wooden warriors (1 Viewer)

Or winter..............


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Boy.......and you guys used to talk about me throwing dirt on my stuff...........My man is having a ball out there. I just might end up in the back yard this summer too.

Here is what happened the last time I went outdoors................

LOL...good one Alex, I needed that laugh tonight.


The Quanset Hut is made from cardboard tube. Covered with light bulb packing material to represent corrugated metal. It is fun to create your own accessories.

Love the Quonset hut. King & Country made one the same way back in the miod-1990's for the RAF stuff, and its one of my favorite accessories.

You can all have some of these. A salt container and a baking powder container is all you need and a little Imagination of course.
Get Them in the dirt !
Really enjoining your playtime and photos as well as your creativity and what you've done working with wood. Wish I was close enough to come out and play along side of you. Thanks for sharing your playtime with us and looking forward to seeing more........The Lt.
Thank You Sir ! I salute you.
Just having fun. My only toy soldier buddy passed on about a year ago :( so dont have anyone to share my fun with. Thanks for your patience with me.

This is my Toy Soldier buddy that is in toy heaven now. It also shows a fair view of my camp and play area.
Sorry about your friend Charlie. But now you have a whole fourm of friends to share your setups with. Any friend of toy soldiers, is a friend of mine. Mike.:)
Thanks Mike
I am already having a great time here Thanks. My little army is Back to the Basics of Toy Soldiers Having Fun and Getting them dirty. I dont have a lot of nice valuable soldiers but I love every one of them. I hope some of you will visit my little web site link is below. Theres a lot of fun pictures and a blog for your comments or suggestions or to just say hello.

This tent is made from a wooden frame covered with material from a old T shirt to represent canvas. This is toy soldiering on a budget.:)
Excellent website reall enjoyed the camps and critters from Gods country.
I MUST get out East of Portlandia again.
Great stuf Charlie, glad you're around.
Welcome to forum and thank you for posting your creations. Very nice. Sorry to hear about your friend. Leadmen
Thank You For The warm Welcome Guys.:)
Fubar any time you feel like taking a trip to eastern oregon let me know and we could go up to my army camp for a weekend you would love it. Be good for you to get out of the city for a bit.
Mr. Wood we will be announcing our Web Site in a week or, we would like to share links with you let me know it you are interested. Alex

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