Why I'm not buying anymore 1/30 armour (3 Viewers)

uk. I fully understand and its a lot of cash and should be spot on for that price no arguments there. All I was saying was that it would not stop me as most times I buy a set I will mess around with them anyway. If you cannot do this then for the hard earned cash it should be spot on.

This was the crux of your thread and, now there are the alternatives in the hobby for those who are less than pleased with certain manufacturers work.
Its one of the reasons why I have tried to get HB to start again. Mind you HB are the only AFV's that I have that I have not done any painting on as they were always spot on
The thing is Mitch for a £200.00 tank why should you have to pay to get it repainted for that price it should be right in the first place :(
Too right. Why buy something for big bucks if you have reservations about it? If the object is wrong or inaccurate in it's paint scheme, that is a lot of money to spend just to repaint it. Too many fine products that are correct to spend money on.:p -- Al
You have got a point It would be hard to paint farm animals wrong :D;)
I can just see the disputes now. Is a Zulu shield white with black spots or black with white spots? My brain already hurts...:D -- Al
Never mind it would bring a new term to the hobby 'spot counters'
Never mind it would bring a new term to the hobby 'spot counters'
:D:D:D Why not? Room for everyone.:p I'll start it off. Was Shaka's famous shield white with a single black spot or black with a whole lot of white around the edges?:rolleyes: -- Al
uk. I fully understand and its a lot of cash and should be spot on for that price no arguments there. All I was saying was that it would not stop me as most times I buy a set I will mess around with them anyway. If you cannot do this then for the hard earned cash it should be spot on.

This was the crux of your thread and, now there are the alternatives in the hobby for those who are less than pleased with certain manufacturers work.
Its one of the reasons why I have tried to get HB to start again. Mind you HB are the only AFV's that I have that I have not done any painting on as they were always spot on

I think your right Mitch HB armour was the dog bollocks + not top $
I think It was interesting to here what Figarti had to say about improving on detail
A natural fit seeing as how you are such a big fan of the Battle of Arnhem, who can blame you, ranks right up there for me with Waterloo, Gettysburg and The Battle of the Bulge, all of the heroism, the what if's, the woulda, coulda, shoulda's about it are fascinating.

Do you have the older K & C Armored car from the first Arnhem series or DD 60, either of those will do in a pinch.

Bet you were a happy man when K & C did all of their recent British infantrymen to go along with the paras................ s

With the help of Rob I've found just the set I'm looking for DD064 "Tommy" Patrol :cool:

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