I was gonna stay out of this but Sherman as a Hero? Any commander after him that did half of what he did, would be court martialed and imprisoned for life, or executed. Violated civil rights, illegal search and seizures, destruction of private property for no more reason than to create panic and pull troops from the front. Burned almost an entire city whether he meant to or not is of little concern. Allowed troops under his command to murder, rape, steal and torture civilians. He did indeed wage total war above and beyond what can be justified. Hero I think not, the man was a terrorist plain and simple. Lincoln's terrorist.
This thread is interesting, but seems to be getting a bit ridiculous. Sherman as a terrorist?? C'mon people, keep your eye on the ball and remember the time and place of what was going on.
The funny thing is that the focus of the thread seems to have turned to the North and how they were an invading nation, how they committed war crimes, and how they would be judged by "today's" standards. Let's turn the conversation a bit - how would the south be judged by today's standards for slavery? How would, say, Massachusetts for example, be judged by today's standards if it decided to leave the Union and declare itself a Nation?
I think, by "today's" standards, if Sherman invaded a "nation" that was one which upheld slavery, the slave holding nation would be viewed as in the wrong entirely, and by "today's" standards a "nation" that had slavery, even if burned entirely to the ground, would be viewed to have gotten what it deserved. I think that by "today's" standards, yes, Sherman might be labelled as a war criminal, but the labels on the slave holding "nation" would be FAR worse. I know this is certainly the case with WWII - when one views what the Russians did to the Germans towards the close of WWII after having sustained 3 years of brutal occupation or when one views the firebombing of Dresden in light of the London Blitz, little sympathy is mustered to these unjustices done to Germany because of the unjustices that they themselves propogated. In both cases, both side committed atrocities and all of these are injustices. (And NO, I'm not comparing the south to the Nazis, so please don't anyone be so simple as to even go there.)
Personally, I don't loose any sleep at night over Sherman's actions anymore than I lose sleep over hiroshima - both were undoubtedly wrong when viewed by themselves and not in the context of the historical time and place, but both were also expedients that in the long run, probably resulted in lowering the death toll than had the Civil War or WWII been dragged out for another year or more. It's war and war happens and brings out the worst in mankind. They did what was necessary to win a bloody and ugly war. The result of that war, though not it's initial purpose, was the eradication of slavery from the "modern" world and a sin that seems to be overlooked here and one that helps to put Sherman's actions into context, if not completely justifying the harsh treatment of an armed nation that fought to defend such an unjust institution. Unless of course one views the rape and murder of slaves as something less than the rape and murder of non-slaves? BOTH are wrong and neither has justification.
Of course, this is all from a view point in today's terms. My point is, when viewing what Sherman did
it can't be viewed in a vacuum.
Neither can the institution of slavery. Nor can secession in general. These were all events that happened at a specific point in history and cannot be viewed objectively from outside of that specific point in history. However, if you must view it in today's terms, slavery is a much bigger evil than anything Sherman or the North did. Sherman's march, though terrible and bloody, was a one-off isolated event. Slavey was an evil insitution.
In closing, I don't agree with the statement that the victors write the history in the modern world (including the ACW). In fact, its almost always the losers who are much more introspective and spend a LOT more time on trying to figure out how they lost than the victors do in assessing how they won. The statement that the victors write the history is reserved for meaning that those who win's version of events are the ones that get published. That probably used to be true, but doesn't really hold up in the modern era, particuarly not in a country with a free press. I'd be willing to bet my life that twice as many books on the ACW have been written by southerners than northerners.