What do you want to see produced in 2014? (1 Viewer)


Sergeant Major
May 2, 2008
There's probably already a thread like this somewhere but I thought it might be nice to list the things you want and even specify which maker you'd prefer to cover it.

For me -

Vikings and Saxons from CS. I'd like some of the Vikings to have a touch of Hollywood with the horned helmets. It'd be great too to see some sort of Saxon levy to compliment the men-at-arms/Bannermen soldiery.

Apaches! Not sure who's best here? Conte would get me right on board but Jenkins does Indians so well and has got his facial sculpts to a point they might look right.

Expense has been an issue so WW2 has been tricky for me but a Monte Cassino range would get me in.

I love the K&C Crusades. A few more English archers and other fighting men-at-arms would suit me very nicely.

CS 43AD - Love these too! Another Celtic chariot and Roman cavalry. Maybe also some Numidian cavalry too! (which I think were used as auxilliaries) More foot fighters as well - especially Celts with the hexagonal shields! Perhaps a Druid too.....
There's probably already a thread like this somewhere but I thought it might be nice to list the things you want and even specify which maker you'd prefer to cover it.

For me -

Vikings and Saxons from CS. I'd like some of the Vikings to have a touch of Hollywood with the horned helmets. It'd be great too to see some sort of Saxon levy to compliment the men-at-arms/Bannermen soldiery.

Apaches! Not sure who's best here? Conte would get me right on board but Jenkins does Indians so well and has got his facial sculpts to a point they might look right.

Expense has been an issue so WW2 has been tricky for me but a Monte Cassino range would get me in.

I love the K&C Crusades. A few more English archers and other fighting men-at-arms would suit me very nicely.

CS 43AD - Love these too! Another Celtic chariot and Roman cavalry. Maybe also some Numidian cavalry too! (which I think were used as auxilliaries) More foot fighters as well - especially Celts with the hexagonal shields! Perhaps a Druid too.....

I have just started the CS Agincourt range so I hope that there will be some nice releases over the course of the year. I would also like to see K&C give a Napoleonic firing line the plastic/resin treatment so I can do a British square at Waterloo.

You should get that CS elephant!
Hi larso.

Good thread and always interesting to find out where the fellow members here want to go with their collections in a new year.

We did some house cleaning here yesterday and today, and that had the effect, that I discovered what all I have accumulated so far.
The main thing is, that I have a lot of stuff, that is either not properly displayed yet or not displayed at all (meaning they are still in their boxes).

So, with the support of my dear wife :wink2: ^&grin, I came to the conclusion that I should not want to see much new produced (that I would want to buy), before the stuff I have already is properly taken care of.
There's at least around 70 boxes (JJD, East of India, Frontline, Britains, K&C, First Legion) with figures who do need to see the light (i.e. in a well lighted curio cabinet).
Then there are about 70 to 80 lose figures (K&C) that need two good diorama bases.
So, how could I possibly argue with her, when she throws in a "I really don't think you need anymore of them". ^&confuse ^&grin

Oh well, there will be a few new figures here and there, but my main focus for 2014 (New Year's Resolution) is, to get everything I have properly displayed, without piling up boxes with new stuff again.

But nevertheless, here are some thoughts of what I would like to see done.

King & Country: More Cavalry for the Sons of the Empire line.
John Jenkins: More Highlanders for the Jacobite Rebellion
First Legion: Polish Winged Hussars

Cheers and Happy Collecting!

I would also like to see K&C 88mm Flak in gray, Pz 35(t) and Stuka for early WWII (i.g. the Polish campaign).

Happy 2014!
For me Britain's Clash of Empires range will be the focus of my attention in the large scale toy soldier niche.
This year I'd like to see some advancing British Infantry (including Highlanders) wearing gas masks as part of the new World War 1 releases from any of the matte manufacturers. These would look good as part of a diorama I have in mind using JJD's new Mark V tank as a centrepiece.
As for WW2 I hope to see some new releases for K&C's LAH range - there are still plenty of subjects and variations which have not been made. Similarly I hope to see the continuation of Thomas Gunn's excellent Berlin 38 releases.
I'm still trying to catch up with First Legion Stalingrad so nothing Eastern Front or I'll have to sell my house.
As regards something completely new - I'm still hoping one of the matte manufacturers will address the English Civil War in miniature. I'd like to see one of them release a club figure to gauge the reaction from collectors - how about a Cromwell figure or perhaps some roundhead cavalry?

