WW2 Pacific? (1 Viewer)


Jan 2, 2006
Question for Richard and Ken. What would you think of starting a range of Pacific War figures? I know K&C stated on this forum they aren't interested. Start early in the war like you did with WW1. You could do Wake Island, Battan, Guadalcanal, New Guniea, Singapore etc. Don't start right off with Iwo Jima. There were a lot of different uniforms early in the war and it'd be more interesting. It seems like this is an open market that noone wants to take a chance with. If it's as well done as the rest of your releases, I think it could be a success. Maybe it would be a new market you could open for people who are sick of all of the Nazi stuff that is constantly released.

I feel your pain. Apparently there just isn't enough of a market in the Pacific to justify the investment required. I wish there were.

I've resorted to getting figures and vehicles painted on a customized basis but most of us can't do that.

If you haven't seen it already, please check out the figures on Treefrog's gallery:

http://www.treefrogtreasures.com/album/Carlos Codina/slides/Carlos Codina 45.html

I think the only reason K & C hasn't put out more sets is because they unfortunately don't sell enough. Trust me, if they sold better, there would be more of them out there.
Carlos great photos. Brad I think K&C Iwo Jima releases weren't that good. Maybe that's why they didn't sell. He never really tried anything different.
Maybe if Britains came out with something very unique that catches the eye, they might hit on something.
I'd have to disagree JR. While the first series may not be the greatest, I thought the second series from about two years ago were nicely done. I also don't think Figarti has had huge successes with their Pacific sets.

Carlos, nice photos. Didn't realize they were on the Gallery.
... Brad I think K&C Iwo Jima releases weren't that good. Maybe that's why they didn't sell ...
At the time, Andy thought his 2nd Iwo Jima release was some of the best sculpting by K&C and he was very disappointed by the sales despite the publicity from Flag of Our Fathers. As a result, he stated at various talks that K&C would leave the theme to others.:(
I am fortunate enough to have most of the Japanese and the USMC figures and vehicles from the Iwo Jima series. I am only missing two figure sets and the Sherman.

I find that the first releases were on par with typical K&C figures and vehicles from other series of the time. The same trend to more realistic features and shapes was done with the latest releases. They are very well done figures and I find them to be among my favorite.

I am greatly disappointed in the failure of the market place. It's too bad. The figures are great and well done and I can only imagine that if K&C were to do some with the same increase in quality as they have done with the newer German or US figures, they too would be fantastic.
Great topic JR, ask Carlos what side of the fence I come down on this one. As you pointed out, there are quite a few things you could do; Chindits, Aussies, Ghurkas, Indians, Japanese for Burma, India, Merrills Marauders, early war Americans, etc, etc.

As a dealer, I sadly have to report Pacific themed sets do not sell well, they just do not. K & C, Figarti, etc, different companies, same result. And as others have pointed out, I too thought Andy's Marines and Japanese in the second release were top shelf, brilliant stuff.

Looks like your wishes may not be granted on this one, which really is a shame IMO.................
I agree it's a shame they don't sell but as a collector the Pacific War has no interest for me. Maybe it's the settings (Jungle battles v. battles in the Desert or on the European mainland), that the Pacific War wasn't given top priority in WW II by the Allied powers or that we're more European looking than Asian looking, I don't know, but it just has no interest for most collectors.
Question for Richard and Ken. What would you think of starting a range of Pacific War figures? I know K&C stated on this forum they aren't interested. Start early in the war like you did with WW1. You could do Wake Island, Battan, Guadalcanal, New Guniea, Singapore etc. Don't start right off with Iwo Jima. There were a lot of different uniforms early in the war and it'd be more interesting. It seems like this is an open market that noone wants to take a chance with. If it's as well done as the rest of your releases, I think it could be a success. Maybe it would be a new market you could open for people who are sick of all of the Nazi stuff that is constantly released.

Just caught up with this one.
I also would love to see early Pacific figures, or even pre-1941 figures. As you say, lots of different and IMO more interesting uniforms.

Hi Guys,

Here’s my tuppence worth on the “Pacific War” subject...

Firstly, like many of you I’m a big fan of all the Pacific Campaigns and in fact, the Second World War in Asia. And as a former Marine I’m extremely partial to US Marine figures in action.

So, back in the dim and distant past I thought, “let’s do Iwo Jima”...and so we did. Actually, for it’s time it was a reasonable seller (not a great one but respectable). A few years go by...the old sets are retired...we’ve got a great new team of new sculptors...and Andy thinks let’s go back and revisit Iwo. And so we did...lots of great sculpts...a terrific Amtrack and some pretty neat Japanese...and the result...serious disappointment!

What’s the reason for this? To be honest, I don’t quite know...I know that our friends at Figarti also had disappointing results — and they produced even more Marines than we did!

One major point I totally disagree with is JRSteel’s comment that K&C’s effort were not that good...These last Marines and Japanese are some of my own personal favourites both for sculpting and painting.

I’m still fascinated by the Pacific and South East Asian campaigns but perhaps I’ll leave it for the moment until I can come up with something that is “very unique that catches the eye”. Then I might hit on something...

