When did you start collecting? (1 Viewer)

When did you start collecting toy soldiers?

  • 2007

    Votes: 12 12.4%
  • 2006

    Votes: 5 5.2%
  • 2005

    Votes: 6 6.2%
  • 2004

    Votes: 6 6.2%
  • 2003

    Votes: 7 7.2%
  • 2002

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • 2001

    Votes: 2 2.1%
  • 2000

    Votes: 7 7.2%
  • 1995-1999

    Votes: 8 8.2%
  • Pre 1999

    Votes: 43 44.3%

  • Total voters
Weird - look at the poll results. So far there are NO people who began in 2002. What's up with that year??
I started collecting aged about six and have never stopped.As a kid in the seventies all my soldiers were Airfix,all scales all nations.Hundreds of little plastic fighting men all carefully placed only to be knocked down again as they were 'shot'!.As with many of my generation my soldier collecting along with Action man,Commando comics and Airfix planes all helped to nurture my love of military History.My collecting has been a sort of journey.Starting all those years ago in the grass on long summer days with plastic Airfix soldiers,through to Zulu and Redcoats.Then after a school trip to France/Belgium my fascination with WW1 began and years later i discovered Toy army workshop and amassed quite a collection of their figures/vehicles.And it was whilst going to the London Toy soldier shows to buy Toy Army stuff i came across King and Country.I remember i would always stop and look at their soldiers and think wow these are really good,but i can't start another collection,little did i know!.I purchased my first set (D Day American infantry patrol)and the rest as they say is History!.

My collecting and my passion for WW1/WW2 is known and smiled upon by all my family and friends.About a year ago my sister in law persuaded me and my wife to go and see a palm reader.I was very doubtful about it but went along for the ride anyway.And what did the Palm reader tell me?.That i was born in the wrong age and should have been born a undred years ago,and that in a previous life i probably had been!!! Spoooooky:eek:;)

I started collecting aged about six and have never stopped.As a kid in the seventies all my soldiers were Airfix,all scales all nations.Hundreds of little plastic fighting men all carefully placed only to be knocked down again as they were 'shot'!.As with many of my generation my soldier collecting along with Action man,Commando comics and Airfix planes all helped to nurture my love of military History.My collecting has been a sort of journey.Starting all those years ago in the grass on long summer days with plastic Airfix soldiers,through to Zulu and Redcoats.Then after a school trip to France/Belgium my fascination with WW1 began and years later i discovered Toy army workshop and amassed quite a collection of their figures/vehicles.And it was whilst going to the London Toy soldier shows to buy Toy Army stuff i came across King and Country.I remember i would always stop and look at their soldiers and think wow these are really good,but i can't start another collection,little did i know!.I purchased my first set (D Day American infantry patrol)and the rest as they say is History!.

My collecting and my passion for WW1/WW2 is known and smiled upon by all my family and friends.About a year ago my sister in law persuaded me and my wife to go and see a palm reader.I was very doubtful about it but went along for the ride anyway.And what did the Palm reader tell me?.That i was born in the wrong age and should have been born a undred years ago,and that in a previous life i probably had been!!! Spoooooky:eek:;)


:confused::confused: What??? The palm reader told you that in a previous life, you probably had been born...???
Hmmm....for sure reincarnation is true. I can tell you that I've always known I was involved in setting fire to the Summer Palace during the Second Opium War and running off with one of the palace concubines....:D:D:eek::rolleyes::rolleyes: Aaaaah, how history repeats itself....;) Muuuuuughh-huuuugh-uugh........

HtH Late of the 93rd
As a kid it started out with a family friend in scotland giving
me a huge amount of airfix HO scale soldiers followed by my
own purchasing of britains deetail and the odd metal set [pretty
expensive for a kid] Then as you do, cars,travel,the fairer sex etc took over and toys where boxed up in a cupboard.
When I hit about 30 I dug out my deetail stuff to sell on the internet
foolishly decided to buy a set or 100 and the rest is history
[although I already have my exit stradegy sorted]:D
Ah yes, I remember many epic green army man battles. The hard thing about the rocks was "killing" those crawling guys. According to our rules of war the weren't dead unless they got flipped over when hit. First real lead men I received were a set of ceremonial Britians my dad got me after a trip to Waterloo battlefield in 72.
Hi all,

I picked 2005 as my start date, because that was technically the date of my first purchase of actual toy soldiers (one of the K&C SF sets), but in truth, I’ve been into military miniatures of different sorts for a good while longer.