"I'm still trying to catch up with First Legion Stalingrad so nothing Eastern Front or I'll have to sell my house."
Think K&C should do ROBIN HOOD, am I the only beating this drum??????? Could expand that into Normans to cross into other series. {sm2}{sm2}{sm2}, Robin.
I do think it is no brainer for the makers to go big time for the Great War for the next four years because each year will be an hundred year anniversary of some event or action during that war.
I am sure we will be pleased and disappointed in equal measure at what they do and don't come up with over the period, I for one am excited.
More Napoleonic Hussars by King and Country
Mameukis by First Legion and/or King and Country. Alexanders Toy Soldiers has them in glossy with some realistic action poses. Similar poses in matte would be a great addition.
Nineteenth century Russian Cossacks by King and Country and/or First Legion.
Trojan Horse scene by King and Country and/or First Legion.
Napoleonic Irish Legion by King and Country and/or First Legion.
Mameukis by First Legion and/or King and Country. Alexanders Toy Soldiers has them in glossy with some realistic action poses. Similar poses in matte would be a great addition.


If you request matte from ATS they will supply them in matte. Most makers will oblige if asked. Trooper
This year I would like to see as many producers both big and small make as many WW1 figures , vehicles and guns as possible. Most of all I'd love to see more English regiments represented from the Western front. Mons, Somme Passchendaele , cavalry, infantry , artillery.....anything English would be very very welcome indeed. Many companies are rising to the challenge and doing it very very well so far, these next fours years are the years to really represent in miniature that terrible War. Go to it with a will chaps!:salute::

This year I would like to see as many producers both big and small make as many WW1 figures , vehicles and guns as possible. Most of all I'd love to see more English regiments represented from the Western front. Mons, Somme Passchendaele , cavalry, infantry , artillery.....anything English would be very very welcome indeed. Many companies are rising to the challenge and doing it very very well so far, these next fours years are the years to really represent in miniature that terrible War. Go to it with a will chaps!:salute::


Why wish for everything this year as there are four years of centenary to celebrate ( if that makes sense ) . Why look for Somme etc in 2014 when the early war was a more fluid affair . In a business sense no manufacturer should really flood the market in the first year of remembrance .

Just my tuppence worth.

Why wish for everything this year as there are four years of centenary to celebrate ( if that makes sense ) . Why look for Somme etc in 2014 when the early war was a more fluid affair . In a business sense no manufacturer should really flood the market in the first year of remembrance .

Just my tuppence worth.


Yes was forgetting title was 2014, so give me Mons in English infantry , Cavalry and artillery and I'll be happy. Jerries too of course,

If you request matte from ATS they will supply them in matte. Most makers will oblige if asked. Trooper

In the great tradition of British Cottage manufacturers...................ATS also supply unpainted castings - so you can either paint your own, (or find someone to do it for you) - in ANY paint finish you like - OR, as Trooper states have them ready painted in either medium.

They also don't do limited runs - so items in the catalogue are ALWAYS available - so, no danger of of unfinished sets.

How flexible is that?

(PS - watch out for a Napoleonic Glossy set I painted myself from ATS - coming soon in the "Painting" section. Nearly finished the paintwork for it. Johnnybach).
I would like to see anything WW1 from anyone. More aircraft, more tanks, more vehicles, cavalry, artillery, and infantry, from all fronts, all years. Good thing I'm not asking for much. I would love to see plenty of French, American, and German additions. Wouldn't mind some Austro-Hungarian, Italian, Russian, Turkish, Belgian, and others done as well. If 1914 is to be the theme, we must have Belgian and more French in their early war uniforms. And please, would someone make the famous French 75mm gun. One simply can't fight the early war without this iconic gun. -- Al
I would like to see anything WW1 from anyone. More aircraft, more tanks, more vehicles, cavalry, artillery, and infantry, from all fronts, all years. Good thing I'm not asking for much. I would love to see plenty of French, American, and German additions. Wouldn't mind some Austro-Hungarian, Italian, Russian, Turkish, Belgian, and others done as well. If 1914 is to be the theme, we must have Belgian and more French in their early war uniforms. And please, would someone make the famous French 75mm gun. One simply can't fight the early war without this iconic gun. -- Al

They've got a 75mm at the IWM Al, if I buy it off them for you will you pay shipping?!:wink2:

All good ideas mate. The mind boggles at what may come our way. ^&cool

They've got a 75mm at the IWM Al, if I buy it off them for you will you pay shipping?!:wink2:

All good ideas mate. The mind boggles at what may come our way. ^&cool

Rob, I'll be glad to pay the shipping. Just wrap it well, please, as I wouldn't want customs to damage it with their gorilla handling techniques. Also, if you could include some ammo (glad to pay extra for it), as I have some buildings I'd like to remove from my sightlines. All in all, a capital idea. I await arrival.:salute:: Oh, and if you could find me a Vickers MG, I would greatly appreciate it. :wink2: -- Al

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