Wie eine Libelle, aber oho… The Focke-Wulf Triebflügel (1 Viewer)


First Sergeant
Nov 27, 2018
Wie eine Libelle, aber oho… (Like a dragonfly, but whoah…) Presenting a vignette with the new Focke-Wulf Triebflügel model from Thomas Gunn 😎

The model has the usual excellent level of craftsmanship, particularly the delicate landing wheels. The ramjet/propeller blade assembly rotates and the blades are adjustable. The Triebflügel may be a near-fantasy concept design, but Thomas Gunn has done a fantastic job bringing it to life!







A new one for me, Tman. I don't remember this piece. Looks great as you've pictured with a nice choice of figures and accessories. Very cool scene.
Thanks OzDigger and Rob for the kind comments 😊

Rob, the FW Triebflügel was a recent TGM wooden aircraft model release as part of their August Warbirds.

Historically, the Triebflügel was a concept aircraft being developed internally by Focke-Wulf and wasn’t appropriated by the Luftwaffe. It never made it past the conceptual/design stage by the time the war ended. It was intended to be a tail-sitter VTOL interceptor using ramjets on the tips of a spinning “wing” assembly for flight. The general VTOL concept was sound and demonstrated post war in the U.S. by the Convair XFY Pogo, but as that aircraft demonstrated, landing was very tricky and it likely would have been nearly impossible for the Triebflügel to have landed successfully under wartime conditions… It was also a complicated and very unorthodox design, not the best for the conditions in late war Germany…

The Triebflügel was featured in an old History Channel documentary from the late 1990s on Luftwaffe secret aircraft. That documentary is still one of the few (and best) TV/video documentaries on “Luftwaffe 1946” concept aircraft.
Outstanding aircraft and set up, it sold out really quickly and i am hoping to see a nightfighter version in the future, looking like the 2 below.

Outstanding aircraft and set up, it sold out really quickly and i am hoping to see a nightfighter version in the future, looking like the 2 below.
Thanks Barkmann! Those are some cool schemes for a future Triebflügel too. This model did sell out quickly, but I know it’s a popular “Luft ‘46” type aircraft. Per your earlier advice, I signed up for TGM’s Warbirds Newsletter as that was how I found out about the Triebflügel model in time to order one. It’s not an easy decision to plunk down a lot of money at a moment’s notice, but with these models one often has to!
It is a really great buy, but know what you mean about paying out so much as a moments notice. However, with Toy Soldiers, i find it is way more often that i regret not buying a set more than actually buying a set. Glad you are on the Newsletter, information on new plane releases comes out there first, there is a seperate Newsletter for figure, vehicles, etc.

Really enjoy seeing your displays, do you have much of your collection out on display?
It is a really great buy, but know what you mean about paying out so much as a moments notice. However, with Toy Soldiers, i find it is way more often that i regret not buying a set more than actually buying a set. Glad you are on the Newsletter, information on new plane releases comes out there first, there is a seperate Newsletter for figure, vehicles, etc.

Really enjoy seeing your displays, do you have much of your collection out on display?
Barkmann, yeah, I’ve got quite a bit out on display… My house has turned into a miniature military museum of sorts, lol! But when I put the money down for an expensive and high quality model, or I make a good display/diorama with something, I want to enjoy it!
What a funky looking plane. I sure wouldn't want to fly in it. It makes for a neat model though.


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