What is Wrong with This Tiger? (2 Viewers)


2nd Lieutenant
Feb 8, 2006
I still struggle with the why's a new Tiger was needed at a much larger size...I have attached compare pics of the latest Sherman next to the old Wittman Tiger with a K/C figure next to. Really seems like they already fit together fine. I love CS new desert Tiger but would have bought at the original scale, not the oversized one..Just wondering, that's all.....Michael


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Honestly. Nothing is wrong with that Tiger, as long as you are happy with it. We tend to go round and round on these scale debates, and a lot of it comes down to personal preference. I have found over the years after leafing through tons of photos of Tigers, Panthers, King Tigers, etc. that most of these tanks can look quite different size wise depending on both the photos and statures of the crewman/soldiers involved.

The historic photos you posted seem to match fine with the older CS Tiger compared to the KC Sherman. I still think the crewman look too large in the hatches, more akin to what a crew would look like in a Panzer IV. Additionally, the photos you used are all ones I personally feel showcase the "smaller look" of the Tiger. If you are fine with that look then rock on. I personally like my German big cats to come across as more massive where the crews look diminutive in the hatches, i.e. how they look in historic photos like these:

I think the CS "right sized" larger recent Tigers convey this look better. Neither one of us is right or wrong, its just what we prefer.

I will say though that one reason I fight against feedback to get CS to make smaller AFVs is because right now they appear to be the only ones willing to make larger armor. If you like the smaller tanks like you posted above, you have options like King and Country or Figarti. However, if you want a larger "right sized" or 1/28 AFV, CS is the only game in town. Thus, I hope the trend continues and CS keeps bringing us armor that you and Mitch deem too large.
You and me both!! I guess, it will have to do with all the old Wittmann issues that arose from the last time we asked. Its also probably got to do with the rumblings with scale compatability of AFV's and figures. It still seems to puzzle many including manufacturers. I don't understand it at all and came away from the last conversation none the better for having entered it.

It will be interesting to see what arises and who partakes. I would guess that we will still be none the wiser at the end.

I did not get the last one (Tiger) and, it was the first thing I missed but, only the jagdpanther has been bought since for me, there sadly, is no compatability


Just one point The K&C tigers HB etc are all at 1/30th give or take 1mm so, they are really not smaller tanks in the sense of anything other than CS's are a different scale so, would naturally be larger. I think Frank did a size post based on the Tiger I from HB which, I have and they are correct in size. It was very interesting what he put. I agree we seem to go round in circles with this issue but, we can only discuss what the manufacturers place in front of us
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All of this size stuff is very annoying, not just TCS but with all of the manufacturers. I am all over this as of late.

As much as I pay attention to detail, there were many pieces I never took out if the box until late and started comparing. My stomach turned when I found out a scene I had planned for would not work. The more I looked the worse it got.

I am in total turmoil in regards to my collection and as soon as I determine my course of action there is going to be a lot of stuff from many manufacturers on the chopping block.

Why cant the manufacturers solve this issue. Alex

Are there new Tigers the size of the Whitman Normandy 007 ?
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Forgot to add,

The color photo is not a real Tiger, but a re-enactor's replica built on a T-55. So that photo really isn't the best to compare size or justify a smaller Tiger.
Are there new Tigers the size of the Whitman Normandy 007 ?

CS stated the two new Tigers (Wittmann and Afrikakorps) are the larger size.

Meant to post this pic above. To me, I think the CS Tiger comes across great in size. I hope they do not abandon this trend, as while a more true 1/30, the last Sherman was a tad on the small size for my taste.

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Yes indeed Mitch, and man you wouldn't have wanted to be in/under that turret!{eek3}

That British Firefly had a hell of a punch, shame the Canadians were out of range:wink2::wink2::wink2:



Nice pic!!! this would cause allsorts of issues as the tank itself was a mixed variant with different bits from different tanks.

Mind, what a sight it must have been to see that go up like a firework!!!


