Ask and you shall receive.
No rivet counting here, but here's my opinion. From a pure size perspective and how they look, IMO:
1. Tiger and King Tigers go great together. Sizes seem to be spot on comparatively.
2. Panzer IV, especially with sideskirts , goes very well with the Tiger and King Tiger. Panzer IV without skirts goes great with the Panther/Jagdpanther. Panzer IV seems the most versatile (kind of like it was in history, ha!)
3. Panther/Jagdpanther are a tad too small size wise, especially when viewed head on they are a tad too short. I love both the Panther /Jagdpanther but have always thought they sit a little too low and did not have enough ground clearance. When viewed in profile they look better. Historically, the Panther was every bit as big as a Tiger.
Pics (pardon the poor photography skills):
Honestly though, after lining them all up I think we may be focusing too much on minutiae on all this scale stuff. All the CS armor seems to go well together, especially when figures are added. While the Panther looks a little too small when placed directly next to the Tiger, move the Panther a couple inches away and change the perspective slightly by angling it or rotating the turret and it looks just fine. Since you do scenes, I think they would all work just fine for you.
Bottom Line, Collectors Showcase makes some great armor!