Wow, great new stuff from Figarti (1 Viewer)

wow! Metal, that's great! I remember some pics from, I believe it was last Chicago? of the LVT's and there was another version with a larger gun turret?
Is that on the books or what?
Great pictures Carlos!
we don't need a break!
Send more,send more!
That is unless YOU need a break? O.C.
Once again Carlos great outstanding work with the camera and agree with OldCelt a breaks not needed.........The Lt.
Thanks The Lt.

Hey look what I found setting quietly on the Hobby Bunker's Forum.

Rick, please tell us more about these beauties, inquiring minds want to know.



Figarti 1A.jpg

Figarti 2A.jpg

Figarti 3A.jpg

These photos slipped out of the box, they were NOT supposed to be shown until our next E-Newsletter.

But since it is out there in the open, YES.... these are coming.


Sorry about that, I didn't mean "to let the cat out of the bag", but I saw them on the other Forum and they looked so coolI had to post them here.

Best of luck on this release. BTW, the DAK MG Team are great looking.


These photos slipped out of the box, they were NOT supposed to be shown until our next E-Newsletter.

But since it is out there in the open, YES.... these are coming.


Rick - great looking Ancient Ruins Diorama...Great work...Greg
Has any one seen the latest Figarti Newsletter. Some of these pictures were posted before and some are new. What do you think?





That DAK guy holding/firing the mg-34 from the hip looks terrific. K&C's machine gunners are always firing behind sandbags which gets old after awhile. The ruins are cool too.
As always with Figarti, the vehicles are amazing. I also like the ruins. The weathered paint jobs on the figures look good, but the poses/sculpting of the figures are still hit or miss, with some still leaving a lot of room for improvement. The two Afrika Corps Panzer Grenadiers on the left of the photo look pretty natural, but the two on the right just don't look right. Overall, great work though, Rick and company!
The LTV's look really good.I also like those ruins,i wonder if they might be useful to those who collect K&C Egyptian series.


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