Wow Ebay Pricing (2 Viewers)

Is he a collector too?

Does he cruise these boards?

I've paid his prices before (reluctantly) because he has some stuff that comes along once in a blue moon, and usually when they do, (especially in an auction) I end up paying close to his price anyway and could have avoided the frustration of bidding. Knowledge is power in these cases, I'm afraid. Be an informed consumer. Filtering him out is a technique, but if you are after that ONE piece to complete a collection of a long retired series, he maybe your guy...
Last night I did a search of K&C auctions on ebay. I was looking for a bargain. What I found was one seller, we all know who he is, the one with the sky high prices. Page after page were his listings. I finally said enough, not worth going thru 100's of listings trying to find that one bargain. Now what this individual is doing is perfectly legal, ethical or what ever term you want to use. But it is terribly annoying. Also to the individual seller it kinda limits his ability to sell his few items. Why any buyer with even a miniscule knowledge of this hobby would pay those prices is beyond me.

"If" this is the seller I am thinking of, he also 'Robo-Bids' items from other sellers, at a certain price level, then immediately lists them for sale, at his higher price, from his site..."perfectly legal", as you say, I'm sure.
Is he a collector too?

Does he cruise these boards?

I've paid his prices before (reluctantly) because he has some stuff that comes along once in a blue moon, and usually when they do, (especially in an auction) I end up paying close to his price anyway and could have avoided the frustration of bidding. Knowledge is power in these cases, I'm afraid. Be an informed consumer. Filtering him out is a technique, but if you are after that ONE piece to complete a collection of a long retired series, he maybe your guy...

I've got to say I have also reluctantly bought from him for the same reasons and to be fair the product always comes as described. This is certainly not always the case from e-bay and nor even from one or two dealers to my intense frustration.... Essentially he is charging what the market will bear, and clearly has holding power to wait for the time when you can't find the figure elsewhere, try as you might.
I have given up completely trying to add K&C EA13, the minesweepers, to my Desert War collection due to his Kitty Sniper “Robo-Bidding” tactics, to the point of just letting go as the frustration level is so high, I mean how many sets are you going to hoard for that one big sale to compensate your time and effort as well as monopolize all the good deals on eBay.

Therefore, I give up willingly competing with him for this one set as I work a job for a living and do not bargain trade with my hobby for a profit. I do not think he keeps the resale market inflated with his prices but trying to get a good deal on K&C boxed sets is next to impossible with Sniper Kitty on the prowl.

I know, if you cannot stand the heat stay out of the kitchen so, I do, and I do not try to collect any K&C on eBay that Kitty Sniper is out to make his killing on. I too read his web site and was not impressed with his boasts and yes he is on the forums which makes this thread rather interesting as he has all the rights to Snipe away and brag upon his profits however I would never make any sales with him as I regard his motives as rather self serving and not inspirational to the enjoyment of this hobby.

So I BUY Retail from the good people of (can I say it) TREEFROG and some other eBay sellers that I do really like!

So in retrospect, support the retailers that support your hobby, dam I knew there was a PSA somewhere in this triad, still I wish not to moan and groan about others less genuine, rather bless the ones you trust and like, and turn your other cheek to the ones that offend thee.

If we are talking about a certain collector, I would rather burn my collection than deal with him, so much so I've blocked from bidding on the parts of my collection I'm selling; he's the only bidder I've blocked.
I have given up completely trying to add K&C EA13, the minesweepers, to my Desert War collection due to his Kitty Sniper “Robo-Bidding” tactics, to the point of just letting go as the frustration level is so high, I mean how many sets are you going to hoard for that one big sale to compensate your time and effort as well as monopolize all the good deals on eBay.

Therefore, I give up willingly competing with him for this one set as I work a job for a living and do not bargain trade with my hobby for a profit. I do not think he keeps the resale market inflated with his prices but trying to get a good deal on K&C boxed sets is next to impossible with Sniper Kitty on the prowl.

I know, if you cannot stand the heat stay out of the kitchen so, I do, and I do not try to collect any K&C on eBay that Kitty Sniper is out to make his killing on. I too read his web site and was not impressed with his boasts and yes he is on the forums which makes this thread rather interesting as he has all the rights to Snipe away and brag upon his profits however I would never make any sales with him as I regard his motives as rather self serving and not inspirational to the enjoyment of this hobby.

So I BUY Retail from the good people of (can I say it) TREEFROG and some other eBay sellers that I do really like!

