Why are there no samurai K&C figures? (1 Viewer)

Pop my cork indeed Harry.
You do have a way with the vernacular
Well I can go for the "in the eye" thing to a point but some observations go beyond simple taste. Frankly I think the point shown by the comparative figures posted is that both companies are capable of high quality figures and some do certain periods better than the other. I think the K&C Romans are the nicest ones available at the moment, but not as nice as the EoI ones. Similarly, if I were comparing the K&C barbarians shown with the EoI Persians shown, I would give the nod to K&C. Not all the K&C Barbs are as good as those posted and some of the EoI Persians are better than those posted. Is that opinion, perhaps but I think I could prove the respective superior figures if needs be. Having said all that, the point of my original post was to make it clear the K&C does not have a monopoly on figure quality, that's all.

Now having said more on this than I ever intended, to me the sad thing is that these two companies do not produce compatible sized figures. I would love to mix and match their better pieces but that just will not work.:(:mad: And that I think is a real pity for all collectors.

You were spot on, its all in personal taste. I'm just happy we have a nice selection of both manufacters, and figures to choose from.

To each his own:)
Well I can go for the "in the eye" thing to a point but some observations go beyond simple taste. Frankly I think the point shown by the comparative figures posted is that both companies are capable of high quality figures and some do certain periods better than the other. I think the K&C Romans are the nicest ones available at the moment, but not as nice as the EoI ones. Similarly, if I were comparing the K&C barbarians shown with the EoI Persians shown, I would give the nod to K&C. Not all the K&C Barbs are as good as those posted and some of the EoI Persians are better than those posted. Is that opinion, perhaps but I think I could prove the respective superior figures if needs be. Having said all that, the point of my original post was to make it clear the K&C does not have a monopoly on figure quality, that's all.

Now having said more on this than I ever intended, to me the sad thing is that these two companies do not produce compatible sized figures. I would love to mix and match their better pieces but that just will not work.:(:mad: And that I think is a real pity for all collectors.

If we're talking about amazing EofI figures then cast (sic) your eye over the three mounted Parthians. I think they're superb. I want to get a few more of them and swop the riders and horses around. Easy to do seeing as the figures and horses come separately. I tried this with the three I have and it does make them look that bit different - enough to give you the basis of a nice wee diorama.
Now, if K&C were to offer Mongols in similar poses to the Parthians - I'd be delighted.

Completely agree on the scale deal. If I ever do get some Conte Spartans, then they'll just have to represent the Greek Gods who took time off from their day-jobs on Mount Olympus to help win at Marathon and Platea. :):)

Anyway, getting back to a point I made in my original response to Nasir in this thread, I'd love to see K&C develop their IC range and offer more Imps in action type poses - and also some opposition - Mongols. Well, like, I know the Manchu's were Mongols, but........(I really want Mongols).

If we're talking about amazing EofI figures then cast (sic) your eye over the three mounted Parthians. I think they're superb. I want to get a few more of them and swop the riders and horses around. Easy to do seeing as the figures and horses come separately. I tried this with the three I have and it does make them look that bit different - enough to give you the basis of a nice wee diorama.
Yes I have had my eye of those for a bit. Interesting to know that they can be swapped, I thought they were fixed in place. That does add much variety. I have been detered to this point because I do not know what to match them with since I have the commitment to the Conte Spartans.;)

Completely agree on the scale deal. If I ever do get some Conte Spartans, then they'll just have to represent the Greek Gods who took time off from their day-jobs on Mount Olympus to help win at Marathon and Platea. :):)
The Spartans are a bit on the large side, 58-60 mm but as I have noted before in scale threads, the EoI Greeks are a bit on the small side. 50-52mm. So to expand on your analogy, to use the EoI Greeks, I would have to pretend they were from a remote pigmy city state:(:eek: Interestingly, the Conte Spartans would look OK with the K&C NAPs I have but the EoI Greeks would not even match up well with the Britains NAPs.

Why these folks can't standardize more is still beyond me. I certainly think it would add to their revenue but obviously they do not.
Why these folks can't standardize more is still beyond me. I certainly think it would add to their revenue but obviously they do not.

I've long said this industry needs to come up with a scale standardization board like they have in other hobbies. It can develop several standardized scales (54mm, 1/32, 1/30) and have a colour-coded sticker that can be slapped on a set's box if it conforms to that scale (like Figarti has). So you know if you buy sets with a blue sticker then all your figures are guaranteed to work together. And this is tested on a set by set basis, to catch those times when a manufacturer tries to sneak a different scaled figure or vehicle through, like the K&C Hummel or LRDG truck. They'd get the 1/32 scale stickers.
Yes I have had my eye of those for a bit. Interesting to know that they can be swapped, I thought they were fixed in place. That does add much variety. I have been detered to this point because I do not know what to match them with since I have the commitment to the Conte Spartans.;)

Ummm....at the risk of stating the, eeem, obvious - why not match them up with the rest of the EofI Greeks & Persians...? :rolleyes::rolleyes::p

The Spartans are a bit on the large side, 58-60 mm but as I have noted before in scale threads, the EoI Greeks are a bit on the small side. 50-52mm. So to expand on your analogy, to use the EoI Greeks, I would have to pretend they were from a remote pigmy city state:(:eek: Interestingly, the Conte Spartans would look OK with the K&C NAPs I have but the EoI Greeks would not even match up well with the Britains NAPs.

Ummm....at the risk of stating the, eeem, obvious - why would you want to display Ancient Greeks with Early-19th century Naps..?? :D:D

Only kidding Spit - the G & P's are destined to make a surprise guest appearance in my Flashman thread, to be resurrected if I ever get back home this year.

Hi guys,

As most of my figures are from K&C, i would have very much liked a K&C Samurai Line.

Theoretically, when all the figures come from same manufacturer, the colour tone and size will be compatible for some wild inter mix display; samurais versus the germans anyone?:D. (though that some of K&C figures have very different height differentiation)

That is why i do not mix my figures, K&C only with K&C stuffs, the same for Figarti. Hopefully with the new HB repaints, (i'm waiting for mine to ship) they will go very well with K&C. But that means i have to repaint all my older HB figures :(


nasir kasmani
I agree, would be fantastic range, I collect First Legion , and St Petersburg ( but expensive ) but KC needs to also change some of style like the Greeks, the shields
are shiny, compared to First legion and others, otherwise yes, great range and more affordable if King Country brought them in

Hi guys,

just wanna ask why do you think there is no samurai K&C line?

i reckon it would be popular due to the culture, tradition and colourful samurai wear and gears, ninjas, geishas and stuff..

I half guessed it was due to local sensitivity, Andy have lived long in Hong Kong, and understandably hearing the horrible atrocities by the Japanese Imperial Army, he refrained from doing Japanesem and choose Chinese instead (streets of Old Hong Kong, Manchu Chinese Wedding Party, Imperial China).

But the Iwo Jima line totally blew my theory away.

anyone has any idea?
Already bought into FL for the Samurai range and will have my final piece from Treefrog arriving this week, keeping this collection very up to date. Each piece is like a work of art.

For me, K&C is staple food for WW2 and WW1, and also love the color of K&C Medieval Knights range.


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