Where do you buy your Russians? (1 Viewer)

With the high-end, expensive Russian figures, I have to be able to see them in person, hold them, examine them and make comparisons with other figures. My prior purchases were at shows. A shop would be another avenue for me. I plan to attend a show in the near future so there I will have another opportunity to find some Russian gems! :)

Thanks for your responses!


I've been doing exhibitions in Philadelphia (1994) , Chicago, London, Folkestone, Glasgow, Paris, Nice, Madrid, Barcelona, Milan, Rome, Kulmbuch, Frankfurt-on-Mine, Moscow, St-Petersburg.
I've exhibited hundreds of figures
* In London Toy Soldiers Show, my booth was the biggest or second one ( in 2000-2005)
Every time there was a customer who asked of something which does not exist:smile2:
I've been doing exhibitions in Philadelphia (1994) , Chicago, London, Folkestone, Glasgow, Paris, Nice, Madrid, Barcelona, Milan, Rome, Kulmbuch, Frankfurt-on-Mine, Moscow, St-Petersburg.
I've exhibited hundreds of figures
* In London Toy Soldiers Show, my booth was the biggest or second one ( in 2000-2005)
Every time there was a customer who asked of something which does not exist:smile2:

Well, I would not be one of those customers!

As far as Russian figures go, I don't seek them out. They, in a sense, find me! {eek3} They are only spontaneous purchases and never planned out in advance. {sm4}

Those are a lot of exhibitions that you have done maybe, we will meet one day at one of those! :salute::
ebay is great for me! I check all the time for new Russian stuff on there
Even better placing order directly what you want and choose the design :wink2:
I just sent an email to Russian Vityaz and got a response from Kolobob. Are these the same company now?
No. It's a business
Arsenyev knows how to make best
Kolobob knows how to sell more expensive
Arsenyev forwarded your letter to Kolobob
I saw this on your Facebook earlier today - excellent work!
Over 1000 figures are on the shelf now
If you say that you want to see, I would be very grateful

I did not like to trade in ebay
Too many restrictions and higher interest charges on sales
I find it easier to work on request
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Any civil war stuff? British Monarchy (agincourt, war of roses, etc)?
another thing maybe- take some photos of the shelves and then if we want a close up or one or two we can let you know which

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