WK's Robin Hood collection (3 Viewers)

White Knight

Jun 20, 2017
While I've posted here about the Three Musketeers collection the most, it is really the King & Country Robin Hood range that drew me into collecting the larger scale models, as some of the more central characters are modeled after the 1938 "The Adventures of Robin Hood" with Errol Flynn (still the definitive Robin Hood movie in my opinion).


My collection so far, all models by King & Country (still missing a few)

Robin and Maid Marion, for instance look like they walked straight from the screen (or close enough)


"You're just a ruffian!" - "You know nothing, Marion!

And while not all of the baddies are based on that famous movie, this duel scene between Robin and Sir Guy of Gisborne (portrayed by Basil Rathbone) definitely is:

So, just to get this straight, is this a fight to the death?

As are the mounted version of Sir Guy and the clothing of the Bishop of Nottingham:

Conspirators assembled...


Bad Boys wear Yellow!
Last edited:
1. Robin Hood, aka Robin of Locksley



2. Maid Marion


3. Little John


4. Friar Tuck


5. Will Scarlett


6. Alan-a-Dale


7. Will Stutely


8. Arthur A Bland


9. Mutch, the miller's son

1. The High Sheriff of Nottingham


2. Guy of Gisbourne



3. The Bishop of Nottingham


His Fatty Holiness with his illgotten gold.


4. The Sheriff's Men-at-arms





They look dashing, but they're still the baddies...

Robin Hood and his Merry Men, doing what Merry Men do in the Hood.
Simply a fun series WK. Your photos give those sitting on the fence a perfect opportunity to have a good look at every angle of the figures, to decide whether they wish to collect. The forest backdrop is ideal for the setting for that period. Well done, glad I have them also. Robin.
Simply a fun series WK. Your photos give those sitting on the fence a perfect opportunity to have a good look at every angle of the figures, to decide whether they wish to collect. The forest backdrop is ideal for the setting for that period. Well done, glad I have them also. Robin.

Thanks. I found that some of the figures, which seemed a bit bland from the angle usually shown, are actually lovely once you get to look at them from different sides, so I like to share that with my pictures.

The backdrop is another quick temporary one, but I like how it looks.
Thanks. I found that some of the figures, which seemed a bit bland from the angle usually shown, are actually lovely once you get to look at them from different sides, so I like to share that with my pictures.

The backdrop is another quick temporary one, but I like how it looks.

Hi 'WK',
Thankyou for posting your pix of our 'Robin Hood' figures...Terrific, especially with that great 'Sherwood Forest' backdrop...It really shows them off to their best!

Thanks again and best wishes, Andy.
Glad you like them and thank you for making these great figures. More to come I hope.

I'm quite happy with that backdrop too, it works well with the setting.
Re: WK's Robin Hood collection (update 31/8)

I had picked up this set of OOP "Jolly Friars" from Lemax to add to my Robin Hood project. They were standing on a thick slab of a base that made them tower over the other figures. Lowering that base was not a pleasant endavour but I'm glad I did it. Unfortunately the casting on these was not the best, so painting them was a bit of a chore. This wasn't helped by the fact that I initially started to repaint them in the same colours as the original, which had the side-effect that even when they were almost done, they never stopped looking like the christmas junk that they are to me. Now I tend to have The Adventures of Robin Hood playing in the background for inspiration when working on these and then my attention was drawn to those blackclad monks that follow the Bishop around in the movie and do his bidding. I quickly decided to paint over the robes in black and turn them into black canuns. It seems to have worked as now I can view them as proper figures even though they are still rough in places.


Black canuns vs Lemax Jolly Friars

I'm not too happy with the faces, but they'll do fine for some cheap background figures.


Robbing you blind while looking all pious...


The Bishop of Nottingham and his cronies


And the original inspiration...


