where is all the plastic discussion? (3 Viewers)

Your warning about Marx Playset site is interesting but Ive gotta say that the forum director there has been very nice and I dont see all sorts of negative posts on his site. . He Even took time to write me several personal emails asking what I collected interested in and so forth and offering to help. So far I have nothing but nice things to say about how the Marx group is
I consider that very helpful and kind
Hobby Bunker has some discussions, not a great deal, but some. The Marx Playset site screens all your posts, so I don't go there at all. Besides the moderator works a certain manufacturers table at one of the shows, so in my opinion he restricts posts made regarding said manufacturer.
Well, I think interesting discussions give you both points of view, that is not possible if you are discussing his favorite manufacturer and he deems it derogatory or critical. I value other's opinions even if I may strongly disagree with them. Quite a few of the people from Hobby Bunkers forum also belong to the Marx Group. Another thing I don't like is at times it can take several days before your posts appears, long delays spoil the discussion, at least for me.

Your warning about Marx Playset site is interesting but Ive gotta say that the forum director there has been very nice and I dont see all sorts of negative posts on his site. . He Even took time to write me several personal emails asking what I collected interested in and so forth and offering to help. So far I have nothing but nice things to say about how the Marx group is
I consider that very helpful and kind
Well gotta say you warned me about the Marx site.
Moderator there refused to post one of my posts about plastic Tombstone and then wrote me and told me my post was inappropriate . I said some things which were comparing the Conte Collectibles vs. TSSD which I thought were useful.

my comments responded to a guy who was saying stupid and really poorly spelled anti Conte things and claiming they were FACTS, when they were clearly just his almost illiterate opinions.
also I tried to compare the anatomy of the TSD vs Conte Earps and generally concluded the Conte were far far better sculpts
moderator apparently didnt want me criticizing TSD or saying something complimentary about Conte
It is said that at least a third of the internet interest sites contain personal abuse...easy to be nasty when you don't have to look anyone in the eye...moderators can be a bit over cautious as sometimes even the most innocent comments can act as a launch pad for some really nasty, personal abuse.
That's unusual, in my experiences he was always very pro Conte. However, I don't think posts should be censored unless they are truly in bad taste and or use offensive langage. If they are stating their personal opinion, I think they should be entitled to post, I believe that's one of the purposes of forums. We should have the freedom to criticize as well as praise.

As a side note I have held the TSSD poses in my hand and I think they are nice poses with very good sculpting. Something you can touch and feel is always better then a picture.

Well gotta say you warned me about the Marx site.
Moderator there refused to post one of my posts about plastic Tombstone and then wrote me and told me my post was inappropriate . I said some things which were comparing the Conte Collectibles vs. TSSD which I thought were useful.

my comments responded to a guy who was saying stupid and really poorly spelled anti Conte things and claiming they were FACTS, when they were clearly just his almost illiterate opinions.
also I tried to compare the anatomy of the TSD vs Conte Earps and generally concluded the Conte were far far better sculpts
moderator apparently didnt want me criticizing TSD or saying something complimentary about Conte
Not sure what you are referring to as my comments which he refused to post could have been viewed by most as pro Conte Collectables and I came away with the distinct feeling that he was protecting TSD rather than Conte and did not want any thing negative about their product to be posted. Since you have held the TSD Earps but not the Conte you seem to want to downgrade Conte Earps . all i can say is that lots of collectors held the Conte figures at the East Coaster show last year including a close friend of mine and they do exist and are clearly better poses with more interesting touches. I especially like the Conte including Hollidays Cane. Also the tailoring of the clothing and the body proportions of the Conte are so much better.
As a side note I have held the TSSD poses in my hand and I think they are nice poses with very good sculpting. Something you can touch and feel is always better then a picture.[/QUOTE]
I wonder if someone who has the old issues of PFPC would have time to do a little research on the early days of Conte and see what was promised to come from him in plastic. Also, towards the end of the run of the magazine there were some adds about things just around the corner, particularly Rogers Rangers guys.
I'm currious to what was promised versus what was ever made. I seem to recall at one time there was a story about how he had bought up all the rights to old adventure movies so as to make playsets. The questions, I suppose, is how much did he really say and how much is urban legend?
I'd look myself but I got rid of all my old copies of toy magazines on the advice of my analysist. He thought he couldn't help me because I had too many issues.
I don't know which ones he actually approached for rights. In talking to Richard Conte and Andy Nielson, the problem isn't just the rights to the movie from the studio, but then the actors or their families can be a big problem. You will notice that RC made a nice metal figure that looks a lot like a famous actor in "The Longest Day", but the figure is simply titled "On to St.Mere Eglise". That gets the estate out of the loop for using the name and image - the figure "just happens" to have a passing resemblance ;-)

Gary B.
I get kicked around by some members as a "Conte Basher", but this year will be my 20th consecutive year of attending OTSN. And as I look back the most memorable OTSN was 1999 when Richard Conte first arrived on the scene and at the show.
He had been advertising his new plastic for about 6 months prior in PFPC, a plastic soldier magazine.
When he arrived, Elvis could have walked in the door with RC and nobody would have noticed. RC was the king of the show. You could hardly get in his room there were so many people. And then to add to the drama his playsets did not arrive until Saturday evening and again a huge rush to get them.
I really do wish those days would come back.
Yes, that's why I deemed it unusual, in my opinion he's a shill for Conte, so any comments that would exault Conte and degrade someone else would normally be allowed. As long as you don't tread on the holy grail it was usually considered good from.

Not downgrading anything, just being fair. Can't really judge a figure unless I have seen it up close, pictures only do so much. I guess you can and will interpret it anyway you want. So, feel free have at it.

