What was your first K&C piece? (1 Viewer)


Private 2
Apr 8, 2006
Being newer to the forum I was wondering what first attracted everyone into buying their first piece? Mine was The West series . I like Native American pieces and the 7th Cavalry . I never really saw anything other than WWII, Civil War, or the other common periods at the shows so this was a magnet to me. After that first piece I started to look at their other lines and became hooked . I'm still missing a piece or two from The West series but it's still my favorite. Someday I hope to find them all and complete my collection. The new stuff through the years has been even more amazing and there is no turning back for me now.:D
"Streets of Old Hong Kong" back in 1984. K&C had a small shop on Wyndham Steet in Hong Kong. I like to think I have everything ever made in this theme, though I occassionally come across a variant.:)
I bought my first piece out of curiosity,having seen all the talk on this forum.
It was the ltd stug,I thought it was ok[later sold it] but it was the following set I purchased ,the tommy patrol that got me collecting.
I still prefer the figures over the vehicles ,I used to buy and sell a bit,
but latley its been buy and buy:eek: ,I think my defective collecting gene has set in.;)
I had seen K&C ads in Military Modeling, and English model builder's magazine. I sure wanted to see some! On a business trip to South Carolina I got to stop at Toy Soldiers of Charleston and saw my first K&C stuff in person. I was shocked by the prices, but totally intrigued by what I saw. I picked up the knocked-out StuG III. That was my first K&C purchase. As I got into the hobby I learned that K&C costs a little more, but the quality was worth it. That darned Stug was the first purchase and has been slowly, but steadily, followed by others.
Gentle Friends,

For a long time I resisted purchasing any K & C figures because I did not want to add another manufacturer to the many I already collect. However, once I saw the Ancient Egyptians, I could not resist buying them. I have since branched out to collect K & C Battle of the Bulge, the Napoleonics, and the strictly limited series sets. I wish I could afford other K & C lines. I would love to collect them all.

Warmest personal regards,

I was like Pat and I also did resist purchasing K&C untill last year I had to start collecting K&C napoleonics.
My first pieces was a highland color party with color sgt. that was an individual piece. Around 1984-85. These are glossy 54mm figures. I did not care for the vehicles and tanks because I did plastic modelling and also wanted to stay in 54mm range. My next purchase was Rev War British Artillery and many individual figures in 60m matte. I slowly started buying figures but no tanks. The Marines came next then BOB sets. I do have some tanks and amtrac and the Grief. Very pleased with what I got but see more then I can afford. My eyes are bigger then my wallet.If it was just K&C I would be ok. It is all the other companies and figures that I need now thats killing me. Leadmen -- what a way to go.
The old forty twa ARW piper. Then one thing led to another. Napoleonics and the rest is well..... you know the story.
My first set were several sets in 2000. I had only one Britain set and wanted some more toy soldiers to go with it so I ordered WS12,WS17,WS18,DD1,DD2 and DD5. When I got them I was disappointed that they didn't match up with the Britain machine gun set that I had so I stuck with 1/35 models and didn't buy anymore toy soldiers for two years. I saw some new K&C sets in 2003 and got back into it again.
Alex, I did the same with the Napoleonic French Elites. I bought 16 total, Grenadiers and Voltigiers.I think the first metal factory figures I bought.They were and are rather large compared to the other
Matte finish figures I have since collected, but so very nice I can live with it.
FubArRRrrRRrrR:) :) :)
My first piece(s) was Arnhem, a jeep set and a figure set. Got them on e-bay when there was maybe 200 listings under Toy soldiers on a good day, paid less than retail! AAHHH those were the days, heaven and I didn't know it!
P.S. the same guy i got them from offered to sell me a wooden tiger for $200.00, I thought that was crazy! he listed it and got around the same as I recall.
Hey now thats pretty cool. I just picked up my 1st Arnhem jeep from Brad,

and it is one of my favorite pieces!

I bought my first K&C piece at a toy soldier fair back in 2004. I believe it was DD47 (On the Beach Set A). At first, I was just looking for Del Prado, Flats, etc. But when I bumped onto K&C, I was sold. It didn't matter to me that I had to put all my remaining money in to it, I just wanted it...
I had bought a couple of Britain pieces, the paratroopers set (which I actually still like a lot) and having recently been in Normandy I was looking for some more British soldiers so I checked around and found that there was actually a K & C dealer in my town. Couldn't believe it. So I went there looking for Britains and found K & C. I too was surprised at the price but I went ahead and bought the Scottish patrol. I took my son back there the next day and bought two more D Day sets and it's been downhill ever since :D

My favorite piece is of course the wooden Spitfire that Louis helped me get at last year's Chicago show.
I started collecting K&C back in 2003 having spent the last 30 years collecting figures ranging from 25mm wargame armies to 54mm glossy and matt figures. When I moved on from wargaming I started painting 54mm castings in gloss, but when Britains started their matt ACW range I replaced the gloss with these and added Conte sets as well. Britains Napoleonics came next (the original 4 sets) and Conte ARW. I had always looked at K&C but never bought any for two reasons, price and size... They were more expensive and a lot bigger than the figures I already had. But then Britains changed hands again and the figures went to pot, so that was it, I took the plunge and bought some ARW British Fusiliers from K&C (still think these are some of the nicest figures K&C have produced). When I first opened their boxes I couldn't belive what I had been missing! I ordered more and in the end sold all my other make of figures to fund my new K&C collection.
Now it's only Napoleonics and SOHK (these I share with my wife!) that I buy.
Never will I change direction again.
They first caught my eye at the 2001 OTSN where Bill Moore had a display. What caused me to take the financial plunge was when K&C came out with the mounted Germans, however my first sets where 3 IwoJima sets. Was only going to collect Marines! How quickly that changed.
Speaking of Arnem, in 2002 I found a dealer (don,t tell Andy) who was selling all his K&C sets at 20% off, and I was able to buy 80% of the Arnem series at that price.
Being a scale modeler I was never interested on 'Toy Soldiers" but when I saw an advertisement for the K&C Battle of the Bulge set, Friend or Foe, I was sold. It seemed to be as good as any 1/35th scale stuff I had ever built.....And it was....Actually my favorite piece now is the Figarti Stewart. It is the closest in detail to the scale models I used to build. Firebat
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My first set was the Italian Patrol in 2004 and it never stop since then.

It was the Afrika Korps series that did it for me. I'd bought a few Britains sets but the K&C Afrika Korps range was in a different league. However due to the price I kept putting off buying them.

Finally when I saw the Desert Demag, Standing Patrol and MG42 sets were about to be retired I took the plunge and bought them.
A day or so later I ordered the Flak 88.

My first piece was the Grant .with Humprey Bogart. I thought it was such an unique piece and since one of all time favorite movies is Sahara, it was not a hard decision. I then bought the Sherman from a few years ago and later the D-Day jeep with trailer. Never considered myself a KC collector. I just bought models from whoever that appealed to my long past, near forgottened childhood. Now have about 8 vehicles and a few loose figures. Only buy , what appeals to me ..Keeps my collection basic. Michael

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