What was the Delhi Durbar 1903? (5 Viewers)

The Mutiny Veterans marching at the Amphitheatre

Just to show how busy traffic was to and from the camps, the Patiala camp

The fireworks evening


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January 4th, the Church Service, at the Polo Ground



...'Fifteen full bands accompanying a Choir of nearly 500 soldiers provided the music. The Choir being stationed at the farther side of the extensive ground, were provided with Megaphones through which they sang'...
January 8
(I'm skipping the Retainers Review on January 7, I'm leaving the best for last)

The Great review

That day, 35000 troops were reviewed: artillery, cavalry, British and Native infantry, the Maharaja of Patiala's troops and the Bikanir Camel Corps.


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The Sporting Events

The two principal ones were the two polo cups, The International Cup and The Native Army Cup. The International Cup was won by the Alwar Team, and the cup was presented by the Viceroy, carried on a huge elephant richly caparisoned escorted by soldiers on camels and horses




...'The Finals for the Army Cup provided a most keen and exciting contest, the Poona Horse proving just too good for their opponents, the 15th Bengal Lancers'...

The Cricket Match was won by the Oxford Authentics.






Next, the Retainers Review from January 7. Get ready to be dazzled :)

…’On Wednesday, January 7th, the Amphitheatre was a scene of a spectacle which, for its historical interest, as well as for unexpected scenic effects of a purely Aisatic type, might be accounted the most curious and even remarkable of all celebrations at Delhi. This was the review of native Chief’s retainers which was held on the morning of that day. Here the picturesque splendour of Indian courts, and whatever they retain of medieval pomp and profucion, were presented with no contrasts of Western order and organization. The Viceroy, in inviting the Chiefs to Delhi, had suggested that they should bring with them as many of their one-world retinues and trappings as were still in use, and had promised to reserve a special occasion, which should be dedicated nor to India of the present or of Great Britain, but to the India of the Chiefs and of the past. Some 40 states responded to the invitation by sending their contingents, and 2000 horsemen and 1500 foot marched past, with 160 elephants and about the same number of camels. There were warriors in chain mail; war elephants plated with armour or bristling with spears and knives; men with sword and buckler, with spear and lance, with bows and arrows, or with clubs and staves; half naked Nagas or militant ascetics, armed with long blades from Rajputana; Akalis, soldier devotees from the Sikh States; drummers, trumpeters and pipers on foot or mounted on horses, elephants, or camels; wild-looking Arabs, who went by execution a war dance; musqueteers with blunderbuss and matchlock; acrobatic troopers, who stood on their saddles; cavaliers à la haute école, whose steeds pranced by on their hinds legs; retainers carrying palanquins and litters, resplandent with gold and silver, or with velvet, embroidery and silk; musicians, evoking weird sounds from horns and trumpets; dancers executing dances, and bards reciting songs; fan bearers and bannermen; led horses in great numbers, and even dogs and hounds’…

General view of the Amphitheatre

Floor plan

I'm getting ready to post the first state of the Retainers Review. Some states brought so many elephants, camelry, cavalry, infantry and servants that it gets complicated to portrait them all. As an introduction, I thought you'd like to see a few pictures of the spectators. For this parade, the maharajas sat on the grandstand along with the other authorities. The wore their best clothes and jewels. A show on their own.




The photographers


Hi Ana

Great to see some new photos(to me) in your presentation. I especially liked the one of the four Mutiny Veterans I have to say I wish someone would do a bunch of them for the parade display:wink2:

Thanks for sharing all these amazing photos

Hi Ana

Great to see some new photos(to me) in your presentation. I especially liked the one of the four Mutiny Veterans I have to say I wish someone would do a bunch of them for the parade display:wink2:

Thanks for sharing all these amazing photos


Dave - you just need to give me time to make everything. I'm slow, but persistent :)

I have many photos, many of which I can't post because they are not mine nor downloaded from the Internet. I have a Durbar fellow lover (who mainly collects photos of 1890-1920, stereoviews, lantern slides, postcards or glass slides) with who I share everything we buy. I won't to share his personal collection, but I don't have troubles sharing my pictures, only that I must have in mind that I haven't paid publishing rights, so they have to be shown only within a relatively private group (not commercial use). That's why I share some of my digital scans with you.
I can share the photographs I own, like the glass slide of the Rewa elephant at Queen's road, or a couple of original photos that I bought through eBay, both from the Retainers review, which I will be sharing shortly.

Best Regards,

The Retainers Review Program

Wednesday 7 January 1903
The procession of the Chief’s Retainers round the Durbar Amphitheatre will be in the following order...'

The relative precedence of the Ruling Chiefs was not followed in arranging the parade, as the retinues of States whose camps were farthest from the amphitheatre were sent first to enable them to march back home in good time

I - Bombay States
1 - Kolhapur
20 Irregular Horse
120 Infantry

I don't have any photos of this state. But I have many pictures without identification yet, so eventually I might have something to show.

2 - Cutch

Elephant with Standard





93 Footmen with band
12 Camels with musicians, standards and guns
14 Irregular Body Guard


5 Caparisoned horses and flag bearers
20 Men in chain armour


Set BG117 - Flagbearers from Cutch (retired)

Set BG113 - Spearbearers from Cutch (retired)
1 Caparisoned “Rath”

4 Armed men on stilts


Set BG229 - Silver Horns from Cutch



2 Palkis with attendants and torch bearers
32 Arab guards

3 Elephants

10 Musicians
Set BG118 - Cutch Musicians (retired)

10 Camels with standards and armed guards

70 Footmen bearing arms, standards and emblems

5 Elephants

45 Bodyguard

This is just the beginning :)

What a wealth of information Ana !!!!

You must have the largest collection of Durbar photos in the world. Can you imagine what the photos would be like if this event took place now? {eek3}
spectacular photos and a wonderful thread! Ana, you are a fantastic asset to this website and this hobby!
What a wealth of information Ana !!!!

You must have the largest collection of Durbar photos in the world. Can you imagine what the photos would be like if this event took place now? {eek3}

Yes, Scott, there would be pictures all over Twitter, Facebook, Instagram. We wouldn't miss a second of it. It's such a hard work to search for all the available photos of the Durbar. A bit frustrating too. There are many personal albums from people who attended that go into auction and get sold immediately. If they weren't so expensive they would be mine :) I know I'll keep on finding photos. Luckily there were so many photographers...

3 - Khairpur

1 Elephant



53 Irregular footmen
20 Musicians
31 Mounted irregulars

I don't have any more pictures of Khairpur, at least not that I have identified as such. The images of the elephant are a stereoview and a colored postcard, both the same image. Just posing, not at the Amphitheatre.
4 - Sher and Mukalla

46 Arab irregulars
28 Spearmen and flag-bearers

Beau Geste set BG396

Check these camel riders and 2 flagbearers. You will see them from behind in the next photo

Here, both groups from behind. Far away, the group of flagbearers mentioned at the beginning of the post. See enlargement below. Also, the following guys marching at the end will be in the first photo of the next post.


This is the ideal sequence needed to identify all the contingent of each state. It hardly happens :)

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