I started off when I was younger at the Warhammer 40k side of things, and then moved gradually into historical war gaming, as this was where my true interests lay.
After a while (chiefly for lack of local opponents!), I drifted into the purely modelling side of affairs, but still found this somewhat unsatisfactory. Painting and assembling miniatures, as satisfactory as it can certainly be, can also be very time consuming, and finicky.

Frightening as it is to admit it even at this relatively tender age (19), I simply didn’t have the time anymore! Even when I do have the evening free, or the weekends, I’d much rather spend that free time with the girlfriend, or out with the lads, etc., rather than up to my elbows in paint and polystyrene glue. In addition, my modelling and painting skills, while not atrocious, were (and are!) decidedly average and I found I just couldn’t compete with the pictures on the box or in the magazine.

So for me, toy soldiers are the perfect compromise – I can let the professionals take care of the building and painting, and still enjoy having an increasing collection of smart looking military miniatures!


Hello, all!

I built models when I was a kid, eventually focusing on WWII aircraft, ships and armor. I also read a lot (both parents were English teachers, I could hardly avoid it), S and world history, with a focus on WWII.

I also started buying and painting Airfix 1/72 and HO scale figures, and had a 4'x8' sheet of plywood with a diorama/wargame of Waterloo on it, by the time I graduated high school. I started experimenting with molding and casting figures at that time, too. (Boy, was the selection really limited back then!)

When I went to college, the hobbies faded into the background, until I spent a year studying in Munich. While I lived there, I went regularly to a local flea market, and one day, I bought a set of homecast half-round soldiers, because I thought they looked neat.

A couple of years later, I happened to find a book on toy soldiers (Richard O'Brien's first book), saw pictures of the same kind of soldiers I had, and I dove back in. I started looking for soldiers, whether finished or as castings, bought molds, joined a club (MFCA in Philly), travelled to shows, and the rest is history. And I've come full circle, because I've gotten back into scale modeling, too. There is much cross-over, especially for those of us who do any painting or other original work on our figures. And you can hardly collect toy soldiers or historical miniatures and not become familiar with many different subjects, and even become expert in a couple.

We probably all have similar stories.

I started collecting several years ago after my divorce to my first wife. I was bored one evening and thought I would just look at some toy soldiers. I had hundreds of plastic ones as a child. When I first saw the K&C figures, I thought to myself how great they looked, but I told myself I would never pay almost $20 for one figure. Well,........ Needless to say I have purchased a few hundred at that price and much more! :) My very first purchase was the first matte French Naps produced by K&C. That first purchase of a couple hundred dollars has lead to thousands of my dollars going straight to Andy's pockets. :(
If we include warbirds, I would be in the pre 1995 group; for figures only it would be 2007. I did know about toy soldier figures for a long time but I did not discover how realistic and impressive they could be until my wife gave me a set of 90mm knights for Christmas. In researching those I discovered the Conte Spartans and I have been sliding further into the abyss ever since.
I didn't start until this year. I mean I made military models as a kid (quite badly I must add) and I had plenty of 1/72 plastic soldiers but I didn't consider this as a hobby or collecting.
If anything I have always been a history fanatic and wanted to be a history teacher though it didn't end up that way. It was through history that I stumbled on this hobby and it certainly has me enraptured. I can't see myself buying tons of them but I am fond of certain periods and a moderate collection brings me joy. I am a late starter at 37 years old.
I didn't start until this year. I mean I made military models as a kid (quite badly I must add) and I had plenty of 1/72 plastic soldiers but I didn't consider this as a hobby or collecting.
If anything I have always been a history fanatic and wanted to be a history teacher though it didn't end up that way. It was through history that I stumbled on this hobby and it certainly has me enraptured. I can't see myself buying tons of them but I am fond of certain periods and a moderate collection brings me joy. I am a late starter at 37 years old.