Until that day...best wishes and happy collecting!

Andy C.
It is hard to explain why the Pacific doesn't sell. It has some iconic American moments. Raising the flag on Iwo Jima is a defining image of the twentieth century. It has great movies Sands of Iwo Jima all the way to Letters from Iwo Jima. It also disproves the people who say that anything American sells. Market Garden and ALamein seem to be more popular than Iwo Jima. It is a bit of a mystery to me.
The military history book market parallels the trend, European Theatre is always more popular then Pacific Theatre, just check out the new book releases, the former is usually double or triple the latter. Also movies on the Pacific theatre don't seem to stay running as long as European ones e.g. "Windtalkers," which I thought would have been a blockbuster since it starred Nicolas Cage, vs. Enemy at the Gates, which had less famous actors but ran longer. I'm not sure if that is a good comparison.:confused:
Have had a good read. Andy's insight was very interesting and I must say fits with my personal experience as well (Also must admit the performance of Andy's second release in particular should in no way be tied to the quality of the figures- they were well done). At Corgi I worked very closely with the USMC and was always astounded to witness the bitterness of feeling toward the enemy after 50-60 years. I did not find as strong a reaction to the enemy in the ETO by veterans. This I believe partially explains the disparity between the two conflicts in terms of "popularity". And for us diorama types it is inherently problematic to build a realistic jungle, as Brad alludes to - a desert or European countryside is much easier to pull off and give great satisfaction at the result.

Long way of saying I like the idea, like the early period approach very much, but it's not too near the top of the list...yet.

Thanks for the ideas - if can't do them all - will at least consider every and all.

Be good,

My two bits worth:

1) Sadly most people still believe that the Pacific War was a sideshow compared to the European battles.

2) A lot of collectors are into the glory of war and the Pacific War is often perceived as being a tainted conflict because of the deep hatred between the belligerents. Perhaps this is partly why the Russian v German sets aren't that popular.

3) Most Pacific actions were amphibious which restricts the attraction to collectors because of the belief that "water" needs to be involved in dioramas etc.

The recent K & C Iwo Jima sets were well detailed imo. However most of the poses were lying or kneeling subjects which aren't as popular as the more upright poses. They were also nearly all battle-action poses rather than the more sedentary poses that collectors seem to like in dios.

Imo the "Iwo Jima" description limited the potential number of collectors as the range was based on one conflict rather than the theatre. The range name lacked the scope to expand to include other belligerents such as the British and Australians. Therefore I feel it was the K & C "Iwo Jima" range that was a flop, the Pacific Theatre still has plenty of potential imo. Of course it was soon realised that the movie "Flags of our Fathers" was a flop, which didn't help figure sales at all.
Speaking of movies, have you had a chance to see "Kokoda" and if so, what are your thoughts? Consider that I am into battles/action/combat such as Saving Private Ryan, but I am also into a good story such as Days of Glory........

Man this forum gets tiresome. I simply asked WBritain if they had any interest in the Pacific. I mentioned K&C stated they wouldn't be doing it and I didn't like the Iwo Jima figures, big deal right. Well here comes the K&C brigade. I have to hear Brad state for the umpteenth he has no ineterest in the Pacific. Who cares! I asked Britains if they had interest not you. I guess you think if your not interested, noone else must be. Oh and Andy, I'm sure if you put your mind to it you can come up with "something that would catch the eye". Too bad it would probably turn out to be a Hitler Youth Parade or an SS firing squad etc etc. ad nauseum.
I think you are taking the posts wrong. I am a huge Britains and K&C collector, like them all, no particular favorite. On top of that I like the pacific, yet I think 2 valid points were made here by all parties, I took away:

1. Richard - hard to dio out the conflict due to jungles, terrain, etc.
2. Andy - for some reason couldn't get them to sell even after max effort and happiness with sculpts.

Also, I can tell you based on figartis deep discounting of their own figs, they didn't sell well and they had some neat pieces.

So, I wouldn't call this a K&C vs Britains, I think it was just answers.

I think you are taking the posts wrong. I am a huge Britains and K&C collector, like them all, no particular favorite. On top of that I like the pacific, yet I think 2 valid points were made here by all parties, I took away:

1. Richard - hard to dio out the conflict due to jungles, terrain, etc.
2. Andy - for some reason couldn't get them to sell even after max effort and happiness with sculpts.

Also, I can tell you based on figartis deep discounting of their own figs, they didn't sell well and they had some neat pieces.

So, I wouldn't call this a K&C vs Britains, I think it was just answers.


I was fine with Andy's answer until I got to the end and he had to include his snide comments. He's entirely too thin skinned. I can say on this forum I don't like particular figures. I think a lot of the stuff he does is great like Americans at Battle Of The Bulge 8th, Army etc. I don't like everything Britains does either.
I understand Richard's reply about scenery. Phony looking palm trees look bad.
But I'm just into the figures. I guess Figarti makes good vehicles but I don't think their figures are good yet.
I would love to see Figarti do a USMC M4 Sherman with wood side panels. I think figarti vehicles are right up there with the best of them.

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