Chicoms, etc.

Another wish would be for extra heads and hands to go with the TSSD/Conte/CTS WW2 troops - Germans, US, etc. for the conversion folks.

Gary B.
Also want to see more WW1 made by Tradition of London and a revision of the older stuff, because if you look at the Germans, they are styled much thicker than the 1914 French Zouaves/ Turkos - so you can think it is an other scale - and their faces are not so detailled as the faces of the french.
The Freikorps (beetween the wars) theme or the Russian Revolution would be great.
Id like to see more modern warfare- Bradleys, Hummers, etc.

id also like to see someone do some WW1 Doughboys.
You can buy them one at a time if you wish, each one is treated as an individual. Glad you like them and hope you have fun. Trooper

Just a word of warning on the "one at a time" approach,. Postage can be a killer, that way - so maybe think about purchasing them in batches which will optimise what you can get - for the same postage (usually determined by weight/ and/or size of package). Nik at ATS will help advise on this. Incidentally - also keep an eye out for Customs Charges for VAT and/or Import Duty - and/or outrageous Post Office "Handling Charges" too, which can kick in at different price levels.

For example - you may pay a similar shipping charge for buying one figure - as three or four. Whilst importing anything over £16 INTO the UK from Countries other than the EU - can risk assessment for VAT - PLUS a straight £8 for the GPO as a handling charge if ANY taxes are raised: ( not sure what other Countries do - but assume they may have similar set-ups - so FIND OUT first, is my advice!).

My point is - there may well be an optimum number to buy at any one time, in order to maximise what you get for the same postage - whilst minimising your risk of Customs and other postal charges.

It appears from my experience lately, you need to have an Accountancy qualification - to understand how to buy toys from abroad - and minimize your outlay!! Johnnybach
Sir Oswald Mosley, with black shirts, Pancho villa with golden shirts, General chang kai sheks son in German uniform
A few more Vietnam Marines would be welcome.
They should fit with Figarti's Khe Sanh Marines.

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