What was the Delhi Durbar 1903? (2 Viewers)

Great photos! I hope someone will make a few more of these elephants:wink2:

The Twenty Second place in not a pair, it's just one elephant (same case as Narsingarh):
Maler Kotla

First curve of the Jumma Masjid.

Front of the Jumma


Same spot, another photo.

Going to South side

Three more pairs to go :)

Last 3 pair of elephants of the Main Procession

23rd: Limri and Faridkot
24th: Janjira and Manipur
25th: Keng Tung and Möng Nai

First curve of the Jumma

Same spot as the picture above, a few seconds later

South side, taken from the second curve (towards west side)
The Main Procession at the end of Chadni Chawk

Beau Geste's Faridkot elephant (set BG343)

The Faridkot group (sets BG343, BG344 and BG345)

End of Chadni Chawk again, taken from a different spot, the roof of the corner mosque.


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Janjira and Manipur elephants at the same curve, taken from different spots

Both elephants in front of the Jumma Masjid

A beautiful shot of the end of the Main Procession, going around to the South side

Keng Tung and Möng Nai elephants, the last two of the Procession, marching in front of the Main Hall, at Chadni Chawk street

The Shan States Chiefs. These last four elephants were from that region.
It would certainly be an off piece, but have you ever considered making an elephant poop scooper and his cart? I'd love something like that!
There are many ideas about the elephants during the Durbar. I consider them all, and list them for future projects. But with 48 elephants in the Main procession and 250 within the Retainers Review it will take some time to make everything. Collectors prefer the elephants at the Main Procession, and then the Retainers. I still have some time to finish all those :)
We've already made 17 elephants from the Main procession, and 7 from the Retainers Review. A long way in front :rolleyes:

Thanks for the suggestion. I appreciate it.

December 29, 1902, was a Monday. The morning of the Main Procession was cold, but sunny. At 11,30 the Viceroy and Lady Curzon arrived at the Delhi station to wait for the Duke and the Duchess of Connaught, Edward VII’s brother and his wife, who was there as the King’s representative. They arrived 15 minutes later and headed with the Curzons to Queen’s road on their assigned elephants.

The decorated Train Station, crowded, waiting

The Maharaja of Benares within the waiting group

Arrival at the station

Going to their elephants

The Curzons getting inside their elephant's howda
Viceroy's elephant and attendants

All on board

Coming out of the Station, towards Queen's rd

The Connaught's elephant
More wonderful photos Ana !!!

I do like the arriving at the station.........the carriage and horses would make a nice set :)
I've found one more photo of the Station, and a couple more of Queen's St, with the elephants of the Indian Princes waiting for the Viceroy and the Duke to go in front of them.

A nice view from the Station. This was earlier, they were waiting for the Viceroy and his wife at this point. Once they arrived, they received the usual salute, and set themselves to wait for the Duke and the Duchess of Connaught

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The first elephants, the closest to the station, at Queen's rd

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The last elephants, same road. This photo was taken from the other end of Queen's rd

An invitation to the Delhi Durbar. I wish I could have assisted :)
Preceeding the Main Procession

There were many British authorities preceeding the Indian Princes in the Main Procession. On horse, the Viceroy's escorts and body guards, Police chief, squadrons of the 4th Royal Irish Dragoon Guards, the Heralds (1 drummer and 12 trumpeters) and the Imperial Cadets

The Dragoons at the end of Chadni Chawk. Check at the back the clock tower and the 2 lines of flags that ornamented the street in front of the Town Hall

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The Guard and authorities in front of the Station

The Heralds, at the end of Chadni Chawk
Last cavalry before the elephants: The Imperial Cadets

Going from Queen's rd to Elgin rd

Turning from Khas rd to begin their march around the Jumma Masjid

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Same spot, from the other side of the street. This is one of Gertrude Bell's photos.

South side of the Jumma

Tomorrow, the elephants before the Indian Princes

Sorry for the delay. My order of digital images from the BL arrived today, 48 new images. When this happens, I spend many many hours looking at the photographs. It's a very happy day for me, I get more and more amazed at the new images. All of them are neat and incredible. I took a break to post here. I'll be back to them when I'm finished :)

The Elephants before the Procession of the Indian Princes

The elephants of the Aides-de Camp

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The Group of the six elephants of the Aides-de-Camp, South side of the Jumma Masjid

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The six elephants, in front of the Town Hall

Beau Geste Elephants of the Aides-de-Camp, only 4 for now

The Six elephants were the following:

1st elephant (left column)
Aides-de-camps to the Viceroy
Captain Baker-Carr
Captain Wigram

2nd elephant(right column)
Aides-de-camps to the Viceroy
Captain Yarde-Buller
Captain Lindsay

3rd elephant (left column)
Aides-de-camps to the Duke of Connaught
Colonel Leslie
Colonel Bingham

4th elephant(right column)
Aides-de-camps to the Duke of Connaught
Sir M. FitzGerald
Colonel Herbert

5th elephant (left column)
Walter Lawrence, Private Secretary to the Viceroy
Colonel Fenn, Surgeon to the Viceroy

6th elephant(right column)
H.S. Barnes, Esq., President of the Durbar Central Committee
Lt-Colonel Baring, Military Secretary to the Viceroy
Beau Geste 1st elephant of the Aides-de-Camp (BG378)
Aides-de-camps to the Viceroy
Captain Baker-Carr
Captain Wigram

Beau Geste 2nd elephant of the Aides-de-Camp (BG379)
Aides-de-Camp to the Viceroy
Captain Yarde-Buller
Captain Lindsay

Beau Geste 3rd elephant of the Aides-de-Camp (BG380)
Aides-de-Camp to the Duke of Connaught
Colonel Leslie
Colonel Bingham

Beau Geste 4th elephant of the Aides-de-Camp (BG381)
Aides-de-Camp to the Duke of Connaught
Sir M. FitzGerald
Colonel Herbert
Following the 6 elephants of the Aides-de-Camps, the elephants of Lord and Lady Curzon, and the elephant of the Duke and the Duchess of Connaught

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The Viceroy's elephant, in front of the Jumma Masjid (Gertrude Bell photo)
His elephant was lent by the Maharaja of Benares, and its name was 'Luchman Prasad'

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Same elephant, in front of the Town Hall

Again the Viceroy, at the end of Chadni Chawk

Detail of the previous photo

The elephant of the Duke and Duchess, same spot as the photo above
Their elephant was named 'Maula Bakhsh', one of the finest elephants of the Maharaja of Jaipur

I definitely need some Aide de Camps elephants in my little Durbar!

This is a great thread!

A question. Can you add more as to who the Imperial Cadets were?

I ask as I am aware of a small party from one Australian private school who attended the Durbar.


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