Who will you leave your collection to??? (1 Viewer)

I have decided to begin "scientific research" so that I will be able to take them with me;)
I'm going to donate my collection to the Treefrog forum.
There is a phenomenon which you must be wary of. When you take a turn and are on your deathbed you suddenly find that old collectors who you haven't spoken to in years arrive to see how you are doing. Beware they are sizing up your collection. Even worse is if you become senile and have to go into a home. They often offer to look after it for you.
This thread really makes you worry what is going to happen with your "preciouses" after you snuff it. I know you will be well past worrying at that stage, but the idea of your family being ripped off is a concern. I guess one idea would be to put some price stickers under each piece/set indicating what they should be sold for.
This thread really makes you worry what is going to happen with your "preciouses" after you snuff it. I know you will be well past worrying at that stage, but the idea of your family being ripped off is a concern. I guess one idea would be to put some price stickers under each piece/set indicating what they should be sold for.

Or, like I have my collection in a FileMaker Pro database-entries include a photo, purchase date, cost, condition, etc. Also very practical for insurance purposes, etc.
I bet Jacques Littlefield often wonders about his toy collection as well!!!!
Before I forget, Jacques, I would be happy to take your M4 Easy Eight Sherman off your hands for the sole purpose of driving it down to town hall the next time they raise my taxes and point the 76mm at the front door and wait for the mayor to come out and negotiate a tax decrease.
Or, like I have my collection in a FileMaker Pro database-entries include a photo, purchase date, cost, condition, etc. Also very practical for insurance purposes, etc.

A popular idea and a number of collectors use a similar system but it's success depends upon the computer savvy of the people that inherit the stuff.

For example my wife hates computers, and avoids using them whenever possible. If I put my collection details in a file on my pc I may as well have buried a list of the stuff in the backyard and not tell anyone where :eek: :D

Which is why I suggested the sticker on the base idea, simple to understand and easy to find.

A good suggestion for guys that insist on the pc answer would be to burn the file to a discs and mark it collection prices or print the lot out and put it where the wife is sure to find it. Of course if she sees how much you have spent before you "pass-on" you may get an early exit visa.

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