Wow Ebay Pricing (1 Viewer)

Without being able to read minds or intent...

A seller may set an automatic bid on certain sets, from other sellers, at a price where they can resell the item at a good profit, then immediately relist the item at a higher price. The seller may have a number of the items in stock, however by outbidding other bidders, he in essence protects his price...especially on 'retired' or rarer items.

The seller could, of course, be outbid, and not win the auction, but if the original auction goes for over their bid, he has accomplished his aim.

Of course this could all be coincidence...however it seems to occur more often than mathematical probability might account for.

Just an opinion...and I hope that I have not confused it further.

ebay is a very different place than it was 10 years ago. If someone wants to occasionally sell a few items on ebay, I think the only clean strategy is to list the item at a price you are happy to sell at and skip the bidding, just make it buy it now

ebay is a very different place than it was 10 years ago. If someone wants to occasionally sell a few items on ebay, I think the only clean strategy is to list the item at a price you are happy to sell at and skip the bidding, just make it buy it now

Terry I disagree think selling by auction is the best way as it pick up more interest and bids from my own experience
I completely disagree with Terry, as well. If you want to do a buy it now, i.e., a fixed price, list it here.
I just sold an item that I had a Buy It Now for $10 but a starting bid at $1.99. That bid was immediately placed eliminating the BIN. The item sold for $21 so yes auction is the way to go.
you really depends on the buyer...

as a buyer...I prefer a "buy it now"...

I just want to do the deal and be done with it...

my primary search is "buy it now"...

not to cut off my nose to spite my face...

I do look at auctions...

but I am way more inclined to do a buy it now and finish the transaction...
It seems that many auction items that get bids often get only one bid anyway. If there are multiple bids it is usually between 2 bidders, maybe 3 and they rarely bid it beyond it's approximate value. IMO, there is more chance an item will sell on one bid at a low starting price than it will get bid up significantly. The days of items being bid up by hundreds of dollars are gone. So what is the point of offering an item for bids. It would have to be a special item that there is sufficient demand for to start a healthy bidding auction - not just a common run-of-the-mill figure that is frequently available.

IMO the day of the bid on ebay for toy soldiers has passed.

Right now there are 6400 K&C items listed on ebay but 4500 are buy it now and only 1900 are for auction. If a certain frequent high priced lister is removed that would leave only 400 items for auction - not very many. No wonder it's hard to find a bargain on ebay anymore or to get a good price on a sale.

It seems that many auction items that get bids often get only one bid anyway. If there are multiple bids it is usually between 2 bidders, maybe 3 and they rarely bid it beyond it's approximate value. IMO, there is more chance an item will sell on one bid at a low starting price than it will get bid up significantly. The days of items being bid up by hundreds of dollars are gone. So what is the point of offering an item for bids. It would have to be a special item that there is sufficient demand for to start a healthy bidding auction - not just a common run-of-the-mill figure that is frequently available.

IMO the day of the bid on ebay for toy soldiers has passed.

Right now there are 6400 K&C items listed on ebay but 4500 are buy it now and only 1900 are for auction. If a certain frequent high priced lister is removed that would leave only 400 items for auction - not very many. No wonder it's hard to find a bargain on ebay anymore or to get a good price on a sale.

Maybe the problem with KC on the secondary market is there to much stuff out there ?
Terry's comment is offered by the way of hindsight. As a seller, I'm not willing to take the chance that there may be one bidder. I set the price at an auction at the minimum price I'd like to receive. If I set it too high and it doesn't attract any bids, I can always lower it when I re-list it. Moreover, there are no listing fees for an auction so it doesn't cost me any more to list it that way than a BIN. Lastly, most of the BIN items come from big sellers than smaller ones so sometimes you have to search for the occasional nugget.

Neil (UK Subs) raises a good point. There is a glut out there of K & C products. I'm not going to get into why or if there is too much product made or if there are a lot of quick buck artists out there.

