"As it turns out, and I do agree with this, I made a comment that Warrior had ample right to take offense to because it wasnt properly explained by me. In a response to his complaint I apologized and explained what I had meant through personal experiences of my own. He deleted his original post, I deleted mine, everything is hopefully ok now."
Harris explained it perfectly here Spitfrnd, sorry to confuse you, no offense meant; actually to be totally honest Harris, I really didn't have ample right taking offense to what you said, I just think I needed further clarification as to where you were going with it, I really wish I had the opportunity to see what you meant through personal experiences.
We're good, no harm, no foul.
Carry on now going back and forth over whether the cause of the Civil War was or was not slavery and I say that as a "high minded Bostonian", whatever that means. And thanks for complementing my posture too, I am proud of my good posture Rutledge, have we met somewhere where you would notice my good posture? My girlfriend has good posture too, all of those years of being a runway model have really honed her posture skillls.
Funny though you mention Bostonian, of which I am one, born and raised in West Robury Massachusetts, attended Joyce Kilmer elementary school and attended Robert Gould Shaw middle school; yes, THAT Robert Gould Shaw, commander of the famous 54th Massachusetts, comprised of free African Americans. I should know, I make it a point to visit the area in Readville Massachusetts where they trained several times a year to pay my respects and also the monument outside the Massachusetts statehouse everytime I go into downtown Boston. I get a lump in my throat everytime I do as a matter of fact.
I am ****ed proud of those men and the sacrifice they laid at the alter of freedom.
****ed proud.