Winter Panther has arrived! (2 Viewers)

Dear Beaufighter,
I suggest you email Honour Bound and let them know about your experience. The Honour Bound crew returned to Argentina yesterday so they may not see your posts. I know that getting product to customers is of utmost concern to manufacturers and all feedback is helpful.
Hi Shannon:

Thanks for your message & subsequent feedback. The more I think about it-I should have just sent it back rather than perform surgery on it. Anyway, per your suggestion I eMailed my Winter Panther scenario to Honour Bound via their website. I hope it helps them out in some way. As for me, I am still not satisfied as I look at it across my desk with its gun facing me straight away.

Best Regards,
I just received the following reply from Honour Bound & thought I would post it as I was quite impressed with the Blitzkrieg fast follow-up. I know it is early on in the game but these guys are ALL-PRO in my book. I very much appreciated their follow through and time. Thank you.

Hello Marc,

Sorry for this inconvenience. The boyz say that it must have one of the tanks in which they tested 'glueing' the screw for safety without re-testing the 'unscrew' movement. Also, the antenna should have its tiny hole where it should fit correctly. You didn't expect too much. This has been our mistake.

I fully apologize for this inconveniences. We are working hard on improving our packaging, but some of the mistakes keep on happening, although we try to have everything under control. Thank you so much for your email: your comments are extremely helpfull in order to correct what we do wrong.

If you are not satisfied with your tank, or if you can't drill the hole for the antenna, I'll ask Shannon to ship one of the Winter Panthers that they have in stock as a replacement. No problem at all. Just let me know.

Best regards,

Ana Donzino
I'm amazed how a company can make some of the nicest figures and vehicles in the hobby, but the worst packaging I have ever seen. The figure boxes are ok, but the tank boxes I have received went directly in the garbage after I get it out of the box. I've also discovered that a few sips of "Jack Daniels" does help get those screws out.

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