Friar Tuck is not impressed by the black canuns' arguments
Re: WK's Robin Hood collection (update 31/8)

I had picked up this set of OOP "Jolly Friars" from Lemax to add to my Robin Hood project. They were standing on a thick slab of a base that made them tower over the other figures. Lowering that base was not a pleasant endavour but I'm glad I did it. Unfortunately the casting on these was not the best, so painting them was a bit of a chore. This wasn't helped by the fact that I initially started to repaint them in the same colours as the original, which had the side-effect that even when they were almost done, they never stopped looking like the christmas junk that they are to me. Now I tend to have The Adventures of Robin Hood playing in the background for inspiration when working on these and then my attention was drawn to those blackclad monks that follow the Bishop around in the movie and do his bidding. I quickly decided to paint over the robes in black and turn them into black canuns. It seems to have worked as now I can view them as proper figures even though they are still rough in places.

You do great work with those Lemax figures...they look pretty good with your K&C "Bishop of Nottingham".

Thank you for posting all the photos.
Not to shabby at all WK. Well worth the effort, with the end result looking very nice. Very useful figures in and around Sherwood. Robin.
Re: WK's Robin Hood collection (update 3/9)

Another update, another Lemax conversion and repaint. This one is a chaperone or a lady-in-waiting for Maid Marion. I used a Lemax nun as the base figure. Because classic nun outfits are basically medieval in style anyway. While I wasn't going to change the base figure much initially, I ended up converting her quite a bit. Her height was raised by lengthening her dress and adding a new base, her sleeves were changed, as was her collar and headdress.


The chaperone and the donor figure


Overall, I think the changes were succesful into hiding her origins and turning her into a proper medieval lady. A radically different choice of colours also helps to make forget her past. I think I finally found a skin recipe for these figures that I'm happy with, though after finishing her, I can't help but feel her face looks a lot like Rowan Atkinson... Once she is varnished, the minor rough spots should hopefully look a bit smoother too.


That Robin fellow better keep his manners (and his hands to himself)


Tssss... that modern "music" is giving me a headache.
Re: WK's Robin Hood collection (update 3/9)

Another update, another Lemax conversion and repaint. This one is a chaperone or a lady-in-waiting for Maid Marion. I used a Lemax nun as the base figure. Because classic nun outfits are basically medieval in style anyway. While I wasn't going to change the base figure much initially, I ended up converting her quite a bit. Her height was raised by lengthening her dress and adding a new base, her sleeves were changed, as was her collar and headdress.

Overall, I think the changes were succesful into hiding her origins and turning her into a proper medieval lady. A radically different choice of colours also helps to make forget her past. I think I finally found a skin recipe for these figures that I'm happy with, though after finishing her, I can't help but feel her face looks a lot like Rowan Atkinson... Once she is varnished, the minor rough spots should hopefully look a bit smoother too.

Very well done !

You have added some great figures to this collection.

Thank you.
Re: WK's Robin Hood collection (update 3/9)

Very well done !

You have added some great figures to this collection.

Thank you.

Hi 'White Knight',
Allow me to add my congratulations to all the other guys on a very fine presentation of our 'Robin Hood' series which is another of my own personal favourites!

I also want to congratulate you on a very fine 'conversion' of that nun into Maid Marian's maid...Very clever and inspiring. As, I hope, your collection continues to grow I'm looking forward to seeing even more of your skills and creativity.

Best wishes and happy collecting! Andy.
Re: WK's Robin Hood collection (update 10/09)

Newly painted for the Robin Hood collection, some woodland animals, namely some deer and a (cunning?) fox. These are all repaints of Lemax figures again. Not great models, but they will work. Painting animals is hard by the way...


Deer family minding it's own business...


Almost too easy...


Father deer/dear...


...and the little ones


Lemax fox repaint


You know, I hear Disney is casting a fox to play me on the big screen...
The protected King's deer has come up very nice WK. Unusual to see a Fox so tame, sitting next to Locksley, normally they are far too timid. Robin.
Maybe it has gotten used to these greenclad humans living on his turf over time. :wink2:
Re: WK's Robin Hood collection (update 10/09)

Newly painted for the Robin Hood collection, some woodland animals, namely some deer and a (cunning?) fox. These are all repaints of Lemax figures again. Not great models, but they will work. Painting animals is hard by the way...


Deer family minding it's own business...


Almost too easy...


Father deer/dear...


...and the little ones


Lemax fox repaint


You know, I hear Disney is casting a fox to play me on the big screen...

That figure is Douglas Fairbanks' silent era Robin Hood to the life!

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