What ever happened to HJB Figures? (1 Viewer)


1st Lieutenant
Nov 18, 2005
I’ve been collecting for almost a year. I think just around the time HJB Figures came out with there figures and armor cars. I've seen no new releases since then.

What ever happened to them? By the way, did anyone every get there Arnhem bridge, if so, how was it?

I see Michigan Toys has a blow out sale of their figures. Does this spell the end to another company in our industry?

I was wondering the same thing and thanks for the heads up on the sale I just bought 5 halftracks.
I've just sent a mail with the question if HJB will still be releasing sets, or if they gave up their range. As soon as they answer, I'll be posting it on this forum.
They started out with so much promise; I am not sure what the story is with Hans. He had some great ideas, to basically do figures, vehicles and buildings based on the Arnhem campaign.

I signed on a as dealer a little over a year ago and when my first order arrived, I sold out in about a week, ordered more and quickly sold out again. The 250 variants was a brilliant idea and he said more items like that were on the way; armored cars, assault guns, etc. I had about a dozen pre orders for the bridge that was to be part of the series as well.

I hope he gets back on track; if not, the boys at The New Model Army seem like they are ready to make a big splash, despite what Jazzeum thinks.

George Guerriero
Minutemen Toy Soldiers
Frankly what I think is irrelevant. There seemed to be some valid issues which were raised by many people not just by me and New Model Army apparently went back to the drawing board and seem to have answered those questions with an interesting looking release. I'm just a collector like anyone else interested in a good product and wish them all the luck and success in the world so what I think hardly matters.
Carlos, Yes thank you for the heads up on those HJB Vehicles and figures. I need more stuf like another hole in the head but you know how it goes!Have to go check the T.O.E. and find out what I need for a platoon.

Alex, Are you going to repaint the Halftracks?

Yes, I'm planning on painting the halftracks but I didn't get all five because they sold out.
I have several pictures of a conversion I'd like to post, but the picture size is too large. What program do you use to reduce it?
I use Imagestyler but you can other stuff like Photoshop or Corel. You can also upload it to a website and reference it or send it to Shannon.
Here are the conversions that Ray has been trying to post. This Greif is truly Strictly Limited!!



Great job. You did real good on the weathering. Did you use 1/35 decals for it.
Peter Reuss said:
Here are the conversions that Ray has been trying to post. This Greif is truly Strictly Limited!!




Simply put Ray - OUTSTANDING!

You are truly gifted.

Alexdakar said:
Great job. You did real good on the weathering. Did you use 1/35 decals for it.
Thanks Alex and Carlos,
The decals, Jerry can rack and the extra tarps are all from the Tamiya 1/35 kit
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Man, you guys are really talented. Alex, why don't you bring up a picture of what you did. That was a really nice conversion too.

Ray, I guess you don't have to buy that limited edition now;)
nmrocks said:
I have several pictures of a conversion I'd like to post, but the picture size is too large. What program do you use to reduce it?
If you have windows you should be able to right click on the photo then hit edit and it should bring you to screen which allows you to do all kinds of things to your photos add text, crop, paint,ect. ect. . When you get to that screen just go to the very top left hand side where you find your file,edit, and other buttons and there should be one that says image, click on that and a screen will pop up and there will be a horizontal and vertical that are ajustable that will say 100% just ajust those numbers down. It my vary on how munch you need to reduce but just make sure that both nubers reduce the same. Ex. Say you reduce the horizontal from 100% down to 60% make sure you ajust the vertical from 100% to 60%. I hope this helps and I didn,t confuse you(i,m told i,m pretty good at that:D ).If the picture is still to big just repeat the same thing all over again but this time don,t reduce as munch becuase you have already reduced the picture and you don,t want to make it the size of a postage stamp:D . Good luck!!!!! _____________________________________________________________TIM
Thanks, it was right there all the time and I just didn't know it!
And Brad, as for me not getting the new limited edition, in the end my little project is not K&C, and there's just something about andy's products I can't resist, I believe he sprinkles some kind of Opiate on all models, cause I just can't wait for my next fix, errrr...set!
Ray :p
Ray, that's an awesome job, now I know why I don't have any model making talent.......you and Alex got it all.:cool:

Well guys,

I've sent a message to HJB, and they answered:

"please, simply one more while wait, then new figures will appear."

Hope this helps...(but I bet it wouldn't)

P.S. Ray,

that's an awesome Greif. Some nice conversions...
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Since I'm incompetent at these things, I'm going to have Susan Leicht do a conversion on mine.

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