Who to colect? (1 Viewer)


Oct 16, 2007
I have been looking for answers in this forum and could not find an answer so, here I will drop the question. Who is the best manufacturer in the 1:30 to 1:32's
I have started collecting w.britains but those king and country look a lot better. What do you guys think ?
I have been looking for answers in this forum and could not find an answer so, here I will drop the question. Who is the best manufacturer in the 1:30 to 1:32's
I have started collecting w.britains but those king and country look a lot better. What do you guys think ?

Go with your eye and your preference but i like King&Country and think the quality and appearance is better than britains
The two most important factors to take into consideration are your budget and historical interest. The Russian produced figures are the best of the best but very expensive. If you prefer reasonably priced figures for diorama type displays, then it is hard to beat KC. I think only HB is superior with their WWII tanks. If you are a big fan of the 18th century - and thus a member of the minority here - try John Jenkins. A great value and product with the French-Indian War line. That is my favorite range at the moment.
Boy, is that a loaded question. It really depends are what you are trying to do and the interests that you have. Firstly what eras are you interested in? Then which style of figure are you looking for, toy or connoisseur? Gloss or matte? It goes on and on then everyone will have differing opinions based on their preferences. So much fun. All are good just different.:)
Hasn't this subject been beat to death through out the King and Country Threads in favor of King and Country as the number one choice? ......The Lt.
However, this isn't on the King and Country section and he's asking for assistance.
However, this isn't on the King and Country section and he's asking for assistance.

I understand that Brad but the end results will be with the majority of the replys favoring K & C.......The Lt.
A difficult question to answer at best. There is such an abundance of great items coming from different manufacturers these days. Toy soldier companies today are all maintaining a higher standards of quality. I can only suggest you go with your heart and buy what you like ( and can afford ;)).
I understand that Brad but the end results will be with the majority of the replys favoring K & C.......The Lt.

I'm not sure I see what's wrong with that if people are giving their honest opinions. I frankly thought KV's answer was best. In certain areas, K & C may be the way to go but in certain areas such as ACW or WW I, it probably isn't, at least not for a long time to come.

No answer is bad.
I have been looking for answers in this forum and could not find an answer so, here I will drop the question. Who is the best manufacturer in the 1:30 to 1:32's
I have started collecting w.britains but those king and country look a lot better. What do you guys think ?

World War Two
Forces of Valour - if you are just collecting tanks and vehicles because they are in 1/32 scale, have good accuracy and cheap.

King & Country - if you are ONLY collecting World War Two figures. But I understand they have plans to make their tanks larger to complement their figures more accurately.

Other eras, including World War One, Vietnam etc
There is no clear cut market leader, and it's more personal choice imo.
King & Country make the best figures, excellent (but expensive) aircraft and dioramas, and pretty darn good (ever improving) vehicles.

Figarti make the best vehicles, excellent aircraft and dioramas, but their figures are a bit behind.

Honour Bound make excellent (but expensive) vehicles and very good figures.

All three of these companies produce 1:30 scale WWII items which are complimentary, while K&C makes 1:30 scale matt figures from many other eras as well. Figarti also produces Korean War, Vietnam and modern war figures. You can't go wrong with any of the above, but I prefer K&C as the best overall.
I agree with louis' view, but I only collect WW2 (until I win the lottery).

NMA make cheap vehicles, getting better, HB make expensive vehicles, best of their kind at present, but I see figarti coming up on the rails.

Pound for pound (or dollar) I think KC are still the best in WW2, but John Jenkins and others are also really good in other periods.

Main thing I would say, buy what you like not what you thing you should buy.
King & Country make the best figures, excellent (but expensive) aircraft and dioramas, and pretty darn good (ever improving) vehicles.

Figarti make the best vehicles, excellent aircraft and dioramas, but their figures are a bit behind.

Honour Bound make excellent (but expensive) vehicles and very good figures.

All three of these companies produce 1:30 scale WWII items which are complimentary, while K&C makes 1:30 scale matt figures from many other eras as well. Figarti also produces Korean War, Vietnam and modern war figures. You can't go wrong with any of the above, but I prefer K&C as the best overall.

K&C make the best WW2 figures. American Civil War, Rev War,WW1 - William Britain are the best hands down.
Just to add to the confusion,

I prefer K&C figures in 1/30 generally, but Conte (WWII) in 1/32 for the action poses, but also like Figarti 1/32 as they do some more unusual ranges.

I like K&C, HB, NMA and Figarti's vehicles. Prefer HB for quality, Figarti for gritty weathering, NMA for price and K&C for sheer variety.

As has been suggested, the best advice I could give would be to trawl through the photos of the various ranges here on Treefrogs (or other sites) and see what style tickles your fancy. If in doubt, buy 1 or 2 from your preferred options and compare them. If you don't like, you'd probably get most of your money back by selling here in the classifieds or on ebay.

Thank you everyone for your help. Your responses enforced my believe that K&C are generally better. So far I have bought 4 models all of them from W.Britains. I have some Alamo Mexican figures and Colonel Shaw in the Union American civil war kind. I really like them but the pictures I have seen from K&C look a lot better. I know not all K&C's are best but now I feel better about making a decision in which direction to go. My focus will be WWI WWII and Napoleonic figures and also some American civil war.
Thank you everyone for your help. Your responses enforced my believe that K&C are generally better. So far I have bought 4 models all of them from W.Britains. I have some Alamo Mexican figures and Colonel Shaw in the Union American civil war kind. I really like them but the pictures I have seen from K&C look a lot better. I know not all K&C's are best but now I feel better about making a decision in which direction to go. My focus will be WWI WWII and Napoleonic figures and also some American civil war.

Why not go with the flow and collect what appeals to you. I myself love K&C, but there are other gunslingers in town that deserve to be considered as well. For example the new WB's Zulu War range.

Zut Allors
I'm not sure I see what's wrong with that if people are giving their honest opinions. I frankly thought KV's answer was best. In certain areas, K & C may be the way to go but in certain areas such as ACW or WW I, it probably isn't, at least not for a long time to come.

No answer is bad.

You'll note Brad unlike the comments posted throuhout the K &C threads there was no overly bias comments posted which I'm pleased to see for a change and seems ozzopolar has determined which direction to go in and like many will be pleased with the choice he's made.......The Lt.
You'll note Brad unlike the comments posted throuhout the K &C threads there was no overly bias comments posted which I'm pleased to see for a change and seems ozzopolar has determined which direction to go in and like many will be pleased with the choice he's made.......The Lt.

It's a miracle ;) :)
Hasn't this subject been beat to death through out the King and Country Threads in favor of King and Country as the number one choice? ......The Lt.

Perhaps this topic has been beaten to death but I am new to the hobby and new at this website. I looked through and searched for this answer before I asked the question to not bother some people. I guess I am glad I asked and that most of the replies have been done in the esprit of helping me out. From my untrained eye K&C seem to be very good compared to others, my opinion is as unbiased as you can get as I have been collecting soldiers since September and have only bought W.Britains so far.
Perhaps this topic has been beaten to death but I am new to the hobby and new at this website. I looked through and searched for this answer before I asked the question to not bother some people. I guess I am glad I asked and that most of the replies have been done in the esprit of helping me out. From my untrained eye K&C seem to be very good compared to others, my opinion is as unbiased as you can get as I have been collecting soldiers since September and have only bought W.Britains so far.


That, for me, is exactly what this forum is about, so please, ask away, whether you suspect it's been covered before or not.

K&C have quite deservedly (IMO) attracted a large following, but there are plenty of collectors who collect other manufacturers and many who collect from multiple manufacturers.

I hope you get the answers and suggestions you look for.


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