Yellow Wings Aviation (1 Viewer)


Command Sergeant Major
Feb 2, 2013
Hi John, (yes, I've learned that you're out there somewhere :wink2: )

I know that you enjoy boldly going where no TS-manufacturer has gone before, so here's some uncharted territory:


You no doubt realize that the personnel that you see above are wearing color-coded caps and jersies. Here's a key to the garb, circa 1935-45:

Blue = Plane Handlers
Red = Fuel & Ordnance
Brown = Plane Captains
Green = Deck Maintenance
Yellow = Plane Directors
White = Flight Deck Officer(s)

Gathered up in a gaggle like that, they wouldn't make for much of a display. However, when coupled with aircraft replicas, they could make for quite the visual extravaganza:





Obviously, as shown, we're talking about a pre-war setting with teak-colored decking and yellow-winged aircraft. However, those exact same figures can be used with WW2 warbirds operating off of blue-decks. In other words, the figures would be interchangeable with a completely different setting and a completely different style and era of model replica:


As for an aircraft, here's a little-bitty one that's a favorite of both ** and myself, the Boeing F4B-4:


I've actually been waiting for years for an opening to suggest this, BTW. I realize that this is niche product, sets that would mostly appeal to naval aviation buffs. However, the slate is absolutely clean as far as TS-product is concerned for such a range. There's a void here; why not fill it? If there's anything that I can do to help make it so, please let me know. I'd be happy to research things for you, whatever it takes!

Thanks for reading this,


Repost from the Hobby Bunker forum
I like all those suggestions. We need some Allied Pacific theatre planes and ground crew for sure. They would look incredible in my display case. ^&cool
He said Yellow wings...Boeing F4B...Navy wings are made of gold...I'm in. ^&grin:salute::^&cool -- Al
He said Yellow wings...Boeing F4B...Navy wings are made of gold...I'm in. ^&grin:salute::^&cool -- Al

This must be what 'rounding up the usual suspects' is in the TS world. Who would have guessed the identity of the first four posters?{sm4}
He said Yellow wings...Boeing F4B...Navy wings are made of gold...I'm in. ^&grin:salute::^&cool -- Al

Hi Al,

IMO, it's important to emphasize the fact that John already has the methods and materials for this sort of manufacture down pat:



Above, a white-tailed F4B-4 from a different carrier, Saratoga CV-3.

And below, two additional types, a Curtiss BFC-2 and a Grumman F3F-2:



Boy, did the USN have the "toy-airplane look" down or what? IMO, any of the models above would make for an awesome display with some nice figure sets, ones patterned after the excellent "ground-crew" type that Jenkins made for KotS.

For our readers who may be unaware of this, the colors on the tail and other surfaces were yet another kind of identifier code. The tail color denoted which deck the aircraft was assigned to, while the combination of cowling, wing-mounted chevron and fuselage stripe, graphically indicated its squadron number, typically 1 thru 18.

That is a plus, correct?:wink2:


Yes ... I suppose it is!

Why not hit JJD up for the figures and try to get twenty people together and see if TG will make the plane?

Apologies for mentioning another manufacturer, but perhaps if either, or both, note that our dance card is blank, they may be stirred into action.

Having said that, my mind cleared and I realised that JJD would not make ground crew without a plane ... anyway ... for one bright shining moment there was Camelot.
Yes ... I suppose it is!

Why not hit JJD up for the figures and try to get twenty people together and see if TG will make the plane?

Apologies for mentioning another manufacturer, but perhaps if either, or both, note that our dance card is blank, they may be stirred into action.

Having said that, my mind cleared and I realised that JJD would not make ground crew without a plane ... anyway ... for one bright shining moment there was Camelot.
I have no doubt that either JJD or TGM could make an excellent aircraft for this period. The problem is that TGM's chosen material (wood) has proven to be out of my price range. I believe JJD could produce the small Boeings or Grummans at a price point I could afford. That is just my thought and might not hold water if TGM changed to less expensive materials. If there is one thing I like as much as WW1 aircraft, it's interwar Boeings, Curtiss', and Grummans. I suppose I have to stop being so subtle. -- Al
Yes ... I suppose it is!

Why not hit JJD up for the figures and try to get twenty people together and see if TG will make the plane?

Apologies for mentioning another manufacturer, but perhaps if either, or both, note that our dance card is blank, they may be stirred into action.

Having said that, my mind cleared and I realised that JJD would not make ground crew without a plane ... anyway ... for one bright shining moment there was Camelot.

Hi Jack,

I honestly think that John can sell "the planes" in the USA. I don't want to make my countrymen sound shallow, but, if the model is pretty enough, they'll buy it. Another positive is that there's plenty of decal support for the F4B-4model:


Yellow wings pretty...shiny and must have pretty airplane. Is that too subtle?^&grin -- Al
Moe, nothing more beautiful in aviation than the yellow wings. Works of art. Don't think John's schedule has room for it, but we can dream. Count me in if it happens. Chris
I'm neither an American nor a huge aviation buff but I think it's a great idea so count me in as well.

Biplanes of any era look fantastic to me and John clearly excels at making them.
Don't think John's schedule has room for it, but we can dream.

Hi Chris,

I wanted to put my vote in, just in case JJD decides to expand its offerings with a new range. IMO, it could do a LOT worse than what I've suggested.

You listening, John?:wink2:

Yellow wings pretty...shiny and must have pretty airplane. Is that too subtle?^&grin -- Al

Hi Al,

Don't know if you noticed the decals or not. There was a considerable amount of stenciling on the P-12e/F4B-4, all of which are pretty well documented. For fellas who don't collect KotS, John does great work with stenciling on his models. In fact, I've come across several applications that I didn't realize were there until I inadvertently found them in pictures that I took with a macro lens! Very cool in the detail department.:cool:

Hi Al,

Don't know if you noticed the decals or not. There was a considerable amount of stenciling on the P-12e/F4B-4, all of which are pretty well documented. For fellas who don't collect KotS, John does great work with stenciling on his models. In fact, I've come across several applications that I didn't realize were there until I inadvertently found them in pictures that I took with a macro lens! Very cool in the detail department.:cool:

Moe, I did notice the stenciling on the F4B decals and the JJD models, however, reading the stencils is problematic with my old eyes. It is nice to know the detail is there. I do like 'The Professionals'. Has always been a favorite print of mine.^&cool -- Al
The yellow wing biplanes are great suggestions, would anyone be interested in one of these .....


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