Winter Germans (2 Viewers)


Lieutenant Colonel
Jan 6, 2007
I had a great conversation today with my good friend Tim Tyler from Troops of Time and we were discussing thoughts on King & Country future releases.

Something stood out for the both of us was the fact that with the recent retirements of the Grille and Hetzer - THERE IS NO WINTER GERMAN ARMOR AVAILABLE !! :eek: :eek:

Now, this cant be something that the BBG Line can do without - right??

So.....What are your thoughts on "New German Winter Armor" ??

Perhaps a re-release of a Winter Tiger ;) (please - oh - please) or maybe something in a Panther ?? :) The wonders never cease :rolleyes:
I think half of me and tim conversation talk about the lack of german armor
I had a great conversation today with my good friend Tim Tyler from Troops of Time and we were discussing thoughts on King & Country future releases.

Something stood out for the both of us was the fact that with the recent retirements of the Grille and Hetzer - THERE IS NO WINTER GERMAN ARMOR AVAILABLE !! :eek: :eek:

Now, this cant be something that the BBG Line can do without - right??

So.....What are your thoughts on "New German Winter Armor" ??

Perhaps a re-release of a Winter Tiger ;) (please - oh - please) or maybe something in a Panther ?? :) The wonders never cease :rolleyes:

There's the Hummel and the Gepard. They are both cool vehicles.
I would not mind seeing a Panzer IV H in some winter armor. The panzer IV was a workhorse for the Germans.

Between the Crimea range, the new Market Garden troops coming and winter Germans I am going to have to do some creative bookkeeping so "She who must be obeyed" doesnt find out :)
There's the Hummel and the Gepard. They are both cool vehicles.

Ahhhhhhhh !! ;)

Sir Easy - They are WS German Vehicles - not BoB - so what about BoB ??

Yes, I have both of those WS - Winter German vehicles and they are very cool :cool:

I really have fallen in love with these Winter Germans and I still cant get that MUSIC from the PANZER MARCH out of my head - Thanks K&C UK :mad: :mad: :rolleyes:
I think we may have a winter Stug on the way,looked like it in one of Bob Spielbergs films.

I think we may have a winter Stug on the way,looked like it in one of Bob Spielbergs films.


...or was Skorzeny von K&C at work again picturing the older K&C Stug to throw us off the trail? Dig in "Boys" as it is going to be a cold & long winter!

:cool: WINTER PANZER IV-----WESPE------MARDERII/III----HANOMAG--OPEL MAULTIER ( Halftrack) Cargo Truck------Kubelwagen---- MULE-PACK's Carrying Supplies -------RSO-RAUPENSCHLEPPER---Towing sIG33-15cm-Mountain Howitzer on Sled? CIAO!
I Can't Keep Up With Everything. I May Have To Get Another Job Or Study For A Promotion.
Hi Guys,

I can confirm that there will be 2 German BBG tracked vehicles released very soon and those will be followed shortly by 2 American BBA tracked vehicles coming out at the end of this year.

Happy Collecting!
Hi Guys,

I can confirm that there will be 2 German BBG tracked vehicles released very soon and those will be followed shortly by 2 American BBA tracked vehicles coming out at the end of this year.

Happy Collecting!
PLEASE, PLEASE. Don't tempt me I don't think my wallet can take it!
Four new tracked vehicles this year, I'm starting to foam at the mouth!
Since we’re talking about Battle of the Bulge Germans, I thought I might give you a preview of a BBG photo spread that is going to appear in the winter quarter’s “COLLECTOR”. Some of you may recognize this diorama from the Chicago Show. It was sold to a family of long term K&C customers. Enjoy!


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