Not sure what you are referring to as my comments which he refused to post could have been viewed by most as pro Conte Collectables and I came away with the distinct feeling that he was protecting TSD rather than Conte and did not want any thing negative about their product to be posted. Since you have held the TSD Earps but not the Conte you seem to want to downgrade Conte Earps . all i can say is that lots of collectors held the Conte figures at the East Coaster show last year including a close friend of mine and they do exist and are clearly better poses with more interesting touches. I especially like the Conte including Hollidays Cane. Also the tailoring of the clothing and the body proportions of the Conte are so much better.
As a side note I have held the TSSD poses in my hand and I think they are nice poses with very good sculpting. Something you can touch and feel is always better then a picture.
Conte promised the Earth, moon and stars in plastic figures and produced very little and still promised the sun, moon and the stars......
what nonsense. The Zulu, Norman, Viking , Foreign Legion, Civil War, WW2 , Greeks add up to one of the biggest plastic outputs in the past 10 years. Add in the Roman Galley and all of the buildings and terrain. CC have made so much and you just sound foolish acting like they have done nothing for the hobby. And we aren't even talking the hundreds and hundreds of metal sets.
Clearly you have an axe to grind or a secret agenda as you aren't interested in the truth.
You forgot the Alamo, tsk tsk. Beat the drum slowly.

what nonsense. The Zulu, Norman, Viking , Foreign Legion, Civil War, WW2 , Greeks add up to one of the biggest plastic outputs in the past 10 years. Add in the Roman Galley and all of the buildings and terrain. CC have made so much and you just sound foolish acting like they have done nothing for the hobby. And we aren't even talking the hundreds and hundreds of metal sets.
Clearly you have an axe to grind or a secret agenda as you aren't interested in the truth.
thanks must have been a senior moment
i always seem to forget their alamo as I never would have had room for anything that large. I've seen those buildings though and they were terrific. I didnt like how the Texians were one style of plastic and the Mexican Army another. I guess they were switching over at the time and while the Mexicans were better figures with more realism I always thought it was a shame the defenders hadn't been made in the same newer style of molding
Jay I've never own a copy of PFPC but did find were Conte announced his Rogers Rangers Proto Types back on August 10 2002 on his web site along with I believe the 1st of his Alamo flyers. I don't see where he made any promises and you'll note the proto types were subject to change. Be sure to wait for it to open complete.


I'm sure as you know an are aware of he delivered the series in 2005 with the change

what nonsense. The Zulu, Norman, Viking , Foreign Legion, Civil War, WW2 , Greeks add up to one of the biggest plastic outputs in the past 10 years. Add in the Roman Galley and all of the buildings and terrain. CC have made so much and you just sound foolish acting like they have done nothing for the hobby. And we aren't even talking the hundreds and hundreds of metal sets.
Clearly you have an axe to grind or a secret agenda as you aren't interested in the truth.

No one has said he hasn't done anything for the hobby except you. What people are saying is that what he has produced, nice as it is, is only a very small amount of what he PROMISED he was going to do. I don't think there is any question about who has the secret agenda posting all over the place. Re-read some of the other posts before you go on.
Jay would you be good enough to tell me what Conte's promised and when and where in writting what it was he promised. I also find it amazing that when Conte's addresses an issues it's deemed as an excuse by some and can it be verified as a fact. It really would be nice to put this dead horse to rest instead of contining to harp on the same isssues time after time.........Joe
Jay would you be good enough to tell me what Conte's promised and when and where in writting what it was he promised. I also find it amazing that when Conte's addresses an issues it's deemed as an excuse by some and can it be verified as a fact. It really would be nice to put this dead horse to rest instead of contining to harp on the same isssues time after time.........Joe

Maybe others can help me: Let's start at the begining:

Accessories for the War Lord Tower (licensing, really?)
or for the Zulu set.
Then there's the glider set for the WWII D-Day set,
Or the tanks plus how many other figures were supposed to come out then. (Where are the reissued btw?)
Then, going back to the beginning; the Spartacus set,
The the Foreign Legion and Arab cavalry.
Then the Alamo Cavalry,
and gun crews,
then the Civil War Cavalry,
and gun crews,
then the additional Viking villages, with the monk's tower,
then the rest of the Alamo,
the Patriot/Rev War set (licensing again? K and C didn't have that problem.)
And the Rogers Rangers that were in the flyer you attached. (thanks, by the way)
And the Indians to go with them. And the Indian village
Oh, Pirates, and a boat.

Okay, let me catch my breath and think of others. I'm sure others can add to this. Yes, he did do some of these in metal, AND THEY WERE GOOD, but... that's not what was promised, nor is it the point. I'm sure the metal collectors are please with his stuff when it comes, but the big roll out how ever many years ago it was was that this was going to be a new plastic playset company that we could all enjoy and live happily ever after.
Let's Please get back on Topic

I started this topic in order to get leads on where I could have fun discussing plastic figures. Unfortunately, several of you continue to try and hijack the thread and turn it into a Conte bashing exercise. I must also say that several of you attempted to intimidate me with private emails on a similar thread a few weeks back apparently in the hope of chasing me from the site. Two of you who made unwelcome private emails to me which led to the deletion of the other thread are backat it again.
apparently there is a continual theme here of attacking Conte Collectables and its owner no matter what the theme of the thread is. This is sad behavior. YOUR ATTACKS EVIDENCE A WEIRD FASCINATION OR FIXATION WITH CONTE COLLECTABLE AND CONTINUALLY RAISE QUESTIONS AS TO YOUR MOTIVATIONS.
I also wanted to say thank you to the several members who have written to me privately to tell me that they are unhappy with the negative efforts of a few of you to ruin any fun discussion here. I appreciate the comments from a few who have said they only read the posts but never post themselves as they always are attacked . I am hopeful that the moderators will take action so that more plastic collectors would feel 'safe' in participating.

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