However, consider this: when you look for retired FL Naps on eBay, there is nary a one to be found. Yes, not one. A few do show up occasionally. People who collect them are obviously hanging onto them and not out there for any appreciation.
Terry's comment is offered by the way of hindsight. As a seller, I'm not willing to take the chance that there may be one bidder. I set the price at an auction at the minimum price I'd like to receive. If I set it too high and it doesn't attract any bids, I can always lower it when I re-list it. Moreover, there are no listing fees for an auction so it doesn't cost me any more to list it that way than a BIN. Lastly, most of the BIN items come from big sellers than smaller ones so sometimes you have to search for the occasional nugget.
Brad that the way I would recommend to sell a item on eBay
Going back a couple of pages on eliminating sellers from your pages, that will work if you use a computer but not if you're using the eBay app on a phone, which is how I look at eBay 90% of the time.

If a buyer is willing to pay X dollars for X product then that buyer has solely, on his or her free will, determined a value for said widget. They buyer gets what he or she wants and the seller gets what he or she wants. End of story. How far is one willing to go to get what they want is a horribly emotional game that all of us have been in. So, when do we say "Uncle"?

Now I agree with all of you in regards to pricing. The increases on the secondary market have been tremendous. I saw a dude list the KC Humvee set for like $2400 bucks...what! Whatever man, I just follow the wisdom of Jazzeum and Mike creates a balance in the toy soldier "force".

John from Texas
Just did a sweep of toy soldiers with suspect eliminated, Wow what a difference! it had become such a drudgery to slog thru all the same rediculous priced listings i've seen a hundred times, it all looked very new and fresh.
As to Balance!? like what a scary thought, no evil leaving peace on earth.^&grin
Just did a sweep of toy soldiers with suspect eliminated, Wow what a difference! it had become such a drudgery to slog thru all the same rediculous priced listings i've seen a hundred times, it all looked very new and fresh.
As to Balance!? like what a scary thought, no evil leaving peace on earth.^&grin

Just so everybody knows, I know Ray very well. He is a stand up guy and love him to death. He is the MAN in Austin and comes up with some interesting and incredible finds. I swear he has a one of those government warehouses with wood crates stamped "Property of MNROCKS" and pulls one out every so often to get some cash for his flat collection.

John from South of Austin Texas
Just so everybody knows, I know Ray very well. He is a stand up guy and love him to death. He is the MAN in Austin and comes up with some interesting and incredible finds. I swear he has a one of those government warehouses with wood crates stamped "Property of MNROCKS" and pulls one out every so often to get some cash for his flat collection.

John from South of Austin Texas

John, merry Christmas and a happy New Year to you, you been kinda quite lately, figured your wife mighta found your stash?:)
Your too kind, I'm just an extreme collector like some here at the forum, but I love the chase!
Actually gettin to the bottom of the bag, though it's kinda funny/scary... Lots of that "empty" space is getting filled with flat sets{eek3}

Naw man, this past year we finally took on building our house and it is extremely time consuming. So, I had no time to do anything but house stuff and still am doing house stuff even though we recently moved in. It seems to never end! My stash was finally revealed when we moved as my wife was the one packing the house and found KC boxes hidden everywhere, so there are moving boxes labeled "CONTRABAND" in my office that I have yet to open. She is finally cool about it though.

See you soon brother,

John from down I-35

Naw man, this past year we finally took on building our house and it is extremely time consuming. So, I had no time to do anything but house stuff and still am doing house stuff even though we recently moved in. It seems to never end! My stash was finally revealed when we moved as my wife was the one packing the house and found KC boxes hidden everywhere, so there are moving boxes labeled "CONTRABAND" in my office that I have yet to open. She is finally cool about it though.

See you soon brother,

John from down I-35

Naw man, this past year we finally took on building our house and it is extremely time consuming. So, I had no time to do anything but house stuff and still am doing house stuff even though we recently moved in. It seems to never end! My stash was finally revealed when we moved as my wife was the one packing the house and found KC boxes hidden everywhere, so there are moving boxes labeled "CONTRABAND" in my office that I have yet to open. She is finally cool about it though.

See you soon brother,

John from down I-35

You said 'naw' haha that's a Scottish way of saying 'no' haha!^&grin


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