WW2 Marines - Pacific (1 Viewer)

Hey Kingtoot:

I've spoken with Richard Conte directly, and the conversation was NOT about Nazies. He told me that, though not on the schedule at this time, Conte WILL address the pacific war, and the MARINES in particular. I know we might have a long wait on them, but one thing is for sure: when he does do them, they will be done right and CORRECTLY helmet covers everything. In the meantime, his GI'S will suffice for Guadalcanal marines, as they were not issued the cammo gear until Tarawa. At least SOMEONE will do them justice!!.............Stryker II
Glad you talked to him about it. It's good to know that someone can make great figures, something other than ETO with great success. I'll start saving my money for all of them exclusively.
1) B24 - good airplane from a technical standpoint. The B17 had better PR and most accounts state that the B17 was more of a "pilot's airplane". The B24 also didn't have quite as much ruggedness as the B17. After WW2 the B24 was mostly scrapped, only a few were still in the US and not many foreign airforces flew them. Some B17s managed to stay on as rescue aircraft, targets, fire bombers, etc. Look at the pedigree of the flyable B17s in the US and England. Most were restored from those secondary duties. Hollywood uses the airplanes that are available, so the B17 gets in most movies.

2) Pacific armor - almost a third of the US seperate tank battalions were in the PTO. The Marines had a few interesting camouflage jobs that add visual interest. The Japanese tanks were outclassed ands few in number, but they did have some interesting colors.

3) It will be interesting to see if there is any effect on Pacific theater models and collectibles when the big HBO epic on the Pacific war comes out next year. A bit of PR can increase interest which should lead to increased sales.

Patience children, patience.

It will be interesting to see if there is any effect on Pacific theater models and collectibles when the big HBO epic on the Pacific war comes out next year. A bit of PR can increase interest which should lead to increased sales.

Patience children, patience.


Hopefully it will because the Clint Eastwood and the Japanese version movies on Iwo Jima did not seem to have any impact. The HBO special might though.

The Consolidated B-24 Liberator was the most produced American combat aircraft of World War II and of all time (18,500) It was used by the US Army Airforce and Navy, Royal Airforce, and Royal Canadian Air Force. It was used in every theatre (Europe, the Pacific, the Mediterranean) It was a more modern design with a higher top speed and greater range and similar bomb load and defensive armament vs the B-17 (13,000 produced). B-17s were used primarily by only the UAAAF in Europe with limited use in the Pacific and by the RAF.

But which bomber is in ALL the movies? Everyone knows the Memphis Belle. Name a famous Libeerator without looking it up. (The B-24 was an ugly airplane and difficult to fly)

My personal opinion is that there was a wealth of armour and types of armour in Europe and North Africa and not in the Pacific which was a carrier and Grunt war. It was not as sexy or as well covered in the news as the European war.


Terry I think there were 19,256 produced.

Here is my fathers' aircraft - Spinazzola Italy 1944.


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No one is "demanding anything" Last time I checked, this is a free country and we are allowed to voice our opinions yay or nay, at least that's what I SERVED FOR.

I love the King & Country Marines, and feel that they are the best figures Andy has ever done--AND HAVE TOLD HIM THAT IN PERSON AND THRU EMAIL.

I am just sick of people and manufactureres, that think the war started and ended in Europe. I also think there is something wrong about keeping the nazies front and center in this industry or any other for that matter. I don't happen to like them or what they did to the world and its people, and I'm sure not going to gratify them by supporting any purchase-- toys or otherwise. Its okay to have some representative enemy forces, but to keep hounding, and asking, and "demanding" as you so have chosen to refer to, for more and more nazi stuff--I just think that is a little weird. There are way too many good allied nations that are not represented in any form or degree that could be honored for thier service and sacrifice, than to keep making the same old nazi trash--over and over and over again!

I will be glad that when the Pacific comes out and leaves Ryan and BOB in the closet, then maybe some smart manufacturer will realize, that maybe there are collectors out there who could give a **** about europe and the nazies in general......................Stryker II

You hit the nail on the head. The WW2 toy soldier hobby is weird. I'll never understand the attraction of all the Nazi garbage. Most of the collectors are American and British and yet the number one seller is the Nazi stuff. There are so many great sets that could be made for the Pacific theater. Blame the collectors. They're very narrow minded and seem to want the same things over and over again.
One thought about the unpopularity of The Pacific Theater. It was remote with most of the survivors who lived through it shell shocked and emotionally ruined for life. A war of no quarter given. A terrible, terrible price paid by both sides. The Japanese High Command perverted the Bushido for their own purposes. Turned their soldiers into automatons. The ferocity with which they fought reached new levels of depravity. Revenge became our driving force. It was horrible. Maybe we have a social desire to forget it or put it behind us.

