What happened with Jeb Stuart? (2 Viewers)

New Orleans...... There were plenty of individual Americans that pitched in on that one. The disaster became politicized and I won't get that started here. You are right that most Americans don't know what other countries do in proportion or out of proportion to their size and population.

I wish the rest of the United States was more like "Yankees". We're just as patriotic and religious as the rest of the country, it's just that we don't go around telling everyone about it at the top of our voices. "Wearing it on our sleeves" is the saying. It's annoying.
Dont make me laugh! How easy you all forgot what happened in New Orleans.

Judging the USA by the fiasco in New Orleans is like us judging all of your people by the stories of Sarajevo and genocide.

Putting it very simply the local and state governments in New Orleans broke down and the federal government response was slowed by a poor manager. This was all dumped on a president by an unfriendly press. New Orleans will stand as an example of how not to manage a natural disaster. Why don't you mention the people down the coast in Mississippi who were hit by the same hurricane and managed to prevent a local collapse of civil government? How about the Texans who were recently hit by a major hurricane and didn't fail? One makes mistakes, one learns and one goes on. That goes for countries also.
Judging the USA by the fiasco in New Orleans is like us judging all of your people by the stories of Sarajevo and genocide.

Putting it very simply the local and state governments in New Orleans broke down and the federal government response was slowed by a poor manager. This was all dumped on a president by an unfriendly press. New Orleans will stand as an example of how not to manage a natural disaster. Why don't you mention the people down the coast in Mississippi who were hit by the same hurricane and managed to prevent a local collapse of civil government? How about the Texans who were recently hit by a major hurricane and didn't fail? One makes mistakes, one learns and one goes on. That goes for countries also.

well i didnt mention Misisipi and Texas because i didnd know nothing about that.I didnt hear nothing about that.I guees only bad news travel fast,and good news are not so interested for the media.
About Sarajevo and gencide;i dont have nothing with Sarajevo,it is a diferent country.You must know that i am from Slovenia,and Sarajevo is in Bosnia.This are two diferent countries that are not even neighbour countrys.I never even been in Bosnia,so the genocide have nothing to do with my country.In Bosnia is very complicated story because there live three nations (Serbs,Croats,and Bosnians),and all of them have diferent religions:
Serbs-ortodox christians

so all of them have problems from history for a very long time.Because once one nation kill other nation than after some years other nation revenge and kill som eother nations,...it is complicated something like Israel and Palestine,...but anyway i am not from that country.I am from slovenia and if you look on the map you will see that our neighbors are Italy,Austria,Hungary and Croatia,....no Bosnia,No serbia,No Sarajevo,....
In addition to Gary's comment, people from all over the United States went down to New Orleans to help.

Maybe you should do a little reading first Ales before criticizing.
Can we keep the discussion about Jeb Stuart please. New Orleans, Croatia, Slovenia and genocide have nothing to do with this subject.

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