What was the Delhi Durbar 1903? (3 Viewers)


I've been thinking for a while that you might like to read the newspapers from the Delhi Durbar 1903 period. I have to edit my files since they are large for this forum. Let me know what you think, if you are interested, if you can read them this way, if you enjoy reading them or get bored.

Here goes the earlier one I have, an article published by the Pioneer Mail on December 19, 10 days before the Main Procession





If you like these I will go forward with page 2

To be continued...

Ana :)
2nd part of the same article





Unfortunately, I don't have the last part of the article. Sorry :(

Next, The Madras Times

Ana :)
Daily Express 2-12-102



screenshot.2018-05-23 (5).jpg

Isn't it lovely to read the comments on the newspapers as if the events were taking place today?:):):)

The Civil & Military Gazette 31-12-1902





PS: As you can see, most newspapers copied each other
Hi Guys,

As you probably imagine I'm searching for 1903 Durbar photos constantly. I came across an excitingly interesting photo on ebay today. It's the Nabha elephant, at the Nabha Camp, with a few differences on the ornaments he wore during the Main Procession, but the state elephant at last.

I wanted you to see the photo in its extreme detail. This is the kind of photo that you can find if you search carefully.
It is a silver gelatin photograph (I imagine that it refers to the negative process), 8 x 5,75 inches.

nabha ebay.jpg

The limitations of the forum file sizes don't allow me to upload it with a good definition. You should go to the seller's link and check the detail with the enlargement of the magnifying glass:

The chandeliers attached to the tusks, the exquisite painting of the face and the lovely bird on the side of the back seat of the howda, to name a few details worth noting. A bit pricy for my budget but it's worth every penny. If you can afford it don't hesitate, it's still not sold. By the way, it's my birthday next week. If you have not thought of a present yet, here's the best idea :D I'd be even happy with only a good scan.


We definitely need to get some polo players done!


Hi Dave,

I agree and with enthusiasm! The polo matches were an exciting part of the Durbar and including them in a display or diorama would offer an interesting expansion of the Durbar experience as represented with toy soldiers. Maybe if we keep our fingers crossed....?

Warmest personal regards,

Pat :)
Here is the Madras Times from January 2nd, 1903. It's a 2 pages' article, very long indeed. I'll be posting it in parts since the sizes are not suitable for the forum.

madras times 2_1_1903 part 1.jpg
madras times 2_1_1903 part 2.jpg
madras times 2_1_1903 part 3.jpg
madras times 2_1_1903 part 4.jpg
Finally, the last part of the second page of the article from the Madras Times, Jan 2nd, 1903

columna 1.jpg

columna 2.jpg

columna 3.jpg

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