Could I just ask, and hopefully not get my head cut off but does anyone feel that it would have been a good thing for America if the South had succeeded. It seems to me the current leadership role which the US enjoys in the world is a direct result of being one unified country. If the South had succeded things may well have been different and then there would have been no USA to contribiute so magnificently to WWII or to lead the free world during the Cold War.
The problem with using the "American War" is you are immediately inspired to ask "which one"? That label could applied to the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, the Civil War, the War with Mexico, the War with Cuba, the various wars with the Indian nations and of course the War Between the North and South, just to name a few.![]()
Could I just ask, and hopefully not get my head cut off but does anyone feel that it would have been a good thing for America if the South had succeeded. It seems to me the current leadership role which the US enjoys in the world is a direct result of being one unified country. If the South had succeded things may well have been different and then there would have been no USA to contribiute so magnificently to WWII or to lead the free world during the Cold War.
I was fairly certain this forum wouldnt come to any conclusion but I wanted to see what got churned up. As Brad said, 143 years is still to soon for any of us to peacefully agree on any hot topic of that time period. It seems regional differences still exist in education which I believe to be the cause of these significant differences of thought. However as I think all Americans can agree, it is the ability to have those different thoughts that makes the US great. Someone once said, "I might not like what you think but Ill fight to the death for you to have the right to think it." Something like that.
Not really, in all the other conflicts you name another nation was involved, the Civil War was the only one where both participants were American. I realise that it could be argued that the Indian Wars were also technically a war between Americans but there is an ethnic difference there.
The US has many ethnic differences, in fact, more than any other major country, we are a nation of immigrants (or as Bill Murray's Stripes character so eloquently put it, mongrels) so I don't think that distinction helps. It is also technically incorrect that only the so called Civil War involved Americans. The others I mentioned all involved either one other North American nation or were fought on US soil. While the US is frequently referred to as the only America, I think that is confusing since there are so many other North and South American countries.
Well I grew up in one and have lived much of my adult life in the other and I don't think the North and South are any more culturally different than the East and the West; maybe less so at this point. While there are distinct cultural pockets in both regions, the same can be said of the Mid West, the North West and the Plains. In fact, I think Texas and California are as different from both the North and South (and each otherHaving lived in both the North and the South, I've always beleived both were really too different culturally to be one country. I have often argued that it would have been better if Lincoln had not won the election, and the South had been permitted to peacefully go its own way. I think had the countries separated peacefully, they would have been closely allied and tied together by economic necessity (the south producing the raw materials and the north having the industry and transportation), but the cultural differences which so plague our cobbled-together peoples would have been avoided.
As to slavery, with the two nations the Confederacy needed to trade its cotton with (the Union and the U.K.) having banned it, it would have died out on its own fairly quickly. Another benefit would be both the north and south avoiding the millions of young men killed and maimed during the Civil War.
Well I hate to disagree again but while the US is called America by many, there is actually no country named America, it is the United States of America.It is true that there are many other countries on the American continent but only one is named America therefore the designation "The American War" is reasonable as it was fought in America by Americans.
Hey all, what's wrong with the old War Between The States label? Seems pretty accurate and true. -- lancer
I find it interesting that that war, by whatever name you care to call it, should still evoke such intense debate even at this distance in time.
Wow, I must have missed something here. Perhaps I am confused but I thought the exchange in this thread was reasoned and dispassionate. Could someone point me to the intense and emotional parts of this discussion?Like I said 143 years is still to early to discuss this unemotionally. I don't think this is uncommon as I seem to remember that the Russians still harbor grudges from conflicts in the 1700s.
Ah well as I said, perhaps to some that is true. The French, Germans and English also have some real problems with each other. One generation's war makes the next several generations' enemies I suppose.I was referring to trooper's comment and my thought doesn't necessarily refer to this forum but to society at large.
Ah well as I said, perhaps to some that is true. The French, Germans and English also have some real problems with each other. One generation's war makes the next several generations' enemies I suppose.
My point exactly.I had a teacher in high school who was very proud of his German heritage. He said he could always find the French in the room because theyd run away when he walked in.
I know not politically correct but I figured Id share.