The price our Marines paid, it does not seem right does it? There is some reason that this series is unpopular. It seems strange given the popularity of the flag raising picture.

All war is horrible. The Japanese made that horror even worse. As bad as the Germans were maybe they some how come across as more civilized? Maybe they had to be as there were more witneses when it came to fighting US troops.

War is hell.

I agree with you and have stated that. I have always felt that the Japs were 100 times the enemy that the germans ever thought about being. I just don't think its fair, that when people speak of D-DAY, they always think of Europe. My step-dad went thru several D-DAYS and none of them involved europe or the germans. The men that fought in the pacific, regardless of country or branch, had the tougher war, and the Marines had the toughest assignments. Anyone that knows anything about history, should know that amphibious warfare is the toughest assignment possible. There is NO retreat, you either take the objective or die trying. The japs could have fought in europe's towns and cities, they already were doing so in China. I doubt VERY seriously if the Germans could have ever defended any of the islands in the pacific. You would think that especially on Memorial Day, all branches and theaters of operation would be remembered, NOT JUST NORMANDY!!! I agree with alot of the WWII vets and anyone that served in the pacific in WWII. Were sick of hearing about Normandy and europe in general. and thats what they told Hanks and Spielberg. It was a very big deal, and thats why they made thier NEW SERIES!!.........Stryker II
Well put Stryker. I had not read your earlier post stating that. I have mixed feelings about getting the K&C Surabachi set. Maybe I will after this. I do have an IWJ set why I do not know how I got it though.:confused:
I haven't read the whole thread, but for me, I like the European front because of the varied armour involved. The Japanese army had fighting spirit, but basically that's all. They had very poor armour & light arms. The Germans seemed ahead of their time with their weaponry. I think, however, for the general market, the problem is lack of proper marketing. The toy soldier companies need to produce some impressive dioramas of say like Tarawa or a massive banzai charge or Marines shooting their flamethrower in a bunker or a Sherman advancing with Marines huddled behind with a Marine on the telephone attached to the back of the tank. KC produced some excellent Marines and Japanese. Figarti produced some very imaginative poses. I didn't buy any, because I didn't have any money for two fronts. Look at the Russian front, not very successful in the past, but I think First Legion is going to change all that with their excellent sculpts. The Pacific theater is a sleeping tiger. Just my take on things.
There is an excellent book available titled "War Without Mercy: Race and Power in the Pacific War" by John Dower, done in 1986 that will explain a lot about the "uncollectability" of the Pacific War. There, in the title, is the dark side of the war, Race. This was not a consideration in Europe that entered into the battle equation amongst the Allies or the Germans. I am not talking about the "Final Solution" or racial politics on the German side. Europe was white vs. white to a large degree on the battlefield. The Pacific was a race war from the start. White vs. Oriental with all it's misconceptions, misunderstandings and basic ignorance about each other. It was a dark underside that influenced both sides and it never went away. Two cultures that did not understand each other, no common ground, was a recipe for war without rules, a true kill or be killed atmosphere, driven by revenge and racial hatred. Not pretty and maybe a reason that the Pacific War does not sell as well as it should amongst collectors. If not THE reason, it is certainly an important influence, IMO. -- lancer

Those dioramas sound very impressive that you stated, wish we could make them happen. I think Figarti had some great poses, but wrong scale for the general collectors, although I did buy some of them, simply because there wasn't anything else on the market. I haven't checked out the new Wake Island series yet, but will look at some pictures soon. I think a good diorama would have a sherman rolling up to a cave with several Marines behind it trying to get the "enemy" to surrender.................Stryker II
The Epic Battles of the Pacific Theater........


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Such as Okinawa..........


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Or Imphal.........


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Aussies vs the Japanese........


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Who says there isn't armor in the Pacific?????

Stryker II
Or Guadalcanal..........


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