So in retrospect, support the retailers that support your hobby, dam I knew there was a PSA somewhere in this triad, still I wish not to moan and groan about others less genuine, rather bless the ones you trust and like, and turn your other cheek to the ones that offend thee.


An EA013 just sold on ebay for $85 and got only 1 bid. A few sold in Europe for about $150 - about right for a 3 figure set.

If we are talking about a certain collector, I would rather burn my collection than deal with him, so much so I've blocked from bidding on the parts of my collection I'm selling; he's the only bidder I've blocked.

Haha i think that's me!

But I don't collect the desert range or use any sniping tools so it might not be?

Not even close Scott. You're a mate.

Hope you had a good Christmas.


Cheers bud!^&grin

Yeah was good mate soent it with my dad and his girlfriend and we uad dinner at a neighbours house!

Only thing is I have the flu for the first time ever, Christmas day was my first day out my bed for 3 days and it took its toll!

Hope you had a great Christmas bro!^&grin

If we are talking about a certain collector, I would rather burn my collection than deal with him, so much so I've blocked from bidding on the parts of my collection I'm selling; he's the only bidder I've blocked.

I've had a lot of problems from this kitty on trying to complete my collection.I can only wonder where he gets his finances from.Iwill do without before I purchase from him. Ron

Take a look at that!

I managed to find that figure loose at London show 2 years ago for £30.

£70 madness!


When ebay was first getting off the ground it was a wonderful place. I replaced a lot of stuff from my childhood that had been lost or stolen over the years for great prices. Then, sadly, the word got out and unwary buyers began artificially jacking up prices by going bid crazy. And one has to watch that, I've succumbed once or twice myself - you get bid fever competing with someone else and end up paying more than you wanted to or should have for an item.

Ebay is often used as a reference for the value of an item - which is also sad (and crazy) because the prices are often (as I've said) artificially jacked up due to the bidding process.

Occasionally I am still able to find a bargain or even a pretty good buy there but I am much more cautious now. Many of these auctions are an example of PT Barnum's most famous quote about a sucker being born every minute. JMO.
Brad in a prior post you used the term "robo-bids" and then he immediately list it for resale at a higher price. That's a new one for me. Can you briefly explain how that works?
Go on ebay to the search line. Type in King Country. to the right click the category arrow and choose toys and hobbies. Click the big blue search button to the right. It will find 6600 King Country listings including the ones you don't want.

Now remove the ones you don't want.

To the right of the blue search button is the word Advanced. Click it to get a full page menu. Scroll all the way down to the section on Sellers. Check the Only show items from box. Then go down two lines and use the arrow key to change include to exclude. Type in the exact vendor name. Go furthe down the page and click the blue search button.

Presto - the unwanted listings are gone and there are only 4300 King Country listings

Note: the ebay advanced search program easily loses it's advanced settings so you have to start over right from the beginning for most new searches


Brilliant! this will make my searches much more enjoyable to be able to weed out Mr. Undesireable.
I have him blocked as well, he does cruise this (or did) forum looking for friendly collectors passing on there items to who they think are other friendly collector at a bargain so he can gouge on Ebay.
I had a bad experience with him, he bought three sets, 2 singles and a 3 figure set, all common sets. Shipped all 3 back damaged,I checked them out before they went out, perfectly fine, I think he used the purchase to clean out his own damaged stock/inventory at my expense. I was selling a lot of items at the time, probably didn't like the competition. I've sold a lot and never had 3 of 3 damaged in shipment.
Brad in a prior post you used the term "robo-bids" and then he immediately list it for resale at a higher price. That's a new one for me. Can you briefly explain how that works?


That wasn't me. Maybe it was Terry.

Brad in a prior post you used the term "robo-bids" and then he immediately list it for resale at a higher price. That's a new one for me. Can you briefly explain how that works?

Without being able to read minds or intent...

A seller may set an automatic bid on certain sets, from other sellers, at a price where they can resell the item at a good profit, then immediately relist the item at a higher price. The seller may have a number of the items in stock, however by outbidding other bidders, he in essence protects his price...especially on 'retired' or rarer items.

The seller could, of course, be outbid, and not win the auction, but if the original auction goes for over their bid, he has accomplished his aim.

Of course this could all be coincidence...however it seems to occur more often than mathematical probability might account for.

Just an opinion...and I hope that I have not confused it further.

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