where is all the plastic discussion? (1 Viewer)


Private 1st Class
May 19, 2011
seems mainly metal here
or maybe i am just not knowing how to navigate site
are there other sites where plastic is discussed more?
Hobby Bunker Forum is mostly plastic.
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The trouble is there are only a few plastic releases a year. When one finally happens it could be in a time period out side your interest, so it may be ages before you have anything to enthuse over.
Yup, plastics are very quiet right now, plus this forum is really tilted towards K&C and other lines of painted metal. THere is a small cult of us plastic guys around though. Not a lot of plastic releases right now. Conte only does a little plastic anymore - his profit lies in painted metals. TSSD has suffered from the down economy even before Nick had health problems, 21C was run into the ground, FoV only issues a couple new items each year. The latest new plastic figures have been Armies in Plastic's modern GIs and a couple new sets from Classic Toys Soldiers. Paragon have been quietly keeping at their Cavalry and Apache sets. Weston usually does "wild West" stuff but surprised us with British WW2 infantry a couple years ago.

To get new figures several of us do conversions of various figures - that gets some discussion going.

Right now in North America the plastic toy soldier market isn't a growth industry. Hang tough, there are other plastic guys here. Start a few discussions and see what happens.

Gary B
Yup, plastics are very quiet right now, plus this forum is really tilted towards K&C and other lines of painted metal. THere is a small cult of us plastic guys around though. Not a lot of plastic releases right now. Conte only does a little plastic anymore - his profit lies in painted metals. TSSD has suffered from the down economy even before Nick had health problems, 21C was run into the ground, FoV only issues a couple new items each year. The latest new plastic figures have been Armies in Plastic's modern GIs and a couple new sets from Classic Toys Soldiers. Paragon have been quietly keeping at their Cavalry and Apache sets. Weston usually does "wild West" stuff but surprised us with British WW2 infantry a couple years ago.

Gary B

Let's not forget Barzso Playsets in your list.. and yes, resin is a type of plastic... But like other plastics manufacturers Ron comes out with new product only a couple times of year.

Dont forget Hat Industrie they drip feed sets thru out the year.
HobbyBunker {the forum} 54mm plastics get the most respect ^&grin
Get creative. I just got Armies In Plastic's shirt sleeve British. I'm adding Union kepis and hats from the Boer and Berdan's AIP sets to make French 1870-1871 Guard Mobile and Communards defending the barricades.
There's a hell of a lot of discussion, reviews, articles, new product info in PLASTIC WARRIOR magazine - far more information in it than you'll find on the net.
My Barzso playsets are what I consider to be the "Jewels" of my collection. For me, it doesn't get any better than the Tripoli playset and the Aztecs and Conquistadors playset. Their historical awareness and their charm, in my humble opinion, can't be touched.

The title of this post was "Where is all the Plastic Discussion?" I flip between this site, the Hobby Bunker, and the Marx Playsets Yahoo group, plus a few others that I hit on occassion to make sure nothing slips my radar.

Like everyone, I wish there were more plastic sets released more often, but I feel like we've had a windfall recently. AIP's modern figures, CTS and their Civil War figs, Paragon's multiple sets over a short period of time (with more promised), and TSSD's upcoming O.K. Corral figures, Weston's British, and a variety of Napoleonics from HaT.

Plus, an entirely new range from TSSD coming later this year (there goes my budget!). Not too shabby. I still need to catch up on a few sets that I've missed out on over the past couple years anyway.

Rock on,
Hat also have 7yw Prussians on the way plus theres the recent AIP 7yw French looks like the start of a new time period.
Actually , there has been a fair amount of plastic released, you had TSSD's Custers Last Stand series something like 56 new sculpts, Ron Barzso's Bushy Run and ZFort William Henry, CTS has come out with two new sets and will soon be four. TSSD, is going to release the OK Corral and Replicants and Steve Weston have released or are going to release new sets. AIP is always releasing new sets. Also, don't forget Paragon, they have released four sets and have more planned. Last but not least Ron Barzso also recently released a new Fort Apache. That may not match the frequency of metal, but that's a fair amount of releases.

The trouble is there are only a few plastic releases a year. When one finally happens it could be in a time period out side your interest, so it may be ages before you have anything to enthuse over.
Re: Thanks for the advice

Thanks to all who have offered help. I checked out Hobby Bunker forum and it seems to be a largely unfriendly place filled with attacks and counterattacks by members rather than a fun discussion of new sets. One guy in particular was really lecturing Paragon on business issues (nevins?) and acting like a real know it all and seemd to kill the group discussion with his nasty posts. I would guess most people don't want to get involved in having everything they say get attacked by some guy who thinks he has all the answers.
Thanks but i think you misunderstood my original question. I was asking where one could have a fun discussion. I was not asking for a list of new product. I am aware of most of the new items coming up and check manufacturers and dealers pages frequently.
by the way i tried Marx playset group on yahoo and it seems to be a friendly place although not much being discussed there.
Actually , there has been a fair amount of plastic released, you had TSSD's Custers Last Stand series something like 56 new sculpts, Ron Barzso's Bushy Run and ZFort William Henry, CTS has come out with two new sets and will soon be four. TSSD, is going to release the OK Corral and Replicants and Steve Weston have released or are going to release new sets. AIP is always releasing new sets. Also, don't forget Paragon, they have released four sets and have more planned. Last but not least Ron Barzso also recently released a new Fort Apache. That may not match the frequency of metal, but that's a fair amount of releases.
Hobby Bunker has some discussions, not a great deal, but some. The Marx Playset site screens all your posts, so I don't go there at all. Besides the moderator works a certain manufacturers table at one of the shows, so in my opinion he restricts posts made regarding said manufacturer.

Thanks but i think you misunderstood my original question. I was asking where one could have a fun discussion. I was not asking for a list of new product. I am aware of most of the new items coming up and check manufacturers and dealers pages frequently.
by the way i tried Marx playset group on yahoo and it seems to be a friendly place although not much being discussed there.
Actually this place is as fun as one makes it. Yes,there can be long discussions that wander off topic, but that is the nature of internet news groups. There are a "cult" of us plastic guys here. Sometimes it just takes somebody to start a good topic.

What do you consider "fun"? Some guys like collecting plastics, some of us specialize in certain eras. In case you hadn't noticed, I'm a WW2 Allied guy who dabbles in conversions of all kinds (to make a buck!). Some guys like to set up scenes, and they are very good at them. Just look at Joe Baker's set ups of various playsets (or sets that should have been made). Now that looks FUN! Some of us like conversions (to me each new figure is not only a new pose but a source of new parts). Add the FoV guys as closet plastics guys and there are quite a few around.

What makes plastic toy soldiers a fun hobby for you?

Gary B.

What makes plastic toy soldiers a fun hobby for you?

Gary B.

They are inexpensive and it's relatively easy to make a large force. I can cut up plastics to make extra poses and forces not available like Franco-Prussian War. Unless you paint them you don't have to baby the figures in storage. The ranges now available go from cavemen to War on Terror. Details can be good enough to paint.

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