Théres a few in UK WE wont sell to thats for certain. WE Can chose who WE do or do not do business with![]()
Why is anybody on thé Forum? Why are you? I feel exploring previously successful Matériels and working Methods IS NOW liké IT or not IS not important, thé future.. possible thé only way to save this currently Ageing shrinking hobby.
We have thé guts to follow our own créative instinct and not to invest in flash in thé Pan Techno babble Hype. Clay, Plaster... Observation skills .hands AND Real tools have served. Art creativity for thousands OF years. Theyve served me well too. Good luck
I am putting together some potential courses here in our Studio Facility for when we open it localy. They will contain an Internet Element for those interested yes. Sid Horton who made our CHOTA SAHIB range (some of the fienst toy soldiers in the world) used Clay original masters, and there is no wrong in us using the same here. Some on here may choose to laugh, fine,e ach to their own, but traditional methods actually have advantages today not foreseen by some in the Industry.He's a producer, apparently, who now owns several legacy brands. I remembered his earlier posts from a couple of months ago, which contained thinly veiled accusations of piracy against some other contemporary makers. I think he's gretzing about the costs of production.
If you are familair with the History of all the Great figure sculptors and makers, they used Traditonal materials, and by the way produced the finest work, the very back bone of this industry in their day. Our focus is on ENCOURAGING, not Dis Couraging exploration, ingenuity, creativity and to seek cost effective solutions that can only help keep good workers afloat in these days of rising energy, materials and costs. We are also going forward, not in reverse. others may mistake our position....Thats not necessarily true
The Proof of moving "ahead" is the discovery, invention, and also re invention, upgrading or improving of Materials and Workshop practices. The simplest discoveries and application of technique can radicaly change the outcomes and other factors for the BETTER, if and when one has the courage of ones conviction to dare and use them. Thta is NOT staying IN the past, but honouring it.You move ahead, not backwards.
Yeah well right, "over to you".....My products WILL sell. It is entirely up to each person what they buy or do not, and to choose what to listen to or not. Good day to you Sir.And Good Luck to you selling anything here ha ha.