Yo Trooper, had me in tears there lol 37 years old comon your only a lad. Started at 65 when my beautiful son was born, so you have some way to go yet.
I didn't start until this year. I mean I made military models as a kid (quite badly I must add) and I had plenty of 1/72 plastic soldiers but I didn't consider this as a hobby or collecting.
If anything I have always been a history fanatic and wanted to be a history teacher though it didn't end up that way. It was through history that I stumbled on this hobby and it certainly has me enraptured. I can't see myself buying tons of them but I am fond of certain periods and a moderate collection brings me joy. I am a late starter at 37 years old.

Hi Davout71,

Welcome to the Treefrog Forum! Be careful, the combination of being enraptured and having a "moderate" collection can easily mushroom into being addicted and having a huge collection! :D At age 37, you have plenty of years to build a really fine collection. Enjoy the ride. It is loads of fun.

I would be interested to learn what historical periods interest you the most. Do you mind sharing that information with us?

Again, welcome to the forum. I look forward to more discussions with you!

Warmest personal regards,

Pat ;)
Thanks for the welcome. I think in the next few years my collection will be moderate. A big mortgage and a first child on the way means my wife my not be exactly over the moon when some expensive non-essentials arrive in the mail. Still as you say I have a few years left. Bernard's comment made me wonder if I could be looking at this forum in 30 years from now?
As far as history goes most periods interest me but probably world war II and North American history of the 18th century and early 19th interest me the most. I have read a great deal in those areas. As far as collecting soldiers go I really like the FIW selection from Britains. Tradition also have a good line up there. Beau Geste's AWI also looks good. I am also fond of art and these minatures really are works of art.
Well the poll doesn't have the year 2008.

This year is when I started, Jan.,2008 in fact.

I just started, and I got addicted already. Nothing new for me though :rolleyes: But I'm not going to play catch up. I find all the new things that are coming out now, are just fine with me.

Maybe I got into this at a good time, but it looks like this hobby was always a good time. Looking foward to the future :)

I started collecting Timpo Plastic after I found a few of them that were stored away at my parents house. I did not realize thay they were saved from my childhood. All of my Marx sets and my brothers sets were given to the next door neighbors kids by my Mom.

One of the dealers I was dealing with to add to my Timpo collection told me about the show in Chicago.

The first show I went to was in 2000, I purchased very little except for Timpo. I liked the metal but did not know what to buy. I purchased my first metal in 2001 at the Chicago show, it was a Zulu set from Little Legion. I have been hooked since then.

Since I live in Chicago, I go to the OSTN every night starting on Wednesday. The only other show I go to is the show at Cantigney.

I have all of the Conte Zulu Plastic sets.

I would like to start painting figures,but I do not know where to begin.

I have started to buy K&C tanks now.
I would like to start painting figures,but I do not know where to begin

Hi, have a look at the threads in the painting forum, there are quite a few of us who would be more than happy to give advice on how to start. Are you interested in painting plastic or metal?


Hi, have a look at the threads in the painting forum, there are quite a few of us who would be more than happy to give advice on how to start. Are you interested in painting plastic or metal?



Thanks Jeff, I will take a look at the threads in the painting forums. I think I would like to try metal but I am not sure. I feel as I do not know enough to make a choice. I would like to find a book to get started, as of now I do not even know what equipment to get. I just know I would like to try painting figures.

Thanks Jeff, I will take a look at the threads in the painting forums. I think I would like to try metal but I am not sure. I feel as I do not know enough to make a choice. I would like to find a book to get started, as of now I do not even know what equipment to get. I just know I would like to try painting figures.


I pretty much started at befor 1999. The figures back in the 90's were ok looking but not the greatest. But worth quite a bite of money these days.

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