Why It Makes Sense... (1 Viewer)

You have to consider the "political etymology" of the various terms, if you will allow the neologism.

"War Between the States" reflects a political view that sees our country as a federal union of independent states, with a relatively small federal government executing those duties specifically assigned it in the Constitution, and the several states. That is also the view behind the term "states' rights". The idea that a state was sovereign vis-a-vis the federal government, and could defy the federal government, even to the point of leaving the Union, was, from the moment the Constitution was ratified, right up to outbreak of the Civil War, a commonly held view in those states that did secede. So, it makes sense to call the war the War Between the States, if your political view coincides more or less with that view of the Constitution.

"War of Northern Agression" reflects a subset of that worldview, perhaps, or a set of views that overlaps, with a good dose of patriotism for your state, as opposed to the federal union, thrown in. That, too, was a view that obtained from colonial times, through the Revolution, right up through the Civil War-Lee, for example, considering himself a Virginian first-and it was after the war, that it generally fell into disrepute. I think this term rests on the idea that the states that seceded were executing their right to do so, and the federal government therefore pursued an agressive war to conquer those states.

In American usage, "The Civil War" is probably the most widely accepted term for the war, and the one that is recognized by the most people, who haven't necessarily studied the subject in any more depth than in a high school history class. For you folks outside the US, I wouldn't try to understand it, in terms of its literal, dictionary definition, but to remember the historical context.

By the way, I'm not advocating one term over any other, I'm only trying to provide some background into the terms (I'm a linguist, after all, by education).

I prefer the war between the states. A civil war is a conflict in which two or more factions fight for control of a nation’s government.
The CSA wasn’t the first to attempt seccession. New England wanted to secede after the War of 1812. States rights vs. federal gov’t has always been an issue in the US. It still is now. Today the federal gov’t just uses the power of the purse strings to get what it wants. Just look at something like the drinking age being raised to 21. States that held out lost their federal highway funds until the age in all states was 21.

Those who study the war already know that 7 states had already seceded prior to Lincoln’s inauguration in 1861. In April, Lincoln sent a ship to reprovision Fort Sumter in Charleston harbor. South Carolina fired the first shot because if they allowed the federal gov’t to maintain a military fort on its soil, then secession meant nothing. Lincoln then had his excuse to call up 75,000 to quell the rebel states.

The CSA also believed they had the right to secede based on the language in 10th amendment.
Lincoln was skillful in maneuvering the Confederates into firing the first shot. He didn't want to be the one to start the war because of his concern for keeping the remaining states, particularly Virginia, Maryland, Kentucky and Missouri in the Union. He had intended to attempt to resupply the Fort but he knew that wouldn't work so he told Jefferson Davis that he would not resupply them with arms but only food, etc. necessary to maintain the Fort (I believe but I'm not quite sure that this may have been Seward's idea). Of course, that wasn't good enough for Davis so he ordered Beauregard's forces to fire on the Fort and the rest is history.
Speaking only as an outsider and an interested Brit,since i was a kid its always been known as the American Civil War over here.

Its all really just a matter of geography. If you look at whose posted what and where theyre from, it follows a certain geographical pattern. Of course there are a few exceptions to any rule.
Do not be silly. There are no regional divisions. The late unpleasantness is long over. Oh, by the way, the south shall rise again. -- lancer
Weve been saying that for 143 years. Ill believe it when I see it and then Ill be in the right place for it.
My Mama was from Mobile and believe me, many of her family and friends still were upset over the outcome as of my last visit to 'bama in the late '60's. Some long and bitter memories, even then. Do not know about now. That generation is all gone. Got my southern leanings from mom and her family. Long live Bobby Lee. -- lancer
Its all really just a matter of geography. If you look at whose posted what and where theyre from, it follows a certain geographical pattern. Of course there are a few exceptions to any rule.
H'mmm, now remember I posted from Chamberlain's neighboring state.;):D
My Mama was from Mobile and believe me, many of her family and friends still were upset over the outcome as of my last visit to 'bama in the late '60's. Some long and bitter memories, even then. Do not know about now. That generation is all gone. Got my southern leanings from mom and her family. Long live Bobby Lee. -- lancer

Well it seems they gave you your learning right!
Its all really just a matter of geography. If you look at whose posted what and where theyre from, it follows a certain geographical pattern. Of course there are a few exceptions to any rule.

Im from chicago by way of fla,calif and now Tx,Iv been called everything including a sharecropper,,carpetbagger,ex wifes excluded of course.
Its all really just a matter of geography. If you look at whose posted what and where theyre from, it follows a certain geographical pattern. Of course there are a few exceptions to any rule.

What happens if you come from Alaska?
What happens if you come from Alaska?

Sorta like a Midwesterner I suppose. A lot closer to a Southerner than a New Englander or a New Yorker. But Alaska wasnt a state yet and I cant remember any Alaskans serving on either side.
Was it only not a state, it wasn't even American territory, but Russian. If my memory serves my correctly, it was acquired in 1867 and was dubbed "Seward's Folly," after Secretary of State William Seward, who negotiated the purchase.
Was it only not a state, it wasn't even American territory, but Russian. If my memory serves my correctly, it was acquired in 1867 and was dubbed "Seward's Folly," after Secretary of State William Seward, who negotiated the purchase.

That would settle the matter then. I cant recall any California units serving either and they were definitely a state at the time.
While this thread is going, has anyone read the book "Fields of Battle"? It is a book detailing 20 of the WBTS most important battles. If youve read it or heard about it, is it worth picking up?
Most northerners I know call it the American Civil War or The War between the states, while most southerners I know call if The War of Northern aggression.

On my most recent trip to Chicago, a semi passed me with a huge Southern batte flag on the back of the trailer with the words "Fighting terrorism since 1861" underneath. Ok then, there you go. A bumper sticker would have done the job IMO, but I guess the guy really wanted his point made.

As lancer pointed out, there are southerners to this day almost 150 years later who still hold a grudge. I am from Massachusetts and I hold no grudges. Some may say "That is because you live in a state from the victors side"; my opinion is there were no "winners" in that war or any war for that matter. Some victory, thousands and thousands of young boys died as a result is how I see it, no winner, no loser.

When we've had to (both world wars) northerners and southerners alike have come together and performed brilliantly. Thousands of boys north and south alike died in both world wars too by the way.

I really wish this "north vs south" attitude would just go away, but sadly it probably never will.

I think the phrase is "Can't we all just get along", so can't we?
While this thread is going, has anyone read the book "Fields of Battle"? It is a book detailing 20 of the WBTS most important battles. If youve read it or heard about it, is it worth picking up?


Are you referring to the book called Fields of Honor: Pivotal Battles of the Civil War by Edwin Bearss. I've looked at it (don't own it) and seems like an interesting book to have. My recollection is that it has some detailed maps and I think it's his battlefield tours/lectures he's given.

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