Yes indeed Mitch, and man you wouldn't have wanted to be in/under that turret!{eek3}

That British Firefly had a hell of a punch, shame the Canadians were out of range:wink2::wink2::wink2:

Yes indeed Mitch, and man you wouldn't have wanted to be in/under that turret!{eek3}

That British Firefly had a hell of a punch, shame the Canadians were out of range:wink2::wink2::wink2:


How true Rob ^&grin{bravo}}
I'd like to see someone make this version:wink2:


The difficulty with the Wittmann version is that we can see it has zimmerit, we can't see if it has steel wheels and a monocular gunsight, so the model would be just a guess. The Canadian who got Wittmann was only 350 yards away, but at the time, Wittmann was unknown in the west and the Canadian didn't write down those fine details for us. Ekins was no help as he was too far away and behind the crown of the field to see any details.

Could someone save me some research....What other CS releases match size with these BIG Tigers...

King Tigers




Could someone save me some research....What other CS releases match size with these BIG Tigers...

King Tigers





Ask and you shall receive.

No rivet counting here, but here's my opinion. From a pure size perspective and how they look, IMO:

1. Tiger and King Tigers go great together. Sizes seem to be spot on comparatively.
2. Panzer IV, especially with sideskirts , goes very well with the Tiger and King Tiger. Panzer IV without skirts goes great with the Panther/Jagdpanther. Panzer IV seems the most versatile (kind of like it was in history, ha!)
3. Panther/Jagdpanther are a tad too small size wise, especially when viewed head on they are a tad too short. I love both the Panther /Jagdpanther but have always thought they sit a little too low and did not have enough ground clearance. When viewed in profile they look better. Historically, the Panther was every bit as big as a Tiger.

Pics (pardon the poor photography skills):

Honestly though, after lining them all up I think we may be focusing too much on minutiae on all this scale stuff. All the CS armor seems to go well together, especially when figures are added. While the Panther looks a little too small when placed directly next to the Tiger, move the Panther a couple inches away and change the perspective slightly by angling it or rotating the turret and it looks just fine. Since you do scenes, I think they would all work just fine for you.

Bottom Line, Collectors Showcase makes some great armor!
Ask and you shall receive.

No rivet counting here, but here's my opinion. From a pure size perspective and how they look, IMO:

1. Tiger and King Tigers go great together. Sizes seem to be spot on comparatively.
2. Panzer IV, especially with sideskirts , goes very well with the Tiger and King Tiger. Panzer IV without skirts goes great with the Panther/Jagdpanther. Panzer IV seems the most versatile (kind of like it was in history, ha!)
3. Panther/Jagdpanther are a tad too small size wise, especially when viewed head on they are a tad too short. I love both the Panther /Jagdpanther but have always thought they sit a little too low and did not have enough ground clearance. When viewed in profile they look better. Historically, the Panther was every bit as big as a Tiger.

Pics (pardon the poor photography skills):

Honestly though, after lining them all up I think we may be focusing too much on minutiae on all this scale stuff. All the CS armor seems to go well together, especially when figures are added. While the Panther looks a little too small when placed directly next to the Tiger, move the Panther a couple inches away and change the perspective slightly by angling it or rotating the turret and it looks just fine. Since you do scenes, I think they would all work just fine for you.

Bottom Line, Collectors Showcase makes some great armor!

Thanks for the info.......

Do you think the Jagdpanther and Panther go better with their older smaller Tigers

I have all of these pieces, but they are all in boxes and didnt have time to compare. I like the generally bigger size ot CS they are more in proportion with the main stream 1/30th figures.

Also I believe there was only one Tiger I unit at the Bulge. Does anyone know if any of the Tiger I's in that unit had ZIM.

Thanks Again
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Thanks Hunter for the pics. I have the Tiger 332 and love it. And good catch on the color picture of the Tiger imposter. I didn't pick it up until you posted. Brad

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