Who on here is a Roman collector? (1 Viewer)

The best value in Roman figures today is Conte. The figures are available on eBay and some sets can be bought for less than $15/figure. I like the dynamic poses of the figures conveying a sense of motion and action. Some of the best combat poses available IMO. The TCS Romans are good and fairly priced, plus they are size compatible with the Conte figures. Kronprinze makes very nice Roman figures too. Painted figures from Russia are of very high quality and are reasonably priced relative to K&C, TG and FL.

I wish W. Britains would do Romans; I think they would do them very well at a fair price.
The best value in Roman figures today is Conte. The figures are available on eBay and some sets can be bought for less than $15/figure. I like the dynamic poses of the figures conveying a sense of motion and action. Some of the best combat poses available IMO. The TCS Romans are good and fairly priced, plus they are size compatible with the Conte figures. Kronprinze makes very nice Roman figures too. Painted figures from Russia are of very high quality and are reasonably priced relative to K&C, TG and FL.

I wish W. Britains would do Romans; I think they would do them very well at a fair price.

Yes would be a sound business decision for Britains to get into Romans after FL, CS, TG, K&C, Kronprinz, and the "reasonably priced" Russian figures, not to mention the great selection and value of Conte you mention.

Your strategy might work if you are happy to mix and match Conte, CS, Russian figures and Kronprinz but somehow don't see that working for many other Roman fans.
Actually mixing Conte, TCS, and Kronprinze works very well in a diorama as they are all the same size and style. W. Britains could do very nice Romans and easily undercut the high prices of K&C, TG and FL. Plus their Saxons work very well as Goths, thus you already have adversaries in production. W. Britains could make late Roman Empire figures; which no one has done to date.
A lot of opportunities in the area of Roman figures given the 1000 year time span from the Republic to the late Empirical. A huge variety of adversaries expand the opportunities i.e. Goths, Huns, Macedonians, Persians, Dacians, etc.
In order to spread my business around and to cover the Claudian era invasion of Britain I collect the following:
Legio II Augustus from First Legion
Legio IX Hispana from Thomas Gunn
Legio XX Valeria Vixtrix from King & Country

Missing Legio XIV, Gemina to complete the invasion force.

Right now the opposition is limited to TCS Celts but JJD Enemies of Rome is forthcoming!

In the future it would be great to get Germanics, Dacians, Parthians and the Jewish Revolt.
I agree the romans from KC are too expensive for what they are , TG are the best for value and quality,

First legion nice but too expensive, only get the unusual things like scorpion set and upcoming roman catapult set

Please tell me that you are not from the beautiful Southern State of Victoria????

Isandlwana mate,
I have a large collection of FL Romans and have all the new K&C Romans & Milecastle and find they match up well.

Cheers Howard
In the not to near future I will have to start on a project for a mate, he wants Caesars bridge across the Rhine. A big diorama by any measure so what will be needed are Roman engineers (Republican ones to boot) so you Roman collectors start agitating now for such figures as he must populate the mentioned dio with them. I love the Roman era as well as the ACW but to avoid the poor house I have steered away from such because to do justice to any diorama with them you must have hundreds of figures the cost of which would break me.....{sm2}

Yes, those of us who have been cursed, if cursed is the right word, by the Roman 'itch' and don't have the bottomless reserves of cash have to be a bit savvy, especially now. We've probably never had it so good! I have collected the original FL Minerva range and the also for some reason couldn't resist the FL Adiutrix figures, even though they were the same poses! Madness, I know. I have gone down the TG path in a large way too. They do look magnificent en masse. I haven't gone down the K&C route nor the CS one and I came far too late for the Conte party, which is a shame because they looked a really fun set of figures to own. However, I am ready for the JJD juggernaut. Those prototypes at the London show looked fantastic, with the promise of greater things to come.

I've missed collecting JJ's figures a lot but now I have a valid excuse to reacquaint. Can't wait.
Most of the Conte Romans and Barbarian figures are available on eBay, some at very reasonable prices. I picked up the Behold the Power of Rome set SPQR 015 for $49.00! The K&C Barbarian figures are also available and work with the Conte figures.
The decision to go with Romans by First legion was not affected by the fact that TCS and K&C were already doing Romans. Ditto Thomas Gunn's decision to join the Roman manufacturers.

How deep your pockets are determines what you buy. Conte and TCS are nice figures at reasonable prices and they work together well. I use the TCS Catapult crew with the historically accurate Elastolin Catapults and Ballista.

Yes would be a sound business decision for Britains to get into Romans after FL, CS, TG, K&C, Kronprinz, and the "reasonably priced" Russian figures, not to mention the great selection and value of Conte you mention.

Your strategy might work if you are happy to mix and match Conte, CS, Russian figures and Kronprinz but somehow don't see that working for many other